El objetivo de esta convocatoria es la solicitud de proyectos académicos para el acceso telemático a los recursos del Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya (CESCA) para investigadores externos al Consorcio. Esta convocatoria se inscribe en el marco del Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, de concesión de ayudas para el acceso a las Instalaciones Científicas y Técnicas Singulares (ICTS) del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN).
Los interesados en dar de alta un proyecto deberán cumplimentar el formulario de Alta de proyecto académico.
Fecha límite 25 de Mayo de 2011
Todas las solicitudes serán evaluadas por un Comité compuesto por la Comisión de Expertos para la Contratación y el Análisis en Supercomputación (ECAS) y por un representante del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Más infomación
The Programming and tUning Massively Parallel Systems Summer School (PUMPS) offers researchers and graduate students a unique opportunity to improve their skills with cutting-edge techniques and hands-on experience in developing applications for many-core processors with massively parallel computing resources like GPU accelerators.
Important Dates
Applications due: May 31
Notification of acceptance: June 15
Summer school: July 18-22, 2011
Location: Barcelona Supercomputing Center / Computer Architecture Dept. at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Complete information, program and registration: http://bcw.ac.upc.edu
Contact: bcw2011@bcw.ac.upc.edu
Distinguished Lecturers
Wen-mei Hwu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and David Kirk, NVIDIA Fellow, former Chief Scientist, NVIDIA Corporation, co-authors of “Programming Massively Parallel Processors, A Hands-on Approach”.
The summer school is organized into two tracks: Beginners and Advanced. The Beginners Track starts off with introductory lectures to CUDA. Advanced participants can chose to attend these introductory lectures, or jump in on the afternoon of the second day when the advanced topics and hands-on laboratories begin. The full list of topics covered during the course is:
* Many-core & Memory Organization
* Introduction to CUDA
* CUDA Threading and Memory Model
* Performance Considerations
* Hands-on Lab: CUDA examples
* CUDA Algorithm Patterns
* Debugging and Profiling CUDA Code
* Hands-on Lab: Advanced Exercises
* New Hardware and Software/SDK/Tool Features
* GMAC Runtime
* Multi-GPU Execution
* Hands-on Lab: GMAC and Multi-GPU
* CUDA with MPI and OmpSs for HPC Applications
* Algorithmic Optimization Strategies
* Hands-on Lab: Algorithmic Optimization
Participants will have access to a multi-node cluster of GPUs, and will learn to program and optimize applications in CUDA, MPI, OmpSs and OpenCL. Teaching assistants will be available to help with assignments.
PUMPS is organized by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and HiPEAC Network of Excellence.
Formación de Matlab para el próximo trimestre. Más detalles aquí.
Simulink para Modelado de Sistemas Dinámicos
30-31 mayo
Fundamentos de MATLAB
13-15 junio
Técnicas de Programación de MATLAB
16 junio
Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder para Generación de Código de Producción
20-22 junio
Stateflow para Modelado de Sistemas Logic-Driven
04-05 julio
This course provides know-how and bioinformatics resources for assigning rich functional labels to high-dimensional sequence datasets and for extracting new knowledge from annotation data.
International Course in Automated Functional Annotation and Data Mining.
Centro de Investigaciones Príncipe Felipe, Valencia, Spain
September 28-30, 2011
More information and course registration.
The 26th of June 2000 a rough draft of the human genome was published and announced by the US President Bill Clinton and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. Still 3 more years were necessary (April 2003) before, essentially, the complete human genome was published [1]. In May 2006 the sequence of the last chromosome was completed and published. The numbers associated to the Human Genome Poject are impressive: 13 years were necesary to map the complete human genetic code, about 3000 millions of dollars and an international collaboration from US, UK, japanese, french, german and chinese universities.
From the High performance computing point of view the task was equally challenging. The human genetic code consists in about 25.000 genes and around 3000 milion nucleotides. The produced raw data exceeds the terabytes of disk space (in 1997, at the middle of the project a commodity hard drive had 1 GB). Nowadays, the raw data producced by sequencing machine for an entire human gene is about 30 TB of disk space. After proccesing and assembling it can be squezed down to 90 GB where you have obtained the sequence and the statistics about the accuracy of the process. If you just store a sequence of A, C, G and T letters in the file without any information about the accuracy, which is not 100% of course [1] the file will be around 1.5 GB .
Nevertheless, not only storage but also high computing power is needed not only in the squezing but also later to process, analyze and classify it. The data must be transformed in information.
Sequencing technologies have come a long way in few years. For example, today scientist at the Wellcome Trust’s Sanger Institute in Cambridge can sequence a complete human genome in 13 hours at a cost of 10000 dollar. This advance in sequentiation has pushed a jump from the general gene analisys to the genetic analysis of the individual. Following this way, the Wellcome Trust has launched the UK10K project where they intend to map the genetic code of 4000 healthy people and 6000 people with different diseases, so, researches will try to find genetic variations associated to particular disseases.
This kind of projects produce terabytes of data every week which challenge the HPC to store it. As previously mentioned not just store, the data mining is a computationally very intensive task that needs to use state of the art computing. The last point involved is the design of software to display all the obtained information in an intuitive way for the researcher.
It seems that the sequencing technologies will be able to push the price of sequencing a complete human genetic code bellow 1000 dolar, the limit bellow the sequenciation will made clinical aplications possible and the HPC will be involved in the process. Today, the knownledge and applications of the Human Genome Project has not been the spected ones at short term, but it is hoped that the next generation sequencing technology will help in the better understanding of the genome [2].
[1] Human Genome Project.
[2] How much data is a human genome? It depends how you store it.
[3] Revolución aplazada, Hall, Stephen S. Investigación y Ciencia, Diciembre 2010.
Human Genome Project at Wikipekia
Schrödinger has announced the lineup for their Spring 2011 series of web seminars.
Web seminars begin April 5th and run twice a week through April 26th. As always, there is no cost to register for the talks, and the speakers will take questions from attendees. You can join the webcast seminars using both Windows and Mac computers.
Click here to register for the talks.
This spring’s talks will cover a variety of subject matter, including:
- What’s new in Schrödinger Suite 2011
- Using Canvas for ligand-based drug design
- Maestro Elements, a task-based modeling environment for chemists, biologists, and others
- New methods for predicting macrocycle conformers using MacroModel
- Using Maestro for day-to-day visualization, and a high-level review of modeling tools for structure-based drug design
- Using Seurat for data management in drug development or other R&D projects
About Schrödinger
Schrödinger designs software for chemical computing simulations. Currently, the Computing Service has licenses to run Jaguar, Macromodel, Qsite, Liaison, pKa, Epik, QikProp, SiteMap, Strike, ConfGen, Minta, LigPrep, Glide, XP Visualizer, Knime and Maestro.
BCAM is organizing a course on Molecular Modelling of Matter.
Molecular modeling of matter:
what can we do now, and in the near future?
28 March – 1 April 2011 from 11:00 to 13:00
Bizkaia Technology Park, Building 500
E-48160 Derio (Spain)
Telephone +34 946 567 842
This course will provide an introduction to modeling at the electronic, atomistic and meso-scales of matter. Computational quantum mechanical methods, with some emphasis on density functional theory, will be discussed in the beginning of the course, followed by a more detailed treatment of molecular simulation methods (molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo) based on numerical solution of the equations of semi-classical statistical
Prof. Keith Gubbins and Prof. Jesús M. Ugalde
- Quantum mechanical methods. Introduction, Hartree-Fock approximation, electron correlation, density functional theory. [Prof. Ugalde]
- Introduction to atomistic simulation methods. Molecular dynamics simulation methods. Finite difference algorithms. Constraint molecular dynamics. [Prof. Gubbins]
- 3. Semi-classical statistical mechanics. Canonical, Microcanonical and Grand Canonical ensembles. Monte Carlo method, Canonical ensemble. [Prof. Gubbins]
- Monte Carlo method in the Grand Canonical and Isobaric ensembles. [Prof. Gubbins]
- Coarse graining and meso-scale methods. Lattice Monte Carlo. Brownian dynamics. Dissipative particle dynamics. [Prof. Gubbins]
More details
AMBER is a family of force fields and programs for molecular dynamics of biomolecules. Amber Workshop 2011 that will be held in Barcelona from the 3rd to 6th May. The course will be taught by Ross C. Walker and Adrian E. Roitberg and will be hosted by the IRB Barcelona and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
AMBER MD Workshop 2011
May 3-6, Barcelona.
