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LoTu_Cotidianeidad local y turismo. Método para la evaluación de correlaciones entre las características espaciales y las dinámicas urbanas

The main objective of this proposal is to create a systematic and exportable method at a municipal scale to study the dynamics of people in the city through new geolocalized data sources. A spatio-temporal approach to the real use of people in the city through the identification of stagnant spaces, landmarks and flows.

Methods for obtaining data with a spatio-temporal component are selected and defined and classified in a matrix grouping them by occupancy patterns (Google Places, Google Maps), dynamic consumption zones (banking data, mobile data), mobility (stops, transport nodes and routes); urban landmarks (Instagram); tourism (Flickr, Tripadvisor, Airbnb). The method is applied to the case study of Donostia-San Sebastian.

As a result, a sequential visualization of the different data sources representing the urban dynamics of the city of Donostia-San Sebastian is obtained. This allows us to know the existing patterns of movements in the urban environment of the city and to make them visible, provoking a reflection and awareness of the diagnosis made.


Research staff

Lead researcher: Olatz Grijalba (Department of Architecture - CAVIAR Group)

  • Mikel Barrena-Herrán (Department of Architecture - CAVIAR Group)
  • Itziar Modrego-Monforte (Department of Architecture - CAVIAR Group)


Other project information

  • Locator: IK-22-001
  • Year: 2022
  • Keywords: Urban vitality, Urban dynamics, Data visualization, Time Geography, Location Based Social Network
  • Program name: Convocatoria 2022 del Programa de Red Guipuzcoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
  • Project type: Proyecto de I+D+i financiado en convocatoria competitiva
  • Funding entity: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
  • Participating entitiesk: OPIK (Bilbao), GIAU+S | ABIO (Madrid), Universidad Alicante (Alicante)
  • Start date: 2022-09-01
  • Duration: 12 months
  • Total amount: 80.509 €