Promotional material

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Interview with Ibone Ametzaga within the Gazte ON program talking about ecosystem services:

Explanation of the ecosystem services concept within the IKUS-ENTZUNEZKO HIZTEGIA of the Donostia Sustainability Forum:[/vc_column_text][us_separator][vc_column_text]

Didactic resources. Logbook: Basque Government, 2014. Nature, basis of Well-being. Ihitza nº 44, Autumn 2014.

Didactic resources within the Ihitza Magazine published by the Basque Government, which is a didactic resource for environmental education



Video “Nature and well-being in the Green Belt of Metropolitan Bilbao”

It is a 3-minute audiovisual showing the ecosystem services of the green and blue spaces that make up the Green Belt of Metropolitan Bilbao, highlighting urban services.

Aimed at the public, it is an educational resource that contributes to the knowledge of the natural and cultural heritage that this part of our territory houses, promoting sustainable and healthy habits for its enjoyment and conservation.

Video in Spanish: Nature and well-being in the Green Belt of Metropolitan Bilbao

Video in Basque: Natura eta ongizatea Bilboaldeko Ingurune Berdean BIDEOA



Kahoot Game

Quiz game on ecosystem services and human well-being.



TEACHING UNIT: ECOSYSTEM SERVICES. ARE WE AWARE OF WHAT OUR SURROUNDINGS CAN OFFER US? A teaching material aimed at the second level of secondary education, which offers a way to study ecosystem services both inside and outside the classroom.

This material, available in digital form in both Basque and Castilian.

Download the teaching unit here (in castilian) (41 MB)


VIDEO Nature, the basis of well-being, is a 5-minute animation that explains how natural diversity is the basis of ecosystems functioning , so biodiversity conservation and its sustainable management is essential for people’s well-being.


The Ecosystem Service Assessment of the Basque Country NEWSLETTER contains information on articles, courses, press releases and other information relating to the assessment.


The Ecosystem Service Assessment of the Basque Country POST CARDS and POSTERS are visual props that help communicate the services ecosystems provide society.


[/vc_column_text][us_separator][vc_column_text]The Ecosystem Service Assessment of the Basque Country FACT SHEET[/vc_column_text][us_separator][vc_column_text]

Subglobal Assessment Network (SGA Network) VIDEO, Bilbao (12-15/12/2011).


VIDEO “Biscay Millennium Ecosystem Assessment”


Cátedra UNESCO de Desarrollo Sostenible y Educación Ambiental