Spanish Supercomputing Network: Supercomputing resource request


Next Activity evaluation period is starting shortly. The deadline for submission is September  15th, 2011. Please refer to the web page for the exact submission deadline ( The utilization period will be from November, 2011 to February, 2012

You will find the area to prepare/save/submit your proposals at

This evaluation include evaluation for the supercomputing resources installed at the RES, Red Española de Supercomputación, including

  • Barcelona Supercomputing Center – Centro Nacional de Supercomputación
  • Instituto Astrofísico de Canarias
  • Universidad de Cantabria
  • Universidad de Malaga
  • Universidad de Valencia
  • Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Instituto Tecnologico de Canarias

This period will grant users to the systems from November 2011 to february 2012, with a total computing capacity over 24 million hours.  Please notice, that this period is 4 months duration.

Do not hesitate to contact for further help.


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