Zabaltza, Xabier
(Department of Contemporary History, Faculty of Letters)

Xabier Zabaltza Pérez-Nievas is Senior Lecturer in Contemporary History at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). His area of specialization is the history of collective identities and languages, as well as the representative institutions of the Old Regime, especially those of Basqueland.
His academic work includes the books Mater Vasconia. Lenguas, fueros y discursos nacionales en los países vascos (2005) and Una historia de las lenguas y los nacionalismos (2006 and 2010), as well as articles in specialised revues, such as Historia Contemporánea, Historia y Política, Nations and Nationalism and Parliaments, Estates & Representation. In his Basque-language essay Gu, nafarrok (2007), which was published in Spanish as Nosotros, los navarros (2009), he explores critically opposing identities in Navarre. He is, moreover, the author of a biography in Basque of the most important of the precedents of Basque nationalism, the Souletin writer Augustin Chaho/Agosti Xaho (Aitzindari bakartia, 2011), which was also published in Spanish and French. With Iván Igartua he has written A Brief History of the Basque Language (2012, 2016 and 2021) in English, Spanish, Basque, and French.
Since he joined the Department of Contemporary History of the UPV/EHU, he has participated in five Research Groups and Projects, led by Professors Agirreazkuenaga and Urquijo.