Blast2GO course in Valencia: Automated functional annotation and data mining

The course provides know-how and bioinformatics resources for assigning rich functional labels to high-dimensional sequence datasets and for extracting new knowledge from annotation data.

International Course in Automated Functional Annotation and Data Mining

  • Where

Centro de Investigaciones Príncipe Felipe

Bioinformatics and Genomics Department

Avda. Autopista del Saler 16, Camino de las Moreras (Next to Oceanogŕafico)
46012 Valencia. Spain

  • When

23-25 of October, 2013

  • Registration

30 participants limit.

Early Bird Registration: 420 Euros (closes on the 23th of September)

Standard Registration: 550 Euros (closes on the 16th of October)

Registration web page.

More info

Information about the program, instructors, accommodation, what is included in the fee, etc in the web page of the course:



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