Leire Mendez_ingl

Leire Méndez

I coursed Biology at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (Degree in 2007). Since then, my research activities focused on the understanding on metal uptake and ecotoxicity of metal mixtures in freshwater ecosystems, and the use of metal bioaccumulation in macroinvertebrates as an ecological monitoring tool. Thus, my master thesis, doctorate and postdoctoral career where developed in this research line, namely ecotoxicology, within the Animal Ecotoxicity and Biodiversity research group, coordinated by Prof. Pilar Rodriguez and Dr. Maite Martinez. Simultaneously with my research career, I wanted to expand my knowledge and skills in regards to sustainability and ecology, and I completed a postgraduate course in “Environment and Sustainability” at the UPV/EHU.

Since 2018, I am involved in the project of “Ecosystem Services of Euskadi” coordinated by the Prof. Miren Onaindia at the “UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Development and Environmental Education” (UPV/EHU), from the Plant Biology and Ecology Dept. I am currently the responsible of the research line of water ecosystem services, with an applied focus for management purposes under the Water Framework Directive. Additionally, since 2019 I am working on the RENATUR Interreg Europe project, which is coordinated at the Basque Country by the Dr. Ibone Ametzaga.

Cátedra UNESCO de Desarrollo Sostenible y Educación Ambiental