Position open at BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics


BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics is an interdisciplinary research center located in Bilbao. The following BCAM Internship position is open at BCAM.

Internship data

  • Research topic title

Hybrid Monte Carlo methods

  • Research topic description

Study, implementation and testing of Monte Carlo techniques combined with classical molecular dynamics. The task will involve developing algorithms for constant pressure simulations and constant pH simulations of molecular systems. Those algorithms will then be implemented within Open Source molecular dynamics software and tested on real life applications such as protein systems.

  • Keywords

Hybrid Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics, Hamiltonian dynamics

  • Required knowledge and skills

Geometric integration, dynamical systems, C programming, Unix/Linux, English.

  • Duration and dates

2-3 months; between February and June

  • Application deadline

February 3, 2013

Supervisor data

  • Supervisor

Bruno Escribano

  • Research line

Mathematical Biology & Molecular Simulations

  • Email



How to apply

The interested applicants can apply via the following webpage:





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