Limited number of seats. You will be requested to fill a pre-registration form before the 1st of April.
Workshop web page.
AMBER web page
Classes will be held from Tuesday 3rd to Friday 6th of May, starting at 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, with breaks for lunch and coffee. List of covered topics:
- Introduction to force fields and molecular dynamics (Lecture).
- Overview of AMBER and it’s programs (Lecture).
- Introduction to setting up and running simulations (Lecture / Hands on).
- Visualizing AMBER simulations (Hands on).
- Overview of AMBER Force Fields / Solvent Models etc. (Lecture).
- Introduction to implicit solvent and binding energy calculations (Lecture).
- Protein folding and advanced analysis (Hands on).
- Simulating Sugars and the Glycam Force Field (Lecture / Hands on).
- Designing good simulation projects (Lecture).
- Dealing with non-standard residues (Lecture / Hands on).
- What to do if there is no crystal structure (Lecture).
- Statistical mechanics for free energy calculations.[Thermodynamic Integration] (Lecture / Hands on).
- QM/MM coupled potential simulations (Lecture).
- GPU accelerated MD (Lecture).
Seminario online
.Este webinario muestra las principales funcionalidades de la herramienta Mapping Toolbox entre las que se incluye la creación de mapas, acceso al servicio Web Map (WMS), análisis de datos de terreno y simulaciones numéricas.
Además veremos herramientas complementarias para aplicaciones geoespaciales, como Image Processing Toolbox y Parallel Computing Toolbox.
Mostraremos la funcionalidades clave para el análisis de mapas, siguiendo esta agenda:
- Introducción a Mapping Toolbox.
- Simulación de vertido petrolífero, creación de mapas y simulación numérica.
- Evitación meteorológica: WMS, procesado de imagen, cálculos geográficos, navegación.
- Análisis de terreno: modelos de elevación digital, visionado de superficies.
- Toolboxes relacionadas.
- Preguntas y respuestas.
- Cubre los siguientes productos.
- Mapping Toolbox.
- Image Processing Toolbox.
- Parallel Computing Toolbox.
16 mar 2011 a las 16:00 hora local.
Duración 1 hora.
Más información y registrarse aquí.
El Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia es una Infraestructura Científica y Tecnológica Singular (ITCS-CESGA) que ofrece tiempo de computación. Se ha abierto el plazo de solicitud para el segundo periodo de 2011.
ICTS-CESGA, Singular Scientific and Technological Infrastructure
CALL FOR ACCESS PROPOSALS 2011 – 2nd period.
Deadline is March 10th, 2011.
CESGA invites researchers to submit access proposals from February 10th to March 10th, 2011.
The Programme aim is to grant access of individual researchers or research groups to ITCS-CESGA to carry out research projects, acquire knowledge or get training in technologies in use at the premises.
There are two types of access:
- Remote access to Finis Terrae computing time.
- Research stays at CESGA.
ICTS access can be requested by predoctoral students, PhDs or researchers with a minimum of three years of research experience.
Proposals submitted until the deadline will be reviewed by an External Committee and the results of the selection will be notified in April 2011.
For further information please visit http://icts.cesga.es