
Arregi, Joseba

(Department of Didactics of Social Sciences, Teacher’s Training School)


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Associate Professor in the Department of Didactics of the Social Sciences of the Faculty of Education and Sports of the UPV/EHU since 2013.

Degree in Communication Sciences from the UPV/EHU (1987), Master in Journalism and Global Studies –Third World Development Support, from the Center for International and Comparative Studies, University of Iowa (USA) (1994), and PhD in Political Sciences from the UPV/EHU (2010).

He has made stays as a pre-doctoral researcher at the University of Iowa (USA) (2005 and 2006). As part of his teaching activity in undergraduate studies he promoted, teaches and currently coordinates the Minor in Interculturality in the Faculty of Education and Sports of the UPV/EHU. He has directed one Master thesis and 25 Final Projects for undergraduate courses. His research career has been positively evaluated with one research sexennium (2009-2014).

Previously he was a teacher on the “Training Program for Indigenous Leaders” (Programa de Formación de Líderes Indígenas) of Deusto University and the High Commissioner of the United Nations (2000-2015) and Teaching Assistant in the Spanish Department of the University of Iowa (1990-1993).

He develops his research activity on subjects related to cultural resilience in a globalised world, focusing especially on the case of indigenous peoples and migrant collectives, with special attention to the field of Intercultural Education and Global Education and Education for Democratic Citizenship. In his pre-doctoral stage he participated in the research project “Una Nueva Pedagogía de las Relaciones Internacionales” (1998-2000) in the International Relations Department of the UPV/EHU, and subsequently in the following research projects: “Centro de Documentación del Concierto Económico y Haciendas Forales” (2012-2015); “Análisis prosoprográfico de parlamentarios de Vasconia. 1977-1982” (2012-2014), “Estudio de las élites políticas de Vasconia”, “Modelo de Prosoprografía Parlamentaria” (2015-2018); “Bilbopedia. Enciclopedia Ilustrada del Bilbao Metropolitano” (2012-2014) and since 2011-2016 in “Proyectos de Fortalecimiento del Sistema de Educación Bilingue Ecuador” funded by the Foral Deputation of Alava.

He is the author or co-author of 39 publications including books, book chapters and articles published in Spain, the United States, Brazil and Portugal. Outstanding amongst these is a publication in the field of Active Learning Methodologies aimed at university staff.

He is also active in the publishing field as a member of the editorial committee of the journal Fourth World Quarterly (2016-2018).