Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM) play a key role in the development of modern chemistry, biochemistry, chemical biology, physics and material science. This has motivated six Universities leaders in the key disciplines of the field to set a consortium and offer a joint TCCM Master course. The creation of this joint Master has two main objectives: establish a European standard for Master training; promote the international mobility of Master students in the TCCM field. This idea has successfully attracted other 41 European higher education Institutions which have decided to join the TCCM Master consortium and has convinced the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) to support the initiative.
The TCCM Master is meant to prepare experts in using and developing molecular sciences computational techniques to either work with innovative pharmaceutical, petrochemical and new-materials industries or to follow future doctoral studies in Chemistry, Physics, Life or Material Sciences. It is articulated in 120 ECTS credits and can be accessed by students having a Bachelor in Chemistry, in Physics or in Material Science. Other scientific bachelors can also be accepted (provided that the student integrates his/her preparation as recommended by the local Tutor).
Official Master’s Degree in the multidisciplinary field of supercomputing, both from the point of view of infrastructure and from applications. One objective is to satisfy the demand for scientists and technicians who need to schedule and run demanding applications, as computation and / or data volume, massively parallel equipment. The other is to know the best ways to extract the most out of these facilities: from a GPU-based accelerators clusters and supercomputing centers, through cloud computing platforms.
This master is oriented research activity as a precursor to doctoral teaching step.
CONTACT: Txema Mercero (jm.mercero [at]