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The main aim of the Chair is to create a new unit to encourage applied research, teaching, and specialist surveys on topics relating to Sustainable Development and Environmental Education, from an inter-disciplinary viewpoint examining natural sciences, and also social sciences and techniques.

Research and other activities promoted by the Chair are focused on understanding and resolution of problems related to sustainable development in the Basque Country, specially in Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve, a region pretended to be reference site for experience essays and demonstrations.

Transmission of knowledge and research results on these topics to general society, to competent administration and to implicated stakeholders is aspect in which the Chair would like to influence.

The Chair also intends to promote scientific cooperation and tranference of results and experiences on sustainable development through Chair and Biosphere Reserve networks, both belonging to UNESCO, and through other network to which University and its researchers belong.


Cátedra UNESCO de Desarrollo Sostenible y Educación Ambiental