Tag: film festivals

  • I-docs at Film Festivals

    Aida Vallejo & Stefano Odorico. “Reinventing the Festival Space:  The Challenges of Interactive Documentary Exhibition” [paper] Panel: i-docs Audiences & Exhibition. Thursday, March 3, 2016. 14:00 (venue: Cinema 2) I-docs symposium 2016. “Exploring interactive documentary storytelling” University of the West of England (Bristol, U.K.)

  • CFS talk at University of St Andrews: Documentary and film festivals

    CFS Talk: Dr Aida Vallejo (University of the Basque Country):  ‘The Festival Ecosystem as Documentary Breeding Ground’. University of St Andrews (Scotland) November 3 , 5:15 pm – 7:00 pm This event is free and open to the public. Organizers: Prof. Dina Iordanova, Centre for Film Studies Venue: Byre Theatre- Studio

  • Documentary filmmakers on the circuit

    Aida Vallejo (2015) “Documentary Filmmakers on the Circuit. A Festival Career from Czech Dream to Czech Peace“, in Deprez, Camille y Pernin, Judith (Eds.) Post-1990 Documentary. Reconfiguring Independence (Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh), pp.171-187.

  • Archival practices of documentary film festivals

    “Film Festivals and the documentary archive” [paper] Friday 19th, June 2015, 15:45-17:30, room 2.51 Panel H 07 Personal Archives and Documentary Practice NECS 2015 CONFERENCE, “Archives of/for the Future. Łódź, Poland, June 18-20, 2015.

  • Industry sections at documentary festivals

    Aida Vallejo (2014) “Industry Sections. Documentary film festivals between production and distribution”, in Iluminace, vol. 26, n.1 (Special Issue on Film Festivals), pp. 65-82. ISSN: 0862-397X. http://www.iluminace.cz/index.php/en/article?id=179 Keywords: documentary, film festivals, distribution, production, Central and Eastern Europe Palabras clave: documental, festivales cinematográficos, distribución, producción, Europa del Este Abstract: