Lázaro Pulido, Manuel
(Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, UNED)

1. Training
Master in Philosophy, University (U.) of Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne) (1996); PhD in Philosophy from the Pontifical U. of Salamanca - UPSA Extraordinary Award (2003); Degree and Master in Theology from the Catholic U. of Portugal - UCP (2012); Master in Arts and Humanities, U. of Murcia (2014); Degree in Religious Sciences. UCP (2014); Master in Fundamental Theology, Theological Institute of Murcia - Pontifical U. Antonianum of Rome (2015).
2. Teaching
Favourable Resolution for access to the FULL PROFESSOR, Knowledge Branch of Art and Humanities (2019). Currently: Assistant Doctor, Dep. of Philosophy of the UNED and Guest Professor in the Own Title of Digital Humanities at the Francisco de Vitoria U.-UFV. He has taught in various university Centres: Pontifical Catholic U. of Ecuador and FLACSO-Ecuador (1997-1998); Sciences Religious Institute of Extremadura (UPSA) (2003-2008 and 2013-2017); Theological Institute of Cáceres (UPSA); U. do Porto (Portugal) (2009-2013); UCP (Portugal) (2013-2017); U. Studies Centre (Rey Juan Carlos U.) (2016-2017) and Honorary Collaborator at the Complutense University of Madrid (2009-2011). Member of the GID2016-11 'University Excellence: Critical Transversal Knowledge', UNED. Director of 3 doctoral theses, he has participated in 20 doctoral thesis panels.
3. Research and transfer
He is currently a Research Professor at the Institute of History and Ecclesiastical Sciences (UPSA) (2019- ). Associated researcher (2016-) of the Dep. of CC. of the Law of the Bernardo O'Higgins U. (Santiago, Chile). Integrated Researcher at the Centro de Estudos Filosóficos e Humanísticos - CEFH of the UCP (2021-). He has been Integrated Researcher of the Centre for the Study of Portuguese Thought, UCP (2014-2015). Collaborating Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, U. of Porto - UP (2013-2014). Integrated and Assistant Researcher, FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) at the UP (2008-2013).
Currently is a member of the Institute of Hispanic Studies in Modernity (U. of the Balearic Islands) (2016-) and the CEFi, UCP (2015-). IP of the Research Group (RG) GI115 - Hermeneutics and legal argumentation of the UNED, he participates in several RG at Complutense University of Madrid (2016-), UPSA (2016-) and the Argentine Catholic University (2014-) and on the subject of the project in the RG Digital Humanities. Francisco de Vitoria U. (2019-).
He has participated and is participating in 20 research projects. 2 as IP in Portugal, 2 as International Advisor in the U. of Saitama and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2011-2012 and 2013-2015) the rest as member. He has participated in three research contracts 1 as member (U. of Extremadura and Ministry of Health, Government of Extremadura), 2 as IP in the U. Mikolaja Kopernica and the Ministry of Justice, Poland.
Contracted evaluator at the National Science Centre (NCN) of Poland (2014-) and at the European Commission's Research Executive Agency in the programme H2020-MSCA-IF-2016, Marie Sklodowska-Curie 2016-2017 External in CONICYT, Government of Chile (2015, 2016 and 2020).
Publications: (A) Books: 9 authors, 20 ed., 75 chapters; (B) Articles: 137. In the last 5 years: 6 in WOS and 15 in Scopus. Index h: 5, Index i10: 2.
Congresses: Organizer of 39 national and international congresses and meetings, and participation in 82.