Diferencia entre revisiones de «DPI2006-15346-C03-03-Resultados»

De Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (GIC)
Sin resumen de edición
(No se muestran 74 ediciones intermedias de 4 usuarios)
Línea 2: Línea 2:

Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional
Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial
Universidad del País Vasco
Universidad del País Vasco

Línea 18: Línea 20:
:Jose Orlando Maldonado Bautista  
:Jose Orlando Maldonado Bautista  
:Abdelmalik Mouhahid
:Abdelmalik Moujahid
:Fidel Rebón (solicitada inclusión)
:Fidel Rebón (solicitada inclusión)
:Ramón Moreno (solicitada inclusión)
:Ramón Moreno (solicitada inclusión)

=Bases de  Datos experimentales =

= Datos experimentales =
* [[Conjuntos de datos 3D]]: Muestras de datos obtenidos mediante una cámara 3D montada en un robot, durante varios recorridos en distintas salas de la Facultad de Informática de San Sebastián.

* [[Conjuntos de datos 3D]]: Muestras de datos obtenidos mediante una cámara 3D montada en un robot, durante varios recorridos en distintas salas de la Facultad de Informática de San Sebastián.
= Resultados experimentales =
== [[media:Resumen de trabajos UPV DPI2006-15346-C03-03.pdf|resumen de resultados]]==
==  [[Conjuntos_de_datos_3D|Conjuntos de datos generados por una cámara 3D sobre un robot Pioneer]]==
== videos ==
* [[DPI2006-15346-C03-03-Resultados-videos-control-manual|Demostración de concepto con control manual]]
* [[DPI2006-15346-C03-03-Resultados-videos-control-centralizado|Control centralizado monitorizado por una cámara]]
* [[DPI2006-15346-C03-03-Resultados-videos-simulacion-manguera|Simulación del sistema multirobot enlazado basado en splines dinámicos]]
* [[media:AiboERS7.mp4|Experiencias de visual servoing con el Aibo]]
* [[2009-10-24-video-skeleton|Calculo del esqueleto con poda en tiempo real para interfaz gestual]]

= Publicaciones =
= Publicaciones =

== Revistas ==
== Revistas ==
; Alexandre Savio, Maite García-Sebastián, Carmen Hernández, Darya Chyzhyk, Manuel  Graña, and Jorge Villanúa
:Classification Results of Artificial Neural Networks for Alzheimer's Disease Detection
: International Journal of Neural Systems (submision invitada, estimado octubre 2009)
: JCR 2008 0.901
;I. Macía, J.H. Legarreta, C. Paloc, M. Graña, J. Maiora, G. García, and M. de Blas
:Segmentation of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in CT Images using a Radial Model Approach
: International Journal of Neural Systems (submision invitada, estimado octubre 2009)
: JCR 2008 0.901
; Manuel Graña, Flavio Banterla, Gemma Climent
: A review of terapeutic and diagnostic applications of virtual reality
: IEEE Trans. SMC, part C (en preparacion)
; Miguel A. Veganzones, Carmen Hernandez, Manuel Graña
: A CIBIR method for hyperspectral remote sensing images
: Computer & Geosciences (en preparacion,)
;Miguel A. Veganzones, Manuel Graña,
: A review of endmember extraction methods
:IEEE trans. Systems, Man & Cybernetics, part C (en preparacion, )
;Zelmar Echegoyen, Alicia d'Anjou, Manuel Graña
:Visual servoing on a legged robot: formal modelling and empirical validation
: IEEE trans.RObotics (en preparacion)
; Andoni Beristain, Manuel Graña
: An stable and efficient Voronoi skeleton computing
: IEEE tras. PAMI (en preparacion)
;Zelmar Echegoyen, Ivan Villaverde, Ramon Moreno, Manuel Graña, Alicia d'Anjou
: Linked mobile robot control: the hose manipulation problem
: Robotics and Autonomous Systems (enviado)
;Ivan Villaverde, Manuel Graña
: A lattice neurocomputing approach to visual landmark identification for mobile robot navigation
: Neural Procesing Letters (en preparación)
;Ivan Villaverde, Manuel Graña
: Neuro-Evolutionary approach for egomotion estimation with a 3D ToF camera
: Neural Computing Applications (enviado)
;Manuel Graña, Maite García-Sebastián, Carmen Hernández
:Lattice Independent Component Analysis for fMRI
: Information Sciences (en prensa)
; Andoni Beristain, Manuel Graña
: A pruning algorithm for Voronoi Skeletons
: Electronics Letters (aceptado)
;Manuel Graña, Alexandre M. Savio, Maite García-Sebastián, Elsa Fernández.
:A Lattice Computing approach for On-line fMRI analysis,
:Image and Vision Computing (en prensa)
: JCR (2008) 1.496
;Francisco J. Torrealdea, Cecilia Sarasola, Alicia d’Anjou, Abdelmalik Moujahid, N. Vélez de Mendizábal
:Energy efficiency of information transmission by electrically coupled neurons
:Biosystems, Volume 97, Issue 1, July 2009, Pages 60-71
:Impact factor: 1.646
;Francisco J. Torrealdea, Cecilia Sarasola, Alicia d’Anjou
:Energy consumption and information transmission in model neurons
:Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 40, Issue 1, 15 April 2009, Pages 60-68
:Impact factor: 3.025
;Richard J Duro; Manuel Graña Romay; Javier de Lope Asiain,
:On the Potential Contributions of Hybrid Intelligent Approaches to Multicomponent Robotic System Development
:Information Sciences (en prensa)
:Impact factor (2008) 3.095
;Maite García-Sebastián, Ana Isabel González, Manuel Graña
:An Adaptive Field Rule for Non-parametric MRI Intensity Inhomogeneity Estimation Algorithm
:Neurocomputing 72 (2009) 3556–3569
: JCR (2007) 0.865 (2008) 1.234
;Abdelmalik Moujahid, Blanca Cases, F.J. Olasagasti
:Consensus dynamics in a dolphin social network
:CEUR Workshop Proceedings (ISSN 1613-0073) accepted for publication
;Blanca Cases, F.Javier Olasagasti, Abdelmalik Moujahid, Alicia D'Anjou
:Swarm Intelligence: una aplicación a la toma de decisiones colectivas
:CEUR Workshop Proceedings (ISSN 1613-0073) accepted for publication
;Andoni Beristain, Manuel Graña.
:Emotion Recognition Based on the Analysis of Facial Expressions.
: New Mathematics and Natural Computation (NMNC), 5(2) pp.513-534 (world scientific press [http://www.worldscinet.com/nmnc/nmnc.shtml])
;Manuel Graña, Ivan Villaverde, José Orlando Maldonado, Carmen Henandez
:Two Lattice Computing approaches for the unsupervised segmentation of Hyperspectral Images
: Neurocomputing, 72(2009):2111–2120
: ISI JCR 2006 0.860, 2007 0.865
: DOI 10.1016/j.neucom.2008.06.026
; Manuel Graña
: Special issue on the Lattice Computing and Natural Computing track from JCIS 2007
: Neurocomputing 72:2065–2066
: DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2008.11.021
;Maite García-Sebastián, Carmen Hernandez, Alicia d'Anjou
:Robustness of an Adaptive MRI Segmentation Algorithm Parametric Intensity Inhomogeneity Modeling [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V10-4V59VW3-8&_user=984461&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000049823&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=984461&md5=706b7323a65e4074fdf4015bcb1a34d3]
:Neurocomputing 72 (2009) 2146-2152. [[BibTeX]]
: ISI JCR 2006 0.860, 2007 0.865
: DOI 10.1016/j.neucom.2008.07.014
;Ivan Villaverde, Zelmar Echegoyen, Manuel Graña
: Neuro-Evolutive  system for ego-motion estimation with a 3D camera
: Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 10(1):59-70
: ISSN 1321-2133
;Israel Rebollo, Manuel Graña
: Aplicaciones de RFID
: Novatica,195:42-46, sept. 2008,
; Jose Orlando Maldonado, Manuel Graña
:Recycled paper visual indexing for quality control
: Expert Systems with Applications, 45(4) pp 8807–8815
: ISI JCR 2007 1.177
: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2008.11.023
; Iñigo Barandiaran, Celine Paloc · Manuel Graña
:Real-time Optical Markerless Tracking for Augmented Reality Applications
:J Real-Time Image Proc [http://www.springerlink.com/content/1861-8200], accepted
;Maite Garcia-Sebastián, Elsa Fernandez, M. Graña, Francisco J. Torrealdea
:''A parametric gradient descent MRI intensity inhomogeneity correction algorithm''
:Pattern Recognition Letters 28(13):1657-1666
:Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR (2001, 2005, 2006) 0.552, 1.138 0.952
;Ivan Villaverde, Alicia d'Anjou, M. Graña
:''Morphological Neural Networks and Vision Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping''
:Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 14(4):355-363
:Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2005 0.444, JCR 2006 0.236
;F.J. Torrealdea, A. d'Anjou, Manuel Graña, C. Sarasola
:''Energy aspects of the synchronization of model neurons''
: Physical Review E 74:011905
:Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2006 2.438

== Capítulos de libro ==
== Capítulos de libro ==

== Sesiones especiales en congresos ==
;Manuel Graña, Maite Garcia-Sebastián
: Lattice Independent Component Analysis for fMRI analysis
: M. Polycarpou, C. Panayiotou, C. Alippi, G. Ellinas (Eds.), Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2009, LNCS XXXX, Springer Verlag, pp.xxx-xxx
;Ramón Moreno, Manuel  Graña, Alicia  d'Anjou,Carmen  Hernandez
:Bayesian Reflectance Component Separation.
:KES 2009
;Carlos Toro,  Manuel  Graña, Jorge  Posada, Javier  Vaquero,  Cesar  Sanin,  Edward  Szczerbicki
:Domain modeling based on Engineering Standards.
: KES 2009
;Ivan Villaverde, Manuel Graña
:An Improved Evolutionary Approach for Egomotion Estimation with a 3D TOF Camera
: J. Mira et al. (Eds.) IWINAC 2009, LNCS 5602, Springer Verlag
: ISBN pending
;Manuel Graña, Zelmar  Echegoyen, Alicia  d'Anjou
: On the control of a multi-robot system for the manipulation of an elastic hose
: J. Mira et al. (Eds.) IWINAC 2009, LNCS 5602, pp. 382–389, Springer Verlag
: ISBN pending
;Alexandre Savio, Manuel Graña, Maite García-Sebastián, Jorge Villanúa
: Results of an Adaboost approach on Alzheimer's Disease detection on MRI
: J. Mira et al. (Eds.) IWINAC 2009, LNCS 5602, Springer Verlag
: ISBN pending
; Carlos Toro, Manuel Graña, Jorge Posada
:An architecture for the Semantic Enhancement of Virtual Engineering Applications
:Intelligent Systems for Knowledge Management,
: Ngoc Thanh Nguyen and Edward Szczerbicki (Editors), pp.xxx-xxx,  Springer Verlag 2009
: ISBN pending
; Maite García-Sebastián, Alexandre Savio, Manuel Graña, Jorge Villanúa
:On the use of Morphometry based features for Alzheimer's Disease detection on MRI
:Biological Inspired systems for Intelligent computing. / IWANN2009 (Vol.1)
: Joan Cabestany, Francisco Sandoval, Alberto Prieto, Juan M. Corchado (Editors),  Springer Verlag 2009
: ISBN pending
;Manuel Graña, Iván Villaverde, Jose Manuel López Guede, Borja Fernández
:Review of Hybridizations of Kalman Filters with  Fuzzy and Neural Computing for Mobile Robot  Navigation
: 4th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems (HAIS09)
: E. Corchado, X. Wu, E. Oja (eds), Springer Verlad 2009, LNAI 5572, pp. 121-128
: ISBN pending
;E. Irigoyen, K. L. de Ipiña, N. Garay, I. Fajardo, A. Goicoechea, A. Ezeiza,  M. Peñagarikano, G. Bordel, A. Conde, M. Larrañaga, A. Arruti,  L.J. Rodríguez, J.M. López, E. Zulueta, M. Graña, J. Rubio
: INTED2008 Proceedings
:L. Gómez Chova, D. Martí Belenguer, I. Candel Torres (eds)
:International Association of Technology, Education and Development , IATED, Valencia
:ISBN: 978-84-612-0190-7
;Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Manuel Graña, Ekaitz Zulueta, Oscar Barambones
: Economical Implementation of Control Loops for Multi-Robot  Systems
: Proc. of 15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly (ICONIP 2008). LNCS, Springer Verlag.
:ISBN pending.
;Zelmar Echegoyen, Alicia d’Anjou, Ivan Villaverde, Manuel Graña
:Towards the adaptive control of a multirobot  system for an elastic hose
: Proc. of 15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly (ICONIP 2008). LNCS, Springer Verlag.
:ISBN pending.
;Ivan Villaverde, Zelmar Echegoyen and Manuel Graña
:Neuro-Evolutive system for ego-motion estimation with a 3D camera.
: Proc. of 15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly (ICONIP 2008). LNCS, Springer Verlag.
:ISBN pending.
;B. Cases, C. Hernandez, M. Graña, A. d'Anjou.
:On the ability of Swarms to compute the 3-coloring of graphs.
:In S. Bullock, J. Noble, R. Watson, M.A. Bedau (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, pp. 102-109, MIT Press, 2008
: ISBN 978-0-262-75017-2,
;Ivan Villaverde and Manuel Graña,
: A Hybrid Intelligent System for Robot Ego Motion Estimation with a 3D Camera
: Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Emilio Corchado, Ajith Abraham, Witold Pedrycz (eds), LNAI 5271, Springer Verlag pp: 657-664
: ISBN 978-3-540-87655-7
; Ramón Moreno, Alicia d’Anjou and Manuel Graña,
:Evolutive Parametric Approach for Specular Correction in the Dichromatic Reflection Model
: Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Emilio Corchado, Ajith Abraham, Witold Pedrycz (eds) LNAI 5271, Springer Verlag pp: 665-672
: ISBN 978-3-540-87655-7
; José Manuel López-Guede, Manuel Graña and Ekaitz Zulueta,
: On Distributed Cooperative Control for the Manipulation of a Hose by a Multirobot System
: Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Emilio Corchado, Ajith Abraham, Witold Pedrycz (eds) LNAI 5271, Springer Verlag pp: 673-679
: ISBN 978-3-540-87655-7
;R.J. Duro, M. Graña and J. de Lope,
:On the need of Hybrid Intelligent Systems in Modular and Multi Robotics
: Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Emilio Corchado, Ajith Abraham, Witold Pedrycz (eds) LNAI 5271, Springer Verlag pp: 641-648
: ISBN 978-3-540-87655-7
; Manuel Graña, Maite García-Sebastián, Ivan Villaverde, Elsa Fernandez
: An approach from Lattice Computing to fMRI analysis [[Media:Proceedings-cla2008-workshop.pdf|pdf]]
: LBM 2008 (CLA 2008), Proceedings of the Lattice-Based Modeling Workshop, Vassilis Kaburlasos, Uta Priss, Manuel Graña (eds), pp:33-44
: ISBN 978–80–244–2112–4
; Miguel Angel Veganzones, Manuel Graña
: Endmember extraction methods: a short review
: I. Lovrek, R.J. Howlett, L.C. Jain (Eds.): KES 2008, Part III, LNAI 5179, pp:400-407; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 2008.
: ISBN 978-3-540-85566-8
;M. Graña.
:A Brief Review of Lattice Computing
:Proceedings FUZZ-IEEE 2008, pp.1777-1781
:ISBN 978-1-4244-1819-0
;Maite García-Sebastián, A. M. Savio, M. Graña.
:Comments on an Evolutionary Intensity Inhomogeneity Correction Algorithm
: Proceedings CEC 2008, pp.4146-4150
:ISBN 978-1-4244-1822-0
;Diego Sal, Manuel Graña
:''A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Watermarking''
: Computational Intelligence for Remote Sensing, Manuel Graña, Richard Duro (eds), Springer Verlag, Studies in Computational Intelligence series, pp.49-60
: ISBN 978-3-540-79352-6
; Miguel Angel Veganzones, José Orlando Maldonado, Manuel Graña
:''On Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems For Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images''
: Computational Intelligence for Remote Sensing, Manuel Graña, Richard Duro (eds), Springer Verlag, Studies in Computational Intelligence series, pp.97-111
: ISBN 978-3-540-79352-6
; M. Graña
:''State of the art in lattice computing for artificial intelligence applications''
: Mathematical and Computational Models, R. Nadarajan R. Anitha, C. Porkodi (eds), pp. 233--242
:  New Delhi, India:Narosa Publishing House
:ISBN 978-81-7319-882-3
;I. Villaverde, M. Graña, A. d'Anjou
:''Morphological Independence for Landmark Detection in Vision Based SLAM''
:Computational and ambient intelligence, F. Sandoval, A. Prieto, J. Cabestany, M. Graña (eds), LNCS 4507, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 837-844
:Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2004, 2005: 0.513, 0.402
:ISBN 3-540-73006-0
:ISSN 0302-9743
;Maite García-Sebastián, Ana I. Gonzalez, Manuel Graña
:''Derivation of SOM-like rules for intensity inhomogeneity correction in MRI''
:Computational and ambient intelligence, F. Sandoval, A. Prieto, J. Cabestany, M. Graña (eds) LNCS 4507, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 669-676
:Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2004, 2005: 0.513, 0.402
:ISBN 3-540-73006-0
:ISSN 0302-9743
;Manuel Graña, Ivan Villaverde, Ramon Moreno, Francisco X. Albizuri
:''Convex coordinates from lattice independent sets for visual pattern recognition''
:Computational Intelligence Based on Lattice Theory, G. Ritter, V. Kaburlasos (eds), Springer Verlag, pp: 99-126
:ISBN 978-3-540-72686-9
;Zelmar Echegoyen, Alicia d'Anjou, Manuel Graña
:''Modeling a Legged Robot for Visual Servoing''
:Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2007, Osvaldo Gervasi and Marina L. Gavrilova (eds) LNCS 4707, Springer Verlag, pp: 798-810
:ISBN 978-3-540-74482-5
;Maite García-Sebastián, Manuel Graña
:''SOM for intensity inhomogeneity correction in MRI''
:ESANN 2007, M. Verleysen (ed), D-side Publications, pp: 109-114
:ISBN 2-930307-07-2
;Ramon Moreno, Manuel Grana Romay, Miguel Angel Veganzones
:''A Remote Mycological Assistant''
:IDAACS'2007, Anatoly Sachenko, Peter J. A. Reusch, Richard Duro, Wieslaw Winiecki (eds), IEEE Press, pp. 408-412
:ISBN 1-4244-1348-6
;I. Villaverde, M. Graña, J.L. Jimenez
:''Lattice Independence and Vision Based Mobile Robot Navigation''
:Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES 2007, Bruno Apolloni, Robert J. Howlett, and Lakhmi Jain (Eds.) LNAI 4693, Springer Verlag, pp: 1196-1203
:ISBN 978-3-540-74826-7
;Zelmar Echegoyen, Alicia d’Anjou, Manuel Graña
:''Contribution to legged robot visual servoing''
:Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES 2007, Bruno Apolloni, Robert J. Howlett, and Lakhmi Jain (Eds.) LNAI 4693, Springer Verlag, pp: 1179-1186
:ISBN 978-3-540-74826-7
;I. Cearreta, J.M. López, K. López de Ipiña, M. Hernandez, N. Garay, M. Graña, A. Álvarez
:''Affective Computing as a component of Ambient Intelligence''
:INFORMATION SCIENCES 2007, Proceedings of the 10th Joint Conference, Paul Yingjun Cao, Hengda Cheng, Donald Hung, Cengiz Kahraman, Chung Wha Ngo, Yukio Ohsawa, Manuel Grana Romay, Mu Chun Su, Athanasios Vasilakos, Douglas Wang, Paul P. Wang (eds), Singapore: World Scientific, pp: 1580-1586
:ISBN 978-981-270-967-7
;M. Graña, J.L. Jimenez, C. Hernandez
:''Lattice Independence, Autoassociative Morphological Memories and unsupervised segmentation of Hyperspectral Images''
:INFORMATION SCIENCES 2007, Proceedings of the 10th Joint Conference, Paul Yingjun Cao, Hengda Cheng, Donald Hung, Cengiz Kahraman, Chung Wha Ngo, Yukio Ohsawa, Manuel Grana Romay, Mu Chun Su, Athanasios Vasilakos, Douglas Wang, Paul P. Wang (eds), Singapore: World Scientific, pp: 1624-1631
:ISBN 978-981-270-967-7
;Jose Orlando Maldonado, David Vicente Herrera, Manuel Graña Romay
:''Visual texture characterization of recycled paper quality''
:Innovations in Hybrid Intellligent Systems, Advances in Soft Computing Vol. 44, Springer Verlag, pp: 288-295
:ISBN 978-3-540-74971-4
; Israel Rebollo, Manuel Graña
: Gestión Multiagente de Almacenes Usando RFID
: 1 jornadas científicas sobre RFID, A. García, J. Bravo, R. Hervás, J.C. Encinas, Gabriel Chavira,  Salvador W. Nava, J. M. Pastor, P. García, J. G.Escribano (EDS), pp. 7--12
:ISBN 978-84-612-0542-4
;Ana I. González, Alicia D’Anjou, Maite García-Sebastián, Manuel Graña
:''SOM and Neural Gas as Graduated Nonconvexity Algorithms''
:The 2006 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications -- ICCSA 2006, M. Gavrilova et al.(Eds.) LNCS 3982, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, ICCSA 2006, part III, pp. 1143-1152. JCR(2005) 0.402.
:ISBN 3-540-34075-0
;C.Hernández, J. Gallego, Maite García-Sebastián, Manuel Graña Romay
:''On Clustering Performance Indices for Multispectral Image''
:Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 10 International Conf. -- KES 2006, B. Gabrys, R. J. Howlett and L. C. Jain (Eds.) LNCS 4253, Springer Verlag, Berlin, KES 2006, Part III, pp. 277-283. JCR(2005) 0.402.
:ISBN 978-3-540-46542-3
==Libros editados==
;Proceedings of a workshop on Knowledge Engineering, Visualization and Interaction in Computer Aided Design and other Industrial Applications
: Manuel Graña, Jorge Posada, Andoni Beristain
: Servicio editorial UPV/EHU, 2009
: ISBN pending
; Actas de las II Jornadas de Inteligencia Computacional, JIC'08 [[Media:LibroPresentacionesVerona.pdf|pdf]]
: Ramón Moreno Jimenez, Alexandre Manhaes Savio
: Servicio editorial de la UPV/EHU
: ISBN 978-84-296-2316-1
;LBM 2008 (CLA 2008), Proceedings of the Lattice-Based Modeling Workshop [[Media:Proceedings-cla2008-workshop.pdf|pdf]] [[Media:Booklet-cla2008-workshop mono.pdf|booklet]] [http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-433 CLA 2008 online proceedings]
:Vassilis Kaburlasos, Uta Priss, Manuel Graña (eds)
:Palack ́y University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
:ISBN 978–80–244–2112–4
;Computational Intelligence for Remote Sensing
:Manuel Graña, Richard Duro (eds)
: Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 133
:Springer Verlag, Heidelberg  2008
:ISBN 978-3-540-79352-6
:e-ISBN 978-3-540-79353-3
: ISSN 1860-949X
;Computational and ambient intelligence
: Francisco Sandoval, Alberto Prieto, Joan Cabestany, Manuel Graña (eds)
:Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): ISI JCR 2004, 2005: 0.513, 0.402
: LNCS 4507
: Springer Verlag, Heidelberg,  Junio 2007
:ISBN 3-540-73006-0
;Actas de las I Jornadas de Inteligencia Computacional [[Media:JIC07_print.pdf | pdf (95.9 MB)]]
:Ramón Moreno Jimenez, Miguel Angel Veganzones Bodón, Maria Teresa García Sebastián
: Servicio de publicaciones UPV/EHU
: ISBN 978­84­9860­019­3
; INFORMATION SCIENCES 2007, Proceedings of the 10th Joint Conference
: Paul Yingjun Cao, Hengda Cheng, Donald Hung, Cengiz Kahraman, Chung Wha Ngo, Yukio Ohsawa, Manuel Grana Romay, Mu Chun Su, Athanasios Vasilakos, Douglas Wang & Paul P. Wang (eds)
:World Scientific Lugar de publicación: Singapore Julio 2007
:ISBN eISBN 978-981-270-967-7
== Números especiales en revistas==
;Special issue on JCIS 2007
: Neurocomputing, 72 (2009) [http://www.ehu.es/ccwintco/groupware/index.php?menuaction=phpbrain.uikb.view_article&art_id=87 accepted papers]
: Manuel Graña (ed)
==Ponencias invitadas en congresos==
;Emotion from facial expression recognition
:Manuel Graña, Andoni Beristain
:[http://www.jcis.org/| JCIS 2007], 18-24 Julio 2007, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
;State of the art in Lattice Computing for Artificial Intelligence Applications
:Manuel Graña
:[http://www.psgtech.edu/conference/ncmcm07/| NCMCM 2007], 13-15 Diciembre 2007, Coimbatore, India
= Sesiones especiales en congresos =
== Congresos internacionales ==
* [http://gicap.ubu.es/ideal2009/spsessions/spsessionslist.shtml IDEAL 2009 special session on Intelligent Computational Techniques in Medical Image Processing]
*[[IWINAC2009-multirobot | IWINAC 2009 special session on Bio-inspired computation in cooperative multi-robot systems]]
* [[KES2009 Reflectance Analysis|KES 2009 Special Session on Intelligent Systems for Reflectance Analysis]]
*6th International Conference on Photonics, Networking and Computing, incluida en el 11th JCIS  [[media:Conference Tracks JCIS 008.pdf|JCIS tracks]]
* CLA2008 Workshop on Lattice Based Modelling [[http://iiu.teikav.edu.gr/users/vgkabs/CLA2008.htm]]
*[[HAIS2008-multirobot | HAIS 2008 special session on Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Multi-robot and multi-agent systems]]
* [[ICONIP 2008 Special Session | ICONIP 2008 Special Session on Neural Information Processing in Cooperative Multi-Robot Systems]]
* [[KES2008-hyper|Hyperspectral imagery for remote sensing: intelligent analysis and applications]]
* [http://www.jcis.org/page/track.html 8th International Conference on Natural Computing] en el 10th JCIS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Julio 2007
* 9th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN'2007) - Computational and Ambient Intelligence [http://iwann2005.ugr.es/2007/index.html]
== Congresos nacionales y locales ==
*[[Vicomtech-GIC-workshop-09-05-27| Workshop on Knowledge Engineering, Visualization and Interaction in Computer Aided Design and other Industrial Applications]]
* [[jic08|Segundas Jornadas de Inteligencia Computacional (JIC'08)]]
* [[jic07|Primeras Jornadas de Inteligencia Computacional (JIC'07)]]
=Tesis dirigidas=
;Andoni Beristain
:Skeleton based visual pattern recognition: aplications to tabletop interaction
: Director: Manuel Graña Romay (UPV/EHU)
: Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, sobresaliente cum laude por unanimidad, diciembre 2009
;Ivan Villaverde
:On Computational Intelligence tools for vision based navigation of mobile robots
: Director: Manuel Graña Romay (UPV/EHU)
: Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, sobresaliente cum laude por unanimidad, diciembre 2009
;Zelmar Echegoyen
:Contributions to visual servoing to legged and linked multicomponent robots
: Directores: Manuel Graña Romay. Alicia d'Anjou d'Anjou (UPV/EHU)
: Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, sobresaliente cum laude por unanimidad, diciembre 2009
;María Teresa García Sebastián
:''[[Media:Tesis MT Garcia Sebastian.pdf|Contributions to Brain MRI Processing and Analysis]]''
: Director: Manuel Graña Romay (UPV/EHU)
: Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, sobresaliente cum laude por unanimidad, diciembre 2009
;Maria de las Nieves Velez de Mendizabal Castillo
:''Modelado Computacional en Dinámica de Sistemas aplicado a Inmunología''
: Directores: Francisco Javier Torrealdea Folgado, Pablo Villoslada Diaz
:Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, depositada
;Carlos A. Toro
:''[[Media:Thesis carlos toro final version printLayout 04102209.pdf | Semantic Enhancement of VirtualEngineering Applications]]''
: Directores: Manuel Graña Romay (UPV/EHU), Jorge Posada (Vicomtech)
: Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, 26 Mayo 2009, CALIFICACION: Sobresaliente cum Laude por unanimidad
; José Orlando Maldonado Bautista
: ''[[Media:Tesis-17-04-2008.pdf |Estudio de métodos de indexación y recuperación en bases de datos de imágenes]]''
: Director: Manuel Graña Romay
: Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, 19 Septiembre 2008 CALIFICACION: Apto cum Laude por unanimidad
;Imanol Echave Calvo
: ''[[Media:Imanol-echave-tesis-06-06.pdf |Algunas aportaciones a la segmentación de imagen digital basadas en el Mapa Autoorganizativo]]''
: Director: Manuel Graña Romay, F. Xabier Albizuri Irigoien
:Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, Octubre 2006 CALIFICACION: Apto cum Laude por unanimidad
=Estancias en centros extranjeros=
;Maite Garcia Sebastián
:University of West Scotland, Paisley, Scotland, UK
:supervisor: Prof. Colin Fyfe
: duración: Agosto-Noviembre 2008

