Barcelona Computing Week 2011


The Programming and tUning Massively Parallel Systems Summer School (PUMPS) offers researchers and graduate students a unique opportunity to improve their skills with cutting-edge techniques and hands-on experience in developing applications for many-core processors with massively parallel computing resources like GPU accelerators.

Important Dates

Applications due: May 31
Notification of acceptance: June 15
Summer school: July 18-22, 2011

Location: Barcelona Supercomputing Center / Computer Architecture Dept. at  Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Complete information, program and registration:


Distinguished Lecturers

Wen-mei Hwu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and David Kirk, NVIDIA Fellow, former Chief Scientist, NVIDIA Corporation, co-authors of “Programming Massively Parallel Processors, A Hands-on Approach”.



The summer school is organized into two tracks: Beginners and Advanced. The Beginners Track starts off with introductory lectures to CUDA. Advanced participants can chose to attend these introductory lectures, or jump in on the afternoon of the second day when the advanced topics and hands-on laboratories begin. The full list of topics covered during the course is:

* Many-core & Memory Organization
* Introduction to CUDA
* CUDA Threading and Memory Model
* Performance Considerations
* Hands-on Lab: CUDA examples
* CUDA Algorithm Patterns
* Debugging and Profiling CUDA Code
* Hands-on Lab: Advanced Exercises
* New Hardware and Software/SDK/Tool Features
* GMAC Runtime
* Multi-GPU Execution
* Hands-on Lab: GMAC and Multi-GPU
* CUDA with MPI and OmpSs for HPC Applications
* Algorithmic Optimization Strategies
* Hands-on Lab: Algorithmic Optimization

Participants will have access to a multi-node cluster of GPUs, and will learn to program and optimize applications in CUDA, MPI, OmpSs and OpenCL. Teaching assistants will be available to help with assignments.

PUMPS is organized by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and HiPEAC Network of Excellence.

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