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They found life on earth

Este sábado 31 de mayo  y hasta el 8 de junio,va a tener lugar la presentación del poyecto THEY FOUND LIFE ON EARTH/BIZITZA BILATU ZUTEN LURREAN/ENCONTRARON VIDA EN LA TIERRA en la Calle Cortes nº 20, Bilbao.

Un grupo de artistas se unen en un esfuerzo colectivo y espontaneo para poner en uso un espaciovacio en la calle cortes. La mayoria de ellos son residentes temporales de este barrio de san francisco, interrelacionándose con sus gentes y lugares cotidianos. La exposicion consiste en esculturas, fotografías, monotipos e instalaciones, reflexionando sobre arquitectura, arte, urbanismo,estructuras sociales y paisaje.

Este proyecto lo han realizado los/as artistas Iranzu Antona, Zuhar Iruretagoiena Labeaga, Iago Rey de la Fuente, Tom Richardson, Antonio R. Montesinos, Nils Mollenhauery Jørund Aase Falkenberg

A group of artists come together in a collective and spontanous effort to put in use an empty space in

Calle de Cortes, Bilbao. Most of them are temporary residents in this neighbourhood of San

Francisco, relating to its people and places daily. The exhibition, consisting of sculpture,

photography, print and installation, reflects on architecture, art, urbanism, social structures and


Opening hours: Sun 1st, Sat 7th & Sun 8th of June 15.00-19.00

(or by appointment; call 633 516 536)

About the artists´ works:

Iranzu Antona’s (ES) photographic installation ‘Hacer Paisage’ is investigating the relationship

between the natural environment and its cultural perception. In this process she is also producing

landscape herself.

Iago Rey de la Fuente (ES) presents a set of wooden sculptures in medium format, where formal

elements of sculpture and architecture combine in escultoric devices.

Zuhar Iruretagoiena Labeaga (ES) is displaying two photographs called ”Socialism or Barbary”, a

political claim from Leon Trotsky. By this she is questioning social ideas and structuring of society.

Tom Richardson (UK) is working with the combination of printing and painting. He is collecting and

reproducing shapes and figures from Bilbao and its surroundings, resulting in abstract interpretations

of the city.

Antonio R. Montesinos (ES) uses in his on-going project called ”Inopias” recycled and poor materials

to make scale models of imaginary cities. These are subjective micro-fictions questioning the current

model of society and the possibility for alternatives.

Nils Mollenhauer (D) is showing photographic reproductions of artworks in two series, starting a

dialogue between one of the most famous art museum collections and the Museo Reproducciones


Jørund Aase Falkenberg (NO) shows sculptural works with an amorphous character. One of them

consisting of torn and intertwined textiles and clothing found in the San Francisco area over the last




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