

Since last September, the UNESCO Chair has been collaborating with the Agro-Sustainable Schools Project in Uganda (SALUGANDA), with a view to running sessions on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in rural schools in Uganda. Specifically, this collaboration has contributed to SDGs 3, 4, and 5 by supporting girls’ school attendance in the Buikwe and Mukono districts, through workshops on the SDGs and sustainability and menstrual health and hygiene education. The lack of information about and access to female hygiene is one of the reasons behind the school dropout rates among girls.

These sessions, geared towards primary school pupils, run within the framework of this project whose overall aim is to improve sanitary conditions, nutrition and education for boys and girls in seven Ugandan schools (2,986 pupils in total). To achieve this, we are collaborating with the local NGO Cape of Good Hope Orphan Care (COGHOC) to install ecosan-type dry toilets, rainwater collection tanks, pig and chicken farms and organic kitchen gardens, thereby completing a sustainable production cycle adapted to each school’s resources. Pupils participate directly in these activities, which enables them to learn about sustainable farming methods, composting and personal hygiene, whilst improving living conditions in the school and, at the same time, school attendance.

This project was launched in 2011 by NEIKER-Tecnalia and Ner Group, and currently  has the support of other organisations including Lancor, the World Rural Forum, Eleistasuna and Histocell.


Cátedra UNESCO de Desarrollo Sostenible y Educación Ambiental