;Ivan VIllaverde
: Universidad técnológica de Kavala, Grecia
: supervisor Vasilis Kaburlassos
:duración: Septiembre-Diciembre 2007

Revisión actual - 18:39 28 oct 2011

Información sobre el equipo investigador

Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional

Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial

Universidad del País Vasco

Miembros del equipo
Alicia d ́Anjou d ́Anjou
Xabier Albizuri Irigoyen
Carmen Gómez Hernandez
Ana Isabel Gonzalez Acuña
Francisco Javier Torrealdea Folgado
Josune Gallego Merino
Elsa Fernandez Gomez de Segura
Maria Teresa Garcia Sebastian
Zelmar Echegoyen Ferreira
Ivan Villaverde de la Nava
Jose Orlando Maldonado Bautista
Abdelmalik Moujahid
Fidel Rebón (solicitada inclusión)
Ramón Moreno (solicitada inclusión)

Bases de Datos experimentales

  • Conjuntos de datos 3D: Muestras de datos obtenidos mediante una cámara 3D montada en un robot, durante varios recorridos en distintas salas de la Facultad de Informática de San Sebastián.

Resultados experimentales

resumen de resultados

Conjuntos de datos generados por una cámara 3D sobre un robot Pioneer





Alexandre Savio, Maite García-Sebastián, Carmen Hernández, Darya Chyzhyk, Manuel Graña, and Jorge Villanúa
Classification Results of Artificial Neural Networks for Alzheimer's Disease Detection
International Journal of Neural Systems (submision invitada, estimado octubre 2009)
JCR 2008 0.901
I. Macía, J.H. Legarreta, C. Paloc, M. Graña, J. Maiora, G. García, and M. de Blas
Segmentation of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in CT Images using a Radial Model Approach
International Journal of Neural Systems (submision invitada, estimado octubre 2009)
JCR 2008 0.901

Manuel Graña, Flavio Banterla, Gemma Climent
A review of terapeutic and diagnostic applications of virtual reality
IEEE Trans. SMC, part C (en preparacion)
Miguel A. Veganzones, Carmen Hernandez, Manuel Graña
A CIBIR method for hyperspectral remote sensing images
Computer & Geosciences (en preparacion,)
Miguel A. Veganzones, Manuel Graña,
A review of endmember extraction methods
IEEE trans. Systems, Man & Cybernetics, part C (en preparacion, )
Zelmar Echegoyen, Alicia d'Anjou, Manuel Graña
Visual servoing on a legged robot: formal modelling and empirical validation
IEEE trans.RObotics (en preparacion)

Andoni Beristain, Manuel Graña
An stable and efficient Voronoi skeleton computing
IEEE tras. PAMI (en preparacion)
Zelmar Echegoyen, Ivan Villaverde, Ramon Moreno, Manuel Graña, Alicia d'Anjou
Linked mobile robot control: the hose manipulation problem
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (enviado)
Ivan Villaverde, Manuel Graña
A lattice neurocomputing approach to visual landmark identification for mobile robot navigation
Neural Procesing Letters (en preparación)
Ivan Villaverde, Manuel Graña
Neuro-Evolutionary approach for egomotion estimation with a 3D ToF camera
Neural Computing Applications (enviado)
Manuel Graña, Maite García-Sebastián, Carmen Hernández
Lattice Independent Component Analysis for fMRI
Information Sciences (en prensa)
Andoni Beristain, Manuel Graña
A pruning algorithm for Voronoi Skeletons
Electronics Letters (aceptado)
Manuel Graña, Alexandre M. Savio, Maite García-Sebastián, Elsa Fernández.
A Lattice Computing approach for On-line fMRI analysis,
Image and Vision Computing (en prensa)
JCR (2008) 1.496
Francisco J. Torrealdea, Cecilia Sarasola, Alicia d’Anjou, Abdelmalik Moujahid, N. Vélez de Mendizábal
Energy efficiency of information transmission by electrically coupled neurons
Biosystems, Volume 97, Issue 1, July 2009, Pages 60-71
Impact factor: 1.646
Francisco J. Torrealdea, Cecilia Sarasola, Alicia d’Anjou
Energy consumption and information transmission in model neurons
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 40, Issue 1, 15 April 2009, Pages 60-68
Impact factor: 3.025
Richard J Duro; Manuel Graña Romay; Javier de Lope Asiain,
On the Potential Contributions of Hybrid Intelligent Approaches to Multicomponent Robotic System Development
Information Sciences (en prensa)
Impact factor (2008) 3.095
Maite García-Sebastián, Ana Isabel González, Manuel Graña
An Adaptive Field Rule for Non-parametric MRI Intensity Inhomogeneity Estimation Algorithm
Neurocomputing 72 (2009) 3556–3569
JCR (2007) 0.865 (2008) 1.234
Abdelmalik Moujahid, Blanca Cases, F.J. Olasagasti
Consensus dynamics in a dolphin social network
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (ISSN 1613-0073) accepted for publication
Blanca Cases, F.Javier Olasagasti, Abdelmalik Moujahid, Alicia D'Anjou
Swarm Intelligence: una aplicación a la toma de decisiones colectivas
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (ISSN 1613-0073) accepted for publication
Andoni Beristain, Manuel Graña.
Emotion Recognition Based on the Analysis of Facial Expressions.
New Mathematics and Natural Computation (NMNC), 5(2) pp.513-534 (world scientific press [1])
Manuel Graña, Ivan Villaverde, José Orlando Maldonado, Carmen Henandez
Two Lattice Computing approaches for the unsupervised segmentation of Hyperspectral Images
Neurocomputing, 72(2009):2111–2120
ISI JCR 2006 0.860, 2007 0.865
DOI 10.1016/j.neucom.2008.06.026
Manuel Graña
Special issue on the Lattice Computing and Natural Computing track from JCIS 2007
Neurocomputing 72:2065–2066
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2008.11.021

Maite García-Sebastián, Carmen Hernandez, Alicia d'Anjou
Robustness of an Adaptive MRI Segmentation Algorithm Parametric Intensity Inhomogeneity Modeling [2]
Neurocomputing 72 (2009) 2146-2152. BibTeX
ISI JCR 2006 0.860, 2007 0.865
DOI 10.1016/j.neucom.2008.07.014


Ivan Villaverde, Zelmar Echegoyen, Manuel Graña
Neuro-Evolutive system for ego-motion estimation with a 3D camera
Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 10(1):59-70
ISSN 1321-2133
Israel Rebollo, Manuel Graña
Aplicaciones de RFID
Novatica,195:42-46, sept. 2008,
Jose Orlando Maldonado, Manuel Graña
Recycled paper visual indexing for quality control
Expert Systems with Applications, 45(4) pp 8807–8815
ISI JCR 2007 1.177

Iñigo Barandiaran, Celine Paloc · Manuel Graña
Real-time Optical Markerless Tracking for Augmented Reality Applications
J Real-Time Image Proc [3], accepted


Maite Garcia-Sebastián, Elsa Fernandez, M. Graña, Francisco J. Torrealdea
A parametric gradient descent MRI intensity inhomogeneity correction algorithm
Pattern Recognition Letters 28(13):1657-1666
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR (2001, 2005, 2006) 0.552, 1.138 0.952
Ivan Villaverde, Alicia d'Anjou, M. Graña
Morphological Neural Networks and Vision Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 14(4):355-363
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2005 0.444, JCR 2006 0.236


F.J. Torrealdea, A. d'Anjou, Manuel Graña, C. Sarasola
Energy aspects of the synchronization of model neurons
Physical Review E 74:011905
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2006 2.438

Capítulos de libro


Manuel Graña, Maite Garcia-Sebastián
Lattice Independent Component Analysis for fMRI analysis
M. Polycarpou, C. Panayiotou, C. Alippi, G. Ellinas (Eds.), Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2009, LNCS XXXX, Springer Verlag, pp.xxx-xxx
Ramón Moreno, Manuel Graña, Alicia d'Anjou,Carmen Hernandez
Bayesian Reflectance Component Separation.
KES 2009
Carlos Toro, Manuel Graña, Jorge Posada, Javier Vaquero, Cesar Sanin, Edward Szczerbicki
Domain modeling based on Engineering Standards.
KES 2009
Ivan Villaverde, Manuel Graña
An Improved Evolutionary Approach for Egomotion Estimation with a 3D TOF Camera
J. Mira et al. (Eds.) IWINAC 2009, LNCS 5602, Springer Verlag
ISBN pending
Manuel Graña, Zelmar Echegoyen, Alicia d'Anjou
On the control of a multi-robot system for the manipulation of an elastic hose
J. Mira et al. (Eds.) IWINAC 2009, LNCS 5602, pp. 382–389, Springer Verlag
ISBN pending
Alexandre Savio, Manuel Graña, Maite García-Sebastián, Jorge Villanúa
Results of an Adaboost approach on Alzheimer's Disease detection on MRI
J. Mira et al. (Eds.) IWINAC 2009, LNCS 5602, Springer Verlag
ISBN pending

Carlos Toro, Manuel Graña, Jorge Posada
An architecture for the Semantic Enhancement of Virtual Engineering Applications
Intelligent Systems for Knowledge Management,
Ngoc Thanh Nguyen and Edward Szczerbicki (Editors), pp.xxx-xxx, Springer Verlag 2009
ISBN pending
Maite García-Sebastián, Alexandre Savio, Manuel Graña, Jorge Villanúa
On the use of Morphometry based features for Alzheimer's Disease detection on MRI
Biological Inspired systems for Intelligent computing. / IWANN2009 (Vol.1)
Joan Cabestany, Francisco Sandoval, Alberto Prieto, Juan M. Corchado (Editors), Springer Verlag 2009
ISBN pending
Manuel Graña, Iván Villaverde, Jose Manuel López Guede, Borja Fernández
Review of Hybridizations of Kalman Filters with Fuzzy and Neural Computing for Mobile Robot Navigation
4th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems (HAIS09)
E. Corchado, X. Wu, E. Oja (eds), Springer Verlad 2009, LNAI 5572, pp. 121-128
ISBN pending


E. Irigoyen, K. L. de Ipiña, N. Garay, I. Fajardo, A. Goicoechea, A. Ezeiza, M. Peñagarikano, G. Bordel, A. Conde, M. Larrañaga, A. Arruti, L.J. Rodríguez, J.M. López, E. Zulueta, M. Graña, J. Rubio
INTED2008 Proceedings
L. Gómez Chova, D. Martí Belenguer, I. Candel Torres (eds)
International Association of Technology, Education and Development , IATED, Valencia
ISBN: 978-84-612-0190-7
Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Manuel Graña, Ekaitz Zulueta, Oscar Barambones
Economical Implementation of Control Loops for Multi-Robot Systems
Proc. of 15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly (ICONIP 2008). LNCS, Springer Verlag.
ISBN pending.
Zelmar Echegoyen, Alicia d’Anjou, Ivan Villaverde, Manuel Graña
Towards the adaptive control of a multirobot system for an elastic hose
Proc. of 15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly (ICONIP 2008). LNCS, Springer Verlag.
ISBN pending.
Ivan Villaverde, Zelmar Echegoyen and Manuel Graña
Neuro-Evolutive system for ego-motion estimation with a 3D camera.
Proc. of 15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly (ICONIP 2008). LNCS, Springer Verlag.
ISBN pending.
B. Cases, C. Hernandez, M. Graña, A. d'Anjou.
On the ability of Swarms to compute the 3-coloring of graphs.
In S. Bullock, J. Noble, R. Watson, M.A. Bedau (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, pp. 102-109, MIT Press, 2008
ISBN 978-0-262-75017-2,
Ivan Villaverde and Manuel Graña,
A Hybrid Intelligent System for Robot Ego Motion Estimation with a 3D Camera
Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Emilio Corchado, Ajith Abraham, Witold Pedrycz (eds), LNAI 5271, Springer Verlag pp: 657-664
ISBN 978-3-540-87655-7
Ramón Moreno, Alicia d’Anjou and Manuel Graña,
Evolutive Parametric Approach for Specular Correction in the Dichromatic Reflection Model
Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Emilio Corchado, Ajith Abraham, Witold Pedrycz (eds) LNAI 5271, Springer Verlag pp: 665-672
ISBN 978-3-540-87655-7
José Manuel López-Guede, Manuel Graña and Ekaitz Zulueta,
On Distributed Cooperative Control for the Manipulation of a Hose by a Multirobot System
Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Emilio Corchado, Ajith Abraham, Witold Pedrycz (eds) LNAI 5271, Springer Verlag pp: 673-679
ISBN 978-3-540-87655-7
R.J. Duro, M. Graña and J. de Lope,
On the need of Hybrid Intelligent Systems in Modular and Multi Robotics
Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Emilio Corchado, Ajith Abraham, Witold Pedrycz (eds) LNAI 5271, Springer Verlag pp: 641-648
ISBN 978-3-540-87655-7
Manuel Graña, Maite García-Sebastián, Ivan Villaverde, Elsa Fernandez
An approach from Lattice Computing to fMRI analysis pdf
LBM 2008 (CLA 2008), Proceedings of the Lattice-Based Modeling Workshop, Vassilis Kaburlasos, Uta Priss, Manuel Graña (eds), pp:33-44
ISBN 978–80–244–2112–4
Miguel Angel Veganzones, Manuel Graña
Endmember extraction methods: a short review
I. Lovrek, R.J. Howlett, L.C. Jain (Eds.): KES 2008, Part III, LNAI 5179, pp:400-407; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 2008.
ISBN 978-3-540-85566-8
M. Graña.
A Brief Review of Lattice Computing
Proceedings FUZZ-IEEE 2008, pp.1777-1781
ISBN 978-1-4244-1819-0
Maite García-Sebastián, A. M. Savio, M. Graña.
Comments on an Evolutionary Intensity Inhomogeneity Correction Algorithm
Proceedings CEC 2008, pp.4146-4150
ISBN 978-1-4244-1822-0
Diego Sal, Manuel Graña
A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Watermarking
Computational Intelligence for Remote Sensing, Manuel Graña, Richard Duro (eds), Springer Verlag, Studies in Computational Intelligence series, pp.49-60
ISBN 978-3-540-79352-6
Miguel Angel Veganzones, José Orlando Maldonado, Manuel Graña
On Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems For Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images
Computational Intelligence for Remote Sensing, Manuel Graña, Richard Duro (eds), Springer Verlag, Studies in Computational Intelligence series, pp.97-111
ISBN 978-3-540-79352-6


