Organiser and/or panelist of training seminars for doctoral students at University of St Andrews, Univeristy of Glasgow (Screen conferences), Masaryk University, Aalto University, Utrech University, Autonomous University of Madrid, University of the Basque Country.
2020. Trabajando con archivos. Jornada del doctorado de Comunicación [organización y ponencia].
Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). Viernes, 2 de octubre de 2020.
2019. Utrecht Univeristy. “Festivals and the Lives of Films.” May 2nd 2019.
The event is organized by the Utrecht Centre for Media Research as part of the ‘media industries’ domain.
Utrecht University (The Netherlands).
2016. El festival entre bambalinas. Nuevos métodos y objetos de investigación para el estudio de la gestión cultural.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 3 de Junio de 2016.
2015. The Festival Ecosystem as Documentary Breeding Ground.
University of St Andrews (Scotland). November 3.
2014. Documentary Film Festivals in Europe: Mapping the Field.
Gilmorehill Centre, University of Glasgow. Screen seminar.
2013. Documentary Festivals in Europe.
Seminar for MA and postdoctoral students at Aalto University (School of Art and Design).
21st-25th January, 2013 (Helsinki, FINLAND).
2012. Research on Film Festivals. An Introduction.
Seminar for MA, PhD and postdoctoral students at Masaryk University.
Offered by Dorota Ostrowska, Jindřiška Bláhová and Aida Vallejo.
23th November, 2012 (Brno, Czech Republic).
2010. Análisis de cine documental.
Aida Vallejo, Metodología de análisis fílmico en el documental. Seminario ofrecido dentro del marco del Máster Europeo en Estudios Latinoamericanos, módulo: Cine y Estudios Culturales. Un acercamiento a los imaginarios de América Latina.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 8-Marzo-2010.
2009. Documentary Film in Spain.
November, 6th (10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00). FAMU, Projection room
FAMU University (Prague, Czech Republic).
Trabajando con archivos. Jornada del doctorado de Comunicación Social de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). Viernes, 2 de octubre de 2020. Online.
Nekane Errite Zubiaur. Profesora del dpto. De Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad
Josu Martínez. Profesor del dpto. De Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad
Pablo La Parra. Coordinador de investigación de Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola. «Zinemaldia 70: todas las historias posibles»
Aida Vallejo. Profesora del dpto. De Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad
La jornada se plantea como un intercambio de experiencias de investigadores/as sobre su trabajo en archivos de distintos ámbitos y perfiles, incluyendo la Filmoteca Vasca, el Archivo Nacional (España), la Cinématèque Française, los archivos de documental del museo de cine de Tesalónica (Grecia), los OSA Archives de Budapest (Hungría), el Institute of Documentary Film de Praga (República Checa), el Eye Museum de Amsterdam (Holanda) o el archivo del Festival de San Sebastián (en proceso de creación).
El objetivo es hablar tanto de cuestiones prácticas (procedimientos de acceso y gestión de permisos para acceder a los archivos, formas de organización y búsqueda de documentos, problemas y desafíos del trabajo en archivo), así como de contenidos y tipos de materiales que se pueden encontrar en estos archivos.
De esta manera pretendemos abordar cuestiones metodológicas sobre el estudio del cine (pero también de otro tipo de prácticas en comunicación en general) y reflexionar sobre cuestiones prácticas y teóricas que permiten entender mejor el trabajo “de campo” del investigador/a.
El festival entre bambalinas. Nuevos métodos y objetos de investigación para el estudio de la gestión cultural.
Fecha/Hora: 3 DE JUNIO DE 2016
Lugar: Modulo VI Bis-102. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Campus de Cantoblanco
El seminario está dirigido a los alumnos del Máster y el Doctorado en Estudios Artísticos, Literarios y de la Cultura para reforzar los marcos teóricos y metodológicos en análisis de la producción cultural y artística contemporánea, pero está abierto a todos los alumnos de posgrado y jóvenes investigadores/as interesados en este campo de estudios.
Programa de Doctorado en: Estudios Artísticos, Literarios y de la Cultura Línea/Tema de investigación: Cultura visual, Culturas visuales, Historia del Arte, Teoría del arte.
Seminario de doctorado – contenidos:
El seminario aborda el estudio de la producción y la gestión cultural a través de una aproximación a los festivales como espacios de difusión y articulación de discursos en el cine y otras prácticas culturales.
En la primera parte, se hará una exposición teórica del carácter multidisciplinar del estudio de festivales y las diversas metodologías adoptadas por esta línea de investigación a nivel internacional en las últimas décadas.
