De Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (GIC)
Scientific Journals
Remote Sensing
- Remote sensing of environment (Impact Factor: 3.06).
- IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and remote sensing (Impact Factor: 1,75).
- ISPRS Journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing (Impact Factor: 1.38).
- Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing (Impact Factor: 1.28).
- Journal of geodesy (Impact Factor: 1.21).
- Another journals of interest:
- International Journal of Remote Sensing (Impact Factor: 0.98, 7/11).
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
- International Journal of computer vision (Impact Factor: 6.09).
- IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (Impact Factor: 4.31).
- IEEE Transactions on evolutionary computation (Impact Factor: 3.77).
- Medical image analysis (Impact Factor: 3.26).
- IEEE Transactions on image processing (Impact Factor: 2.72).
Otras revistas de interés
- IEEE Transactions on signal processing (Impact Factor: 1.57).
- Computers and geosciences (Impact Factor: 0.8).
- Signal processing (Impact Factor: 0.67).
- Computers and electronics in agriculture (Impact Factor: 0.85).
- Computers in industry (Impact Factor: 1.14).
- Computational statistics and data analysis (Impact Factor: 0.93).
- Computational geosciences (Impact Factor: 1.0).
- SAR and QSAR in environmental research (Impact Factor: 1.63).