
Traineeship Mobility

Once your home university has nominated you respecting the steps and dates indicated in the Information and Application section, these are the steps to follow:

  1.     We contact you to ask for your Curriculum Vitae and a motivation letter indicating at least two research groups in our School with which you would like to do your internship. When you send these documents, we look for a supervisor for your internship in our School and provide you with her/his contact details.
  2.     You send to your Traineeship Agreement, signed by you and your university (template available below).
  3.     We check it, sign it and write to you confirming your admission. We will also ask you for the other necessary documentation:
  •     copy of your passport/identity card
  •     photo
  •     address and telephone number (in your country) and address in Bilbao (necessary data to manage your UPV/EHU card)
  •     copy of your medical insurance
  •     copy of your travel assistance insurance
  •     copy of your civil liability insurance

Remember that insurance is compulsory and that you must send it at least two weeks before arriving in Bilbao. Otherwise, you will not be able to stay at our School.