The Erasmus Mundus Master in Marine Environment starts
45 students from 25 countries study the sustainability of ocean services, climate change and marine pollution
- News
First publication date: 29/01/2024

The 18th edition of the Erasmus Mundus Master in Marine Environment starts at the UPV/EHU with the first module of the international postgraduate course “Research in Marine Environment and Resources - RiMER 2024”, which inaugurates on January 29th at the Donostia-San Sebastián Aquarium (January 29 - February 2). UPV/EHU, AZTI-BRTA and Oceanographic Foundation of Gipuzkoa collaborate in the organization of this course.
The 45 students of the RiMER 2024 course come from Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, China, Philippines, Malaysia, South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, USA, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, El Salvador, Argentina, Germany, United Kingdom, Poland, Portugal, France and Spain. Over 5 days, 18 prestigious scientists and researchers will stimulate your interest in current issues as relevant as the sustainability of ocean services, the impact of climate change and ocean pollution. The session on Friday the 2nd will be dedicated to the INGURUDOK Seminar of the UPV/EHU, in which 11 doctoral students present their doctoral thesis projects, thus giving the RiMER 2024 students a vision of the latest research carried out in this area within the scope of the MER consortium.
RiMER 2024 will be completed with a day dedicated to women marine scientists on May 8th, a day dedicated to professional opportunities in the field of marine sciences on June 7th, and a module from June 18 to 21 at the Plentzia Marine Station (PiE-UPV/EHU), headquarters of this Erasmus Mundus Master coordinated by the UPV/EHU ( Discussed topics will be threats to ocean health, biotechnological applications for sustainable marine aquaculture and exploration of marine biodiversity, with the participation of 16 guest lecturers from around the world.
Erasmus Mundus Master at the Experimental Marine Biology and Biotechnology Research Centre (Plentziako Itsas Estazioa; PiE-UPV/EHU)
Starting on February 5th, students will continue their studies to obtain at the end of 2025 a joint Master's degree officially recognized by the universities of Southampton, Bordeaux, Liège, Azores and UPV/EHU, with the European Erasmus Mundus label. They began their studies in September in Bordeaux, Azores or Southampton, where they have completed a first semester of general instruction in oceanography and the marine environment. They now join the UPV/EHU, where until July they will be trained in more specific issues, especially biological ones, both at the PiE-UPV/EHU and at the Faculty of Science and Technology. Thus, they will prepare to pursue specialization studies in Southampton, Azores or Liège during the third semester of the master's degree. Subsequently, they must carry out their own research work for 5-6 months, anywhere in the world, under the supervision of the MER Consortium faculty or researchers of recognized excellence from other countries and associated institutions around the world.
Since its inception in 2006, more than 550 students from more than 71 countries have already completed this Erasmus+ master's degree. The MER Master was awarded the Erasmus+ Good Practices Label, which recognizes that it has been one of the Erasmus Mundus master's degrees highlighted for its excellent management and that it can be a source of inspiration for others.