The Computing Service and its researches obtained good results in 2013

2013 year report

The Computing Service IZO-SGI SGIker of the UPV/EHU has published the 2013 year report, which can be found in the next link:

IZO-SGI 2013 year report (pdf in spanish)

The Computing Service has increased or maintained their main indexes as can be observed in the table below. Among the positive indexes, we can mention the increase of scientific publications, the increase in the use of the machine without a noticeable impact in the waiting time and the increase in the number of visits of the blog. In the negative part, we had ta drop of visits to the web page and the decrease of computing resources due to failure. The Service continues having an excellent score in the satisfaction poll between the researches.



We would like to acknowledgment to all the researchers that have relied on the service, most of the good results of the Service are in fact their merits and not ours.


The IZO-SGI in numbers

In the table below, the main figures of the Service in the last years is summarized and in the graph at the very bottom the use of Arina is shown.

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Computing cores 440 872 1.520 1.520 1.400
Consumed millions of hours 2,11 2,26 5,76 11,27 10,4
Active researches 101 98 90 89 99
Active groups 53 40 39 42 47
New accounts 49 33 33 20 34
Satisfaction of the researches¹ 8.9 8.8 8.8 9,3 9,3
Scientific articles² 44 58 57 74 87
Web visits 4.925 5.957 8.022 9.899 5.924
View pages 58.731 40.987 30.042 30.738 20.323
Posts in the HPC blog 29 34 27 47
Visits of the HPC blog 1.431 3.818 4.741 24.613
Computing cores 320 752 1.360 1.360 1.320
Consumed millions of hours 2,07 2,11 5,20 9,6 9,8
Mean occupation 75% 47%³ 74% 79% 83%
Submitted jobs 38.497 65.179 68.991 98.383 100.214
More than 2 minutes jobs⁴ 28.377 50.624 51.735 78.846 75.406
Job mean computing time⁵ 76 hours 44 hours 101 hours 122 hours 130 hours
Job mean waiting time⁶ 5,7 hours 3,8 hours 3,8 hours 5,2 hours 5,5 hours
Computing cores 120 120 120 80 80
Consumed millions of hours 0,02 0,15 0,09 0,07 0,04
Computing cores 208 208 208
Consumed millions of hours 0,47 1,6 0,55


¹ Satisfaction pool by the SGIker Quality Unit.
² Where the IZO-SGI is acknowledged.
³ The use in 2010 is apparently low because new machines where installed passing form 300 cores to 752 cores in July. In August and September Arina was quite empty and the weigh of these months has had a lot of importance in the mean value. In fact in November the mean use was already in the 76%.
Jobs with less than 2 minutes of computing time are usually failed jobs. In any case due to the short duration they don’t have relevance in the usage.
The jobs with less than 2 minutes of computing time are not taken into account.
The jobs are executed through a queue system that assign proper resources to the jobs. The waiting time is the time the jobs spend in the queue waiting for the resources to be available.
The machine was switch off in April.

2013 Arina year use

Use of Arina between 2012 December and 2013 November.


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