In this section you will find information about the ZELIAKIDE project that we have conducted in primary schools. You will be able to see photos of the activities carried out, an augmented reality application and a didactic unit.


ZELIAKIDE is a nutritional education programme aimed at children in the 5th and 6th grades of primary school.

It has been developed in schools with the aim of promoting a balanced diet and making the general population aware of the celiac disease, thus promoting the inclusion of people with celiac disease in society.

The programme consists of 8 sessions that take place in schools for a month, where children learn about the balanced diet, the gluten-free diet and the celiac disease through active-collaborative activities and scientific experiments.

Augmented reality APP

We have designed an augmented reality APP to be integrated into the ZELIAKIDE programme.

The APP simulates a character who tells them how to perform the gluten-related experiments. It can be used by anyone who wants to carry out the experiments, without the need to participate in the ZELIAKIDE project.

Use password:


It is compatible with ARCORE 1.35 versions.

Didactic unit

We have designed a didactic unit to support the ZELIAKIDE programme. In the didactic unit you can find activities and experiments to learn about the balanced diet, gluten-free diet and celiac disease.

Photo gallery of the project