
Anchústegui, Esteban

(Department of Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology, Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology)


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Full Professor of Political Philosophy at the UPV/EHU. Graduate in Philosophy and Law from this University, and Doctor in Philosophy also from the UPV/EHU.

Teacher for over 40 years, initially combining teaching in secondary and university education, and, since 1996, with exclusive dedication to teaching and research at the UPV/EHU (6 five-year teaching periods recognised, as well as recognition in the Docentiaz programme, calls 2016 and 2021).

He has taught in undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and master's degree programmes. Responsible for more than 10 years for the Doctoral Programmes "Current Problems in Philosophy" and "Culture and Society". He has supervised 22 doctoral theses (ten with International Mention and three with Extraordinary Prize) and more than 60 Master's, Bachelor's and Research Proficiency Theses. Accredited as Full Professor by ANECA, has complement A1 (recognition of excellence in teaching and research) by UNIBASQ.

He has participated in more than 20 research projects at the UPV/EHU and other universities. He is currently a member of the Biography & Parliaments research group (consolidated group of level A of the Basque Government). Lehendakari Agirre Award from the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, aimed at recognising research in the field of political science, for the research work "Actualidad y retos de la filosofía política", in 2011. Three six-year research periods recognized by CNEAI.

With more than 200 publications including journal articles, book chapters and full-length books; he has presented more than 50 contributions at national and international conferences, organising these events on many occasions.

Research stays in foreign universities, such as University of Nevada (Reno, USA), Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins (Chile), Universidad San Sebastián (Chile), Università degli Studi di Palermo (Italy), Stony Brook University (New York, USA), Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco (Peru) or Universidad de Potiguar (Brazil). These stays have been framed within the framework of different competitive programmes (Research Mobility of the Basque Government, etc.), as well as at the express invitation of these universities. In addition to these stays, he has taught courses as part of the Erasmus programme at the Università degli Studi di Palermo (Italy), and has also been invited to teach doctorate, degree and specialist courses at other universities, such as the Consorcio Universitario di Agrigento (Italy), the University of Seville, the Centro Universitario María Cristina (a centre attached to the Universidad Complutense de Madrid), the Universidad Andina del Cusco (Peru) and the University of Malaga.

Referee of different indexed journals such as Religions, Araucaria, RIEV, Storia e Politica, Historia Contemporánea, Política y Cultura, Praxis Filosófica, Príncipe de Viana, Revista Deusto de Derechos Humanos, Comprendre, Analíticos o Eunomía, to name a few of them; he is a member of the Editorial and Scientific Council of journals such as Revista Studi Storici Siciliani, Araucaria, Res Publica or Cuadernos de Ética y Filosofía Política, among others.

In terms of management tasks, he is the Director of the Limes Political Thought Collection, being the director and editor of the 29 volumes published. Secretary of the Department of Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology, member of the Board of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, of the Basque Language Commission, of the Commission that promoted the current Degree in Philosophy adapted to the EHEA, and of other evaluation commissions (extraordinary doctorate prizes, reports for the approval of doctoral theses, etc.). Involved in the Latin American Postgraduate Network since its beginnings, he is a member of the Academic Committee of the Master's Degree in Philosophy in a Global World, one of the master's degrees that make up the Network.

He has shared his knowledge with society through his participation in different radio and television programmes and in the written press. To mention just a few newspapers, El País or Diario Vasco, on radio Euskadi Irratia (Radio Euskadi) and on television the Egunon Euskadi programme on EiTB (Radio Televisión Vasca), in which he participates with his analysis of current political events.

Some of the awards he has received as a result of his professional career are: Numerary Friend of the Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del País, Visiting Professor of the Universidad del Alba (Chile), Honorary Professor at the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco (Peru), Honorary Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Professor at the Universidad Rafael Landívar (Guatemala), Distinguished Visitor of the Postgraduate School of the Universidad Andina del Cusco (Peru) or Honorary Member of the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Cusco (Peru).