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Disinfectant activity of a portable ultraviolet C equipment

Este es el resumen de nuestro trabajo científico «Disinfectant activity of a portable ultraviolet C equipment» que ha sido publicado en la revista International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Felicito a mis colegas Andrea Guridi, Elena Sevillano, Iñigo Lafuente, Estibaliz Mateo y Elena Eraso, por su excelente trabajo.

El trabajo completo está en International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (es de acceso libre)

Este es su Resumen:

Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) can be caused by microorganisms present in common practice instruments generating major health problems in the hospital environment. The aim of this work was to evaluate the disinfection capacity of a portable ultraviolet C equipment (UV Sanitizer Corvent® -UVSC-) developed to disinfect different objects. For this purpose, six pathogens causing HAIs: Acinetobacter baumanniiBacillus subtilisEscherichia coliPseudomonas aeruginosaStaphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans, were inoculated on slides and discs of different biomaterials (borosilicate, polycarbonate, polyurethane, silicone, Teflon and titanium) and exposed to ultraviolet C radiation. UVSC disinfection was compared with ethanol and chlorhexidine antimicrobial activities following the standards EN14561 and EN14562. Disinfection, established as a reduction of five logarithms from the initial inoculum, was achieved with the UVSC at 120 s of exposure time, with and without the presence of organic matter. The disinfectant effect was observed against S. aureusP. aeruginosaE. coliB. subtilis and C. albicans (reduction >99.999%). Disinfection was also achieved with 70% ethanol and 2% chlorhexidine. As conclusion, UVSC was effective disinfecting the most contaminated surfaces assayed, being a promising alternative for disinfecting hospital materials and inanimate objects that cannot be immersed in liquid biocides, reducing the risk of pathogen transmission.

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Maldiciones, milagros y misterios microbianos (Zientzia Club 2019, UPV/EHU)

Os presento mi participación como «monologuista» de divulgación científica con «Maldiciones, milagros y misterios microbianos» en el Zientzia Club durante la XIX Semana de la Ciencia / Zientzia Astea 2019 organizada por la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) en Bilbao.



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