5th Meeting of the Euskal Herriko UNESCO Sarea (EHUS)

5th Meeting of the Euskal Herriko UNESCO Sarea (EHUS)

On Friday 29 March, from 11:00 to 15:30, the 5th Meeting of Euskal Herriko UNESCO Sarea (EHUS) will take place at Deusto University. This network is formed of 19 public and private Basque institutions linked to UNESCO: PEAS Network Associated Schools, Associated Libraries, UNESCO Chairs, UNESCO Centres and Clubs, Biosphere Reserves, Geoparks, World Heritage Sites and the Creative Cities Network.

The UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development and Environmental Education at the UPV/EHU forms part of this network and participates in its yearly meetings.

Cátedra UNESCO de Desarrollo Sostenible y Educación Ambiental