Euskadi’s ecosystems, in the spotlight

Euskadi’s ecosystems, in the spotlight

On the occasion of World Environment Day, EL CORREO, in the special supplement Sustainable Development, highlights the work of the research project Assessment of Ecosystem Services in the Basque Country in the evaluation of the state of ecosystems and which develops the conceptual and methodological framework of the United Nations International Scientific Programme, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. This project is led by the UNESCO Chair.

This research began in 2008 with the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment in Bizkaia (EEM BIzkaia) project funded by the County Council of Bizkaia. In 2011, in parallel with the EEM Bizkaia, the project Millennium Ecosystem Assessment in the Basque Autonomous Community (EEM Bizkaia) was launched, financed by the Basque Government. In 2015, both projects were unified into one called the Ecosystem Services Assessment in the Basque Country, where efforts, methodologies, equipment and funding were combined to achieve common objectives and comply with the actions set out by Europe. It is currently supported by the Basque Government.

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