International week at the Vitoria-Gasteiz School of Engineering
- News
First publication date: 21/03/2022

The Faculty of Engineering of Vitoria-Gasteiz has held an International Week focused on 'Production management, simulation and manufacturing plants'. This Faculty at the Alava Campus of the University of the Basque Country is part of the Euclides Network (European Schools of Engineering), made up of 18 universities from 8 countries.
Each year, International Weeks are organized in different Faculties of Engineering which consist of a series of one-week specific courses for students from other Universities. In the case of the Faculty of Engineering of Vitoria-Gasteiz, the objective has been to introduce attendees to simulation technology through virtual reality, production management and simulation of manufacturing plants.
15 students have participated in this International Week from these Faculties and Universities; HEIG-VD (Switzerland), the University of Udine (Italy), Hasselt University (Belgium), the Haute École Louvain en Hainaut (Belgium) and the University School in Dornbirn (Austria). The teaching team, part of the Business Organization department of the UPV/EHU (Rosa María Rio, Javier Fernández Aguirrebeña and Aitor Ruiz de la Torre) has had the support of José Antonio Muiña (an expert in simulations from FlexSim Iberia), Luca Gualtieri (an expert in collaborative robotics in the industry), and Rafael Rojas (an expert in Industry 4.0 laboratories) both from the University of Bolzano-Italy.
The International Week has included sessions with theoretical classes, interaction in virtual reality and visits to top companies leading these technologies as Bridgestone and Ulma Handling Systems.
On the other hand, within this same initiative, 13 students from the Faculty of Engineering of Vitoria-Gasteiz have participated in 3 International Weeks at 2 Belgian universities. Specifically, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities' organised at UCLL, 'Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure and Buildings' organised at the University of Antwerp and 'Sustainable energy in an IoT world' organised at the KU Leuven Campus Ghent.