MA中西文化艺术工作室和西班牙巴斯克国家政府文化部携手在中国举办第一次艺术展,参展的艺术家为来自西班牙巴斯克毕尔巴鄂的 Lorea Alfaro 和 Tasio Ardanaz。Lorea作品主要关注镜头下中国人民的照相方式与照相器材的互动,她所感兴趣的是影像和背景的关系。 Tasio是画家,我们能从这个展览看到他怎样将在中国学到的绘画知识转变到他杰出的画幅上。
MA Studio and The Culture Department of the Basque Government present the first art show in China of Lorea Alfaro (Estella 1982) and Tasio Ardanaz (Pamplona 1978). Lorea check it out in her works the way as chinese people interact with the photo cameras, she is interested in the idea of the portrait and the backgrounds relationship. Tasio is a painter, we will be able to see in this show how he transform his experiences in China in wonderful paintings.
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