Next week, Javier Corral will attend the 15th EAEC European Automotive Congress 2017 organized by the Sociedad de Técnicos de Automoción (STA), member of FISITA. The biennial EAEC Congress will be held from 3rd to 5th of October at the Carlos III University of Madrid (Leganés Campus) in Spain. There, Javier Corral will present the following two works:
- Fuzzy Traction Control System for Electric Vehicles
Authors: A. Parra , A. Zubizarreta , M. Diez , J. Corral , C. Pinto - Simulation tool for the optimization of formula type prototypes
I. Erauskin, A. López, Dr. A. Zubizarreta, Dr. M. Diez, Prof. Dr. C. Pinto, Dr. J. Corral