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The conversation: Los supermicrobios amenazan con ser más letales que el cáncer

Mi última contribución en The Conversation se relaciona con el grave problema de la resistencia microbiana a los antibióticos y de cómo este «milagro terapéutico» podría tener sus días contados.

«La resistencia a los antibióticos es un problema global. Existen bacterias resistentes tanto en países muy industrializados (Estados Unidos o Japón), como en islas prácticamente deshabitadas (las Svalbard en el Océano Ártico), o incluso en tribus aisladas en las selvas de la Amazonia. En la diseminación y persistencia de estos supermicrobios intervienen muchos factores, como el cambio climático, la migración de poblaciones, el transporte de mercancías o la contaminación del medio ambiente.»

El resto del artículo podéis leerlo, si os interesa, en el siguiente enlace: The Conversation

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Candida albicans biofilms on different materials for manufacturing implant abutments and prostheses

Este es el resumen de nuestro trabajo científico «Candida albicans biofilms on different materials for manufacturing implant abutments and prostheses» que ha sido publicado en la revista Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal. Felicito a mis colegas Asier Eguia, Ane Arakistain, Iker De-la-Pinta, José López-Vicente, Elena Sevillano y Elena Eraso, por su excelente trabajo.

El trabajo completo está en Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal  (es de acceso libre)

Este es su Resumen:

Background: Morphological, physical and chemical properties of both implants and prostheses can determine the biofilm formation on their surface and increase the risk of biological complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the capacity of biofilm formation of Candida albicans on different materials used to manufacture abutments and prostheses.

Material and methods: Biofilm formation was analyzed on cp grade II titanium, cobalt-chromium alloy and zirconia, silicone, acrylic resin (polymethylmethacrylate) and nano-hybrid composite. Some samples were partially covered with lithium disilicate glass ceramic to study specifically the junction areas. C. albicans was incubated in a biofilm reactor at 37 °C with agitation. The biofilm formation was evaluated at 24 and 48 hours. In addition, the morphology of the biofilm was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy.

Results: C. albicans developed biofilms on the surface of all materials tested. Cobalt-chromium alloy showed the lowest density of adhered biofilm, followed by zirconia and titanium. Silicone and resin showed up to 20 times higher density of biofilm. A higher biofilm formation was observed when junctions of materials presented micropores or imperfections.

Conclusions: The biofilm formed in the three materials used in the manufacture of abutments and prostheses showed no major differences, being far less dense than in the resins. Two clinical recommendations can be made: to avoid the presence of resins in the subgingival area of implant prostheses and to design prostheses placing cobalt-chromium alloy/ceramic or titanium/ceramic junctions as far as possible from implants.

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