Villa, María José
(Department of Contemporary History, Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences)

Researcher in the Department of Contemporary History at the University of the Basque Country, where she has developed her research activity since the year 2006. Lecturer in the Associated Centre of the UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia [National University of Distance Education]) in Biscay since 2019.
Degree in History from the University of Deusto (2005), Master’s Degree in Contemporary History from the University of the Basque Country with a prize for the best student (2011), and PhD in History from the University of the Basque Country, with a thesis with an international mention, evaluated with the highest qualification.
She has developed her research activity in the consolidated research group “Biography & Parliament”, specialising in research lines dealing with the analysis of elites through collective biography and prosopographic analysis.
In developing this work she has participated as a coordinator and researcher in different projects, notabe amongst which are the project Diccionario biográfico de los parlamentarios españoles (1810-1854) (Biographical Dictionary of Spanish Parliamentarians [1810-1854]) funded by the Spanish Parliament, and the Diccionario biográfico de alcaldes de Bilbao (1937-1979 (Biographical Dictionary of Mayors of Bilbao [1937-1979]).
Together with her research activity in the “Biography & Parliament” group, she is developing new lines of research focusing on the biographies of women, the feminist movement in Spain and knowledge transfer.