New computational resources at the Computing Service


The Service of Informatics applied to the research (Scientific Computing) -IZO/SGI- in the framework of the contract signed with CIC-nanoGUNE has increased its computational resources.

The increase consist in new 648 computation cores, an extension of the parallel filesystem up to 22 TB and a new /home with 5.6 TB.

In detail, 54 computing nodes have been acquired with two Xeon processors each. The processor has 6 2.4 GHz cores, so we have new 648 cores. The nodes are interconnected with a 40 Gb/s infiniband network and have a 250 GB local disk. The RAM memory is distributed as follows:

  • 1 node with 96 GB.
  • 18 nodes with 48 GB.
  • 35 nodes with 24 GB.

The parallel filesystem for calculations, based on Lustre, has also been upgraded in performance and size up to de 22 TB.

In addition, the IZO-SGI has a new /home filesystem with increased performance and bigger size, 5.6 TB, configured in high availavility.


Infraestructura de cálculo del IZO-SGI, cluster Arina

Infraestructura de cálculo del IZO-SGI, cluster Arina

In the image the cluster for computing of thel IZO-SGI, the main infrastructure for scientific calculation of the UPV/EHU.













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