Mykhailo Riabtsev

Postdoctoral Researcher

Department of Mechanical Engineering – Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao
Plaza Ingeniero Torres Quevedo 1
E-48013. Bilbao, Spain
Tel:+34 94 601 73 99
Fax:+34 94 601 43 84

Mykhailo Riabtsev was born in 1988. He obtained his Degree in Automobile Transport from the Sevastopol National Technical University in 2011. He received his MSc in Manufacturing from Glyndwr University, Wrexam (UK) in 2012. In 2014 he was granted with Erazmus Mundus scholarship for studying Robotics for 10 months in the Systems Engineering and Automation Department in the University of Basque Country in Bilbao.  He did the PhD (reference BES-2016-077073, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad) under the supervision of Victor Petuya in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao. He works in the fields of modular reconfigurable parallel manipulators with variable topology. His research interests are parallel manipulators, ROS and mobile robots.