Relevance Dendritic Computing: codes and examples

De Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (GIC)

This page is devoted to publishing code for Relevance Dendritic Computing and some execution examples.

Download the MATLAB code for Relevance Dendritic Computing here:


Datasets avalaible in:

[| Benchmarks datasets]

The details of the method are given in the paper
   Learning Parsimonious Dendritic Classifiers
   M. Graña, and A.I. Gonzalez, Neurocomputing (submitted for publication).
Some results obtained. Figures shown the distribution of class 1 (blue dot region) obtained by training on the (a) XOR, (b) Gaussians centered at the XOR points, (c) the synthetic data used by Tipping and (d) synthetic ring data.
RDC6 xor.png (a) RDC6 gauss xor.png (b)
RDC-synth.png (c) SLKN ring.png (d)

Copyright 2011 Grupo Inteligencia Computacional, Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU).