Authors: Elisa Jimenez-Izal, Andoni Ugartemendia, Abel de Cózar, Jose M. Mercero
Title: Doping Pt with Ge: a novel way to mitigate the CO poisoning
Type of contribution: Oral presentation
Conference name: Symposium of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry
Location/Venue: Virtual
Start date: 27/09/2021
End date: 30/09/2021
Authors: Elisa Jimenez-Izal, Andoni Ugartemendia, Abel de Cózar, Jose M. Mercero
Title: Nanoalloying Pt with Ge to obtain highly selective catalysts
Type of contribution: Oral presentation
Conference name: International Meeting on Nanoalloys (IMN 2021)
Location/Venue: Virtual
Start date: 14/04/2021
End date:16/04/2021
Authors: Mario Piris
Title: From 1RDMFT to NOF Approximations
Type of contribution: Invited Talk
Conference name: International Symposium on Correlated Electrons (SymCorrel21)
Location/Venue: Online / Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST)
Start date: 10/05/2021
End date: 10/07/2021