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Killing kinetics of anidulafungin, caspofungin and micafungin against Candida parapsilosis species complex: Evaluation of the fungicidal activity

En esta publicación en la Revista Iberoamericana de Micología mostramos la alta eficacia de las equinocandinas, anidulafungina, caspofungina y micafungina contra los aislamientos clínicos de Candida parapsilosis, Candida metapsilosisCandida orthopsilosis, especies emergentes de Candida. Es un estudio que hemos realizado en la Facultad de Medicina y Enfermería de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)Sandra Gil-Alonso, Nerea Jauregizar, Elena Eraso y Guillermo Quindós. Hemos contado con la inestimable ayuda de Emilia Cantón del Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe (Valencia).

Este es el resumen:

Candida parapsilosis, Candida metapsilosis and Candida orthopsilosis are emerging as relevant causes of candidemia. Moreover, they show differences in their antifungal susceptibility and virulence. The echinocandins are different in terms of in vitro antifungal activity against Candida. Time-kill (TK) curves represent an excellent approach to evaluate the fungicidal activity of antifungal drugs.


To compare the fungicidal activities of anidulafungin, caspofungin and micafungin against C. parapsilosis species complex by TK curves.


Antifungal activities of three echinocandins against C. parapsilosis, C. metapsilosis and C. orthopsilosis were studied by TK curves. Drug concentrations assayed were 0.25, 2 and 8μg/ml. CFU/ml were determined at 0, 2, 4, 6, 24 and 48h.


Killing activities of echinocandins were species-, isolates- and concentration-dependent. Anidulafungin reached the fungicidad endpoint for 6 out of 7 isolates (86%); it required between 13.34 and 29.67h to reach this endpoint for the three species studied, but more than 48h were needed against one isolate of C. orthopsilosis (8μg/ml). Caspofungin fungicidal endpoint was only achieved with 8μg/ml against one isolate of C. metapsilosis after 30.12h (1 out of 7 isolates; 14%). Micafungin fungicidal endpoint was reached in 12.74-28.38h (8μg/ml) against one isolate each of C. parapsilosis and C. orthopsilosis, and against both C. metapsilosis isolates (4 out of 7 isolates; 57%).


C. metapsilosis was the most susceptible species to echinocandins, followed by C. orthopsilosis and C. parapsilosis. Anidulafungin was the most active echinocandin against C. parapsilosis complex.

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Therapeutic tools for oral candidiasis: Current and new antifungal drugs

En esta publicación en la revista Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal realizamos una revisión sobre las herramientas terapéuticos existentes para el tratamiento farmacológico de las candidiasis orales. Es un estudio que hemos desarrollado, en la Facultad de Medicina y Enfermería de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)Sandra Gil-Alonso, Cristina Marcos-Arias, Elena Sevillano, Estibaliz Mateo, Nerea Jauregizar, Elena Eraso y Guillermo Quindós.

Este es el resumen:


Candidiasis is one of the most common opportunistic oral infections that presents different acute and chronic clinical presentations with diverse diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. The present study carries out a bibliographic review on the therapeutic tools available against oral candidiasis and their usefulness in each clinical situation.


Recent studies on treatment of oral candidiasis were retrieved from PubMed and Cochrane Library.


Nystatin and miconazole are the most commonly used topical antifungal drugs. Both antifungal drugs are very effective but need a long time of use to eradicate the infection. The pharmacological presentations of miconazole are more comfortable for patients but this drug may interact with other drugs and this fact should be assessed before use. Other topical alternatives for oral candidiasis, such as amphotericin B or clotrimazole, are not available in many countries. Oral fluconazole is effective in treating oral candidiasis that does not respond to topical treatment. Other systemic treatment alternatives, oral or intravenous, less used are itraconazole, voriconazole or posaconazole. Available novelties include echinocandins (anidulafungin, caspofungin, micafungin) and isavuconazole. Echinocandins can only be used intravenously. Isavuconazole is available for oral and intravenous use. Other hopeful alternatives are new drugs, such as ibrexafungerp, or the use of antibodies, cytokines and antimicrobial peptides.


Nystatin, miconazole, and fluconazole are very effective for treating oral candidiasis. There are systemic alternatives for treating recalcitrant infections, such as the new triazoles, echinocandins, or lipidic presentations of amphotericin B.

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