M. Graña
State of the art in lattice computing for artificial intelligence applications
Mathematical and Computational Models, R. Nadarajan R. Anitha, C. Porkodi (eds), pp. 233--242
New Delhi, India:Narosa Publishing House
ISBN 978-81-7319-882-3
I. Villaverde, M. Graña, A. d'Anjou
Morphological Independence for Landmark Detection in Vision Based SLAM
Computational and ambient intelligence, F. Sandoval, A. Prieto, J. Cabestany, M. Graña (eds), LNCS 4507, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 837-844
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2004, 2005: 0.513, 0.402
ISBN 3-540-73006-0
ISSN 0302-9743
Maite García-Sebastián, Ana I. Gonzalez, Manuel Graña
Derivation of SOM-like rules for intensity inhomogeneity correction in MRI
Computational and ambient intelligence, F. Sandoval, A. Prieto, J. Cabestany, M. Graña (eds) LNCS 4507, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 669-676
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2004, 2005: 0.513, 0.402
ISBN 3-540-73006-0
ISSN 0302-9743
Manuel Graña, Ivan Villaverde, Ramon Moreno, Francisco X. Albizuri
Convex coordinates from lattice independent sets for visual pattern recognition
Computational Intelligence Based on Lattice Theory, G. Ritter, V. Kaburlasos (eds), Springer Verlag, pp: 99-126
ISBN 978-3-540-72686-9
Zelmar Echegoyen, Alicia d'Anjou, Manuel Graña
Modeling a Legged Robot for Visual Servoing
Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2007, Osvaldo Gervasi and Marina L. Gavrilova (eds) LNCS 4707, Springer Verlag, pp: 798-810
ISBN 978-3-540-74482-5
Maite García-Sebastián, Manuel Graña
SOM for intensity inhomogeneity correction in MRI
ESANN 2007, M. Verleysen (ed), D-side Publications, pp: 109-114
ISBN 2-930307-07-2
Ramon Moreno, Manuel Grana Romay, Miguel Angel Veganzones
A Remote Mycological Assistant
IDAACS'2007, Anatoly Sachenko, Peter J. A. Reusch, Richard Duro, Wieslaw Winiecki (eds), IEEE Press, pp. 408-412
ISBN 1-4244-1348-6
I. Villaverde, M. Graña, J.L. Jimenez
Lattice Independence and Vision Based Mobile Robot Navigation
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES 2007, Bruno Apolloni, Robert J. Howlett, and Lakhmi Jain (Eds.) LNAI 4693, Springer Verlag, pp: 1196-1203
ISBN 978-3-540-74826-7
Zelmar Echegoyen, Alicia d’Anjou, Manuel Graña
Contribution to legged robot visual servoing
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES 2007, Bruno Apolloni, Robert J. Howlett, and Lakhmi Jain (Eds.) LNAI 4693, Springer Verlag, pp: 1179-1186
ISBN 978-3-540-74826-7
I. Cearreta, J.M. López, K. López de Ipiña, M. Hernandez, N. Garay, M. Graña, A. Álvarez
Affective Computing as a component of Ambient Intelligence
INFORMATION SCIENCES 2007, Proceedings of the 10th Joint Conference, Paul Yingjun Cao, Hengda Cheng, Donald Hung, Cengiz Kahraman, Chung Wha Ngo, Yukio Ohsawa, Manuel Grana Romay, Mu Chun Su, Athanasios Vasilakos, Douglas Wang, Paul P. Wang (eds), Singapore: World Scientific, pp: 1580-1586
ISBN 978-981-270-967-7
M. Graña, J.L. Jimenez, C. Hernandez
Lattice Independence, Autoassociative Morphological Memories and unsupervised segmentation of Hyperspectral Images
INFORMATION SCIENCES 2007, Proceedings of the 10th Joint Conference, Paul Yingjun Cao, Hengda Cheng, Donald Hung, Cengiz Kahraman, Chung Wha Ngo, Yukio Ohsawa, Manuel Grana Romay, Mu Chun Su, Athanasios Vasilakos, Douglas Wang, Paul P. Wang (eds), Singapore: World Scientific, pp: 1624-1631
ISBN 978-981-270-967-7
Jose Orlando Maldonado, David Vicente Herrera, Manuel Graña Romay
Visual texture characterization of recycled paper quality
Innovations in Hybrid Intellligent Systems, Advances in Soft Computing Vol. 44, Springer Verlag, pp: 288-295
ISBN 978-3-540-74971-4
Israel Rebollo, Manuel Graña
Gestión Multiagente de Almacenes Usando RFID
1 jornadas científicas sobre RFID, A. García, J. Bravo, R. Hervás, J.C. Encinas, Gabriel Chavira, Salvador W. Nava, J. M. Pastor, P. García, J. G.Escribano (EDS), pp. 7--12
ISBN 978-84-612-0542-4


Ana I. González, Alicia D’Anjou, Maite García-Sebastián, Manuel Graña
SOM and Neural Gas as Graduated Nonconvexity Algorithms
The 2006 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications -- ICCSA 2006, M. Gavrilova et al.(Eds.) LNCS 3982, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, ICCSA 2006, part III, pp. 1