Program 2016

Download full program: DOCUtalks2016

When?: 14 and 15 of April (2016).
Where?: Auditorium de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación. LEIOA.
Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU. Campus de Bizkaia.
Timetable: from 10 to 13 and from 14:30 to 17:30
Attendance is free. If you are willing to attend, please send an email to Please note, that it is compulsory to reserve a seat to participate in the role play on Friday afternoon. You can add a note with your preference for a specific role and your level of English.

Language: the first talk (Shooting abroad: Jai Alai Blues) will be offered in Spanish, with simultaneous translation to English. The rest of the talks will be offered in English (bilingual slides will be displayed to facilitate the students’ conprehension, for those with a lower level of English).

Certificate and ECTS credits: A certificate will be issued to all participants, including information about the sessions attended. Students attending all sessions will get 0.5 ECTS credits.





Thursday, April 14:
10:00-13:00 am:   Shooting abroad: Jai Alai Blues
2:30-5:30 pm:   Go international! Co-producing in Europe
Friday, April 15:  
10:00-13:00 am:   Cultural translation: Programming documentary for different audiences
2:30-4:30 pm:   Role Play: Are you ready for attending an international festival?



THURSDAY, April 14

10:00-13:00 am
Shooting abroad: Jai Alai Blues




The filmmakers of the feature-lenght documentary Jai Alai Blues will talk about their experience shooting in USA.
The film explores the legacy of the Basque diaspora through a portrait of traditional sports game “pelota” abroad.




2:30-5:30 pm
Go international! Co-producing in Europe




Martichka Bozhilova (an internationally awarded producer running the Balkan Documentary Center with a long
experience in international co-productions) will talk about the challenges and opportunities of working in the international audiovisual market.






FRIDAY, 15 April

10:00-13:00 am
Cultural translation: Programming documentary for different audiences




Ehsan Khoshbakht (Iranian programmer, critic and filmmaker
based in London) will talk about issues of cultural translation
when programming films for different audiences in countries with diverse cultural, political and social traditions.





2:30-4:30 pm
Role Play: Are you ready for attending an international festival?




A role play in which you will be able to get under the skin of festival participants. Directors, programmers, filmmakers, critics producers, sponsors… are you ready to participate in an international film festival?

Please, confirm your attendance sending an email to, and include a note about which role would you like to play in the ROLE PLAY, as well as which is your level of English.