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Upcoming LEMC lectures in Vitoria

We are excited to be welcoming four more speakers to Vitoria over the next two months in the continuation of our lecture series. Here are the details for the forthcoming talks. All are warmly invited to attend. For further information, please contact Francesca Tinti (, or see our flyer.


Thursday 21 January, 11 am, Aulario de Las Nieves, Aula 207:

Professor Elizabeth Tyler (University of York), ‘Writing Universal History in Eleventh-century England: Cotton Tiberius B i, German Imperial History-writing and Lay Vernacular Literacy’


Wednesday 27 January, 11 am, Aulario de Las Nieves, Aula 207:

Dr Charles Insley (University of Manchester), ‘Languages of Boundaries and Boundaries of Language in Cornish Charters, 900–1100’


Tuesday 9 February, 3 pm, Facultad de Letras, Salón de Grados:

Professor Dame Jinty Nelson (King’s College London), ‘Language-use in Charlemagne’s Empire’


Wednesday 17 February, 11 am, Aulario de Las Nieves, Aula 207:

Dr Bernhard Zeller (Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien), ‘The Languages of the Early Medieval Charters from St Gall’

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