En la segunda parte, aplicaremos metodologías activas e innovadoras para el estudio de este campo, utilizando el juego de rol como herramienta de reflexión sobre las prácticas culturales e interacciones profesionales que se desarrollan en el marco de nuestro objeto de estudio.
CFS talk at University of St Andrews: Documentary and film festivals
CFS Talk: Dr Aida Vallejo (University of the Basque Country): ‘The Festival Ecosystem as Documentary Breeding Ground’. University of St Andrews (Scotland)
November 3 , 5:15 pm – 7:00 pm
This event is free and open to the public.
Organizers: Prof. Dina Iordanova, Centre for Film Studies
Venue: Byre Theatre- Studio
The Festival Ecosystem as Documentary Breeding Ground
This paper offers an overview of film festivals which have included documentary film in their programs (be they specialized: IDFA, HotDocs, DokLeipzig, Visions du Réel; thematic: Sundance, Jean Rouch, Margaret Mead; or A-list/generalist: Cannes, Venice, Berlin, Locarno, Toronto), to reflect on how their selection procedures have contributed to the new conceptions of the genre, widening its definition and opening it to creative approaches historically associated to fiction and experimental film. Using such prominent documentaries as Être et avoir (To be and to have, Nicolas Philibert, 2002), Fahrenheit 9/11 (Michael Moore, 2004), or Leviathan (Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Verena Paravel, 2012) as case studies, Dr Vallejo will reflect on the evolution of the incorporation of documentary film in the festival programs, through the reconstruction of their festival careers, giving new insights into the mutual influence of text and context in the development of contemporary film cultures.
About the speaker:
Dr Aida Vallejo works as adjunct professor in Media Studies at the University of the Basque Country (Spain). Her expertise relates to creative documentary and film festivals, and currently works in the edition of two edited collections: Documentary Film Festivals and Film Festivals and Anthropology. She has carried out fieldwork in several countries, mostly across Europe. Aida is the founder and coordinator of the Documentary Work-group of the European Network of Cinema and Media Studies (NECS). She is currently working on a research project that investigates the presence of documentary at film festivals from a global and historical perspective.
Screen seminars at Glasgow.
Film and Television Studies at the University of Glasgow
Seminar: “Documentary Film Festivals in Europe: Mapping the Field”
+ info:
![Screen large](
Speaker: Prof Aida Vallejo, University of the Basque Country
Date/Time: 9 Oct 2014, 5.15pm
Venue: Room 408, Gilmorehill Centre, University of Glasgow
Title: Documentary Film Festivals in Europe: Mapping the Field
In the last two decades documentary film festivals spread throughout the European continent. During this process, different international dynamics of interaction and cultural hierarchies were developed among these events. In this frame, new cultural networks of film circulation were created, and specialized festivals became key agents for the development of new trends in film production and distribution.
In this seminar we will reflect on the role of these festivals in the development of a new documentary culture which has redefined the genre in a period of hybridization and search for new formats. Firstly, we will give an overview of the recent development in the study of film festivals, and analyze the possibilities opened up for research in the specific area of documentary film, and secondly, we will provide an overview of Documentary Film Festivals in Europe from a historical perspective. Departing from the reconstruction of the map of documentary festivals appeared in the last decades, we will identify different phases in which they acquired international relevance.
Aida Vallejo is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the University of the Basque Country, Spain. She is the founder and coordinator of the Documentary Work-group of the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS).
She has published extensively on documentary, film festivals, narratology and ethnography of the media, and currently works in the edition of an edited collection on Documentary Film Festivals. She has carried out fieldwork in the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Kosovo, Finland, and Spain.
Seminar: Documentary Festivals in Europe
Seminar for MA and postdoctoral students at Aalto University (School of Art and Design).
Offered by Aida Vallejo.
21st-25th January, 2013 (Helsinki, FINLAND).
Seminar: Research on Film Festivals
Seminar for MA and postdoctoral students at Masaryk University.
Offered by Dorota Ostrowska, Jindřiška Bláhová and Aida Vallejo.
23th November, 2012 (Brno, Czech Republic).
+ info:
Documental en España
Documentary Film in Spain (module) FAMU-Prague Friday 6-11-2009 / Přehled dokumentární tvorby ve Španělsku představí Aida Vallejo 6. 11. od 10h v projekci FAMU
where: FAMU, Projection room
Language of the seminar: English
Coord.: Alice Růžičková
Lecturer: Aida Vallejo Vallejo
FAMU webpage:
This seminar provides an introduction and overview of documentary film in Spain. The representation of reality and thematic trends will be analysed and the use of visual language and narrative style will be explored. Spanish culture and contemporary history will be discussed through some of the most relevant creative documentary films. To end up, the current situation of documentary film production, cinema studies and festival webs in Spain will be explored.