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Caries and Candida colonisation in adult patients in Basque Country (Spain)

Os dejo el resumen de nuestro trabajo científico publicado en la revista  Mycoses sobre la colonización oral por Candida en pacientes con caries.

Felicito a mis colegas Janire De la Torre, Xabier Marichalar-Mendia, Aketza Varona-Barquin, Cristina Marcos-Arias, Elena Eraso y José Manuel Aguirre-Urizar, por su excelente trabajo.

El trabajo completo está en Mycoses

Este es su Resumen:

Candida albicans is one of the most frequent pathogens of the oral cavity, as a major cause of opportunistic disease. Moreover, Candida could be a cofactor of common oral diseases, such as dental caries. The aim of this study was to analyse the oral yeast colonisation in adults with dental caries and to evaluate its relationship with this clinical entity. We studied 190 patients distributed into controls (58 patients) and patients with caries (132 patients). Oral samples were collected by oral rinse and cultured in a chromogenic agar. C. albicans was the most prevalent species isolated from oral specimens in both groups. Patients with caries had a greater Candida colonisation (74 patients, 56.1%), than persons without caries (18 patients, 31%, P < 0.01). Patients with caries were significantly more colonised by non-C. albicans species than individuals without caries (P = 0.006). Moreover, the diversity of Candida species was richer in patients suffering from caries. The odds ratio of the colonisation of patients with caries was 3.144 (95% CI 1.525–5.478). There is a significant clinical correlation between dental caries and oral Candida colonisation in adults.

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