
Calendar and Schedules

2024/25 Academic Calendar

Here you can check all the information about the academic calendar: exam dates, holidays, public holidays, etc. Please note that there may be differences between Bachelor's Degrees and Master's Degrees, and even between different Master's Degrees.



In order to check the timetables of the subjects it is necessary to know the degree and the course to which each of them corresponds.
To see the timetable

  1.     Go to You do not need to enter any username or password. Just click on the calendar (‘Timetable’) on the left side of the page.
  2.     On the next screen you will see three columns. Go to the one in the middle (‘Section’) and choose Bilbao School of Engineering.
  3.     Now, go to the left column (‘Groups’) and choose the degree and the group you are interested in.
  4.     For example, for Digital Systems (in English), which is taught in the third year of the Degree in Communication Technology Engineering, you should look for 306-3º-61-Grado en Ing. en Tec. de Telecom. English.
  5.     Choose the week in the column on the right, to see the timetables of the theoretical and practical classes of the subject. You must do it week by week, to ensure that there are no collisions with the rest of your subjects.

Please note that...

  •     There may be different groups with different timetables, depending on the degree and course. For example:

        Groups in Spanish: 01, 02, 03 (morning); 16, 17 (afternoon)
        Groups in Basque: 31, 32 (morning); 46 (afternoon)
        Groups in English: 61, 66 (morning)

Example: 306-3º-61-Grado en Ing. en Tec. de Telecom. English

School/Faculty Code: 306
Year: 3rd
Group: 61
Qualification: Degree in Telecommunication Tech.
Language: English

  •     There are different types of classes (not all subjects have all types):
    •         Lecture: in the classroom (theory, problems), the same every week of the term. You can see where the classroom is. If it says ‘Theory’ or PA1, it is the same.
    •         Laboratories (GL1, GL2, GL3... or PL1, PL2, PL3...). The theory group is divided into subgroups for the laboratories. Each student must be in only one subgroup, and can choose the one that best suits his or her schedule.

Laboratories are not taught every week.