De Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (GIC)
Alexandre Manhaes Savio
- Engineer in Computer Science (October 2006) University of the Basque Country
- PhD Student Computational Intelligence Group Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence department
Research Areas:
- MRI medical images segmentation and registration for brain functional localization
- Gesture recognition systems
Research Questions:
- What are each different type of brain image registration methods useful for?
- How could I apply a Random Markov Field method to make a brain image registration? Isn't it related to Mutual Information?
- Could that be useful or better than other existing methods?
Pending Tasks:
- Read articles
- Prepare the presentation about different brain image registration methods for the Jornadas de Inteligencia Computacional in Verona.
- Learn to use 3DSlicer and SPM.
Deadlines de congresos y trabajos pendientes:
Work diary (meetings with directors):
Congresos y revistas objetivo:
Direcciones web de interés: