Category: Congresses-Congresos-Kongresuak-Congrès
Documentary at film festivals in Iberoamerica
Transnational Connections. Film Festivals and Documentary in Latin America and Spain [paper] NECS conference 2016. The University of Potsdam, Campus Griebnitzsee, in Potsdam (Germany). Panel A 12: Film Festivals in Latin America and Spain, Sponsored by Film Festival Research Workgroup. Thursday, 28.7.2016, 11:00-13:00 (27-30.July.2016) Panel organized in collaboration with the research project ‘The transnational relations […]
I-docs at Film Festivals
Aida Vallejo & Stefano Odorico. “Reinventing the Festival Space: The Challenges of Interactive Documentary Exhibition” [paper] Panel: i-docs Audiences & Exhibition. Thursday, March 3, 2016. 14:00 (venue: Cinema 2) I-docs symposium 2016. “Exploring interactive documentary storytelling” University of the West of England (Bristol, U.K.)
Archival practices of documentary film festivals
“Film Festivals and the documentary archive” [paper] Friday 19th, June 2015, 15:45-17:30, room 2.51 Panel H 07 Personal Archives and Documentary Practice NECS 2015 CONFERENCE, “Archives of/for the Future. Łódź, Poland, June 18-20, 2015.