Workshop on DC drives offered by maxon motor

A total of 26 students of the Master of Mechanical Engineering of  the UPV/EHU received a theoretical-practical training on direct current drives.

Last month, on 20th March, maxon motor offered a workshop on selection and management of direct current motors in the Engineering Faculty of Bilbao (UPV/EHU). Maxon motor is one of the leading companies to worldwide level in drives of this type. Thus, it was a great opportunity for the 26 students attending the workshop, who received, first, a theoretical training about the operation of the engines maxon and his selection in the design phase. Later on, they could test some of the studied drives in a laboratory session with different equipment provided by the company itself. The day was a success, as confirmed by the students themselves, who received first-hand training from maxon staff specialized in training industry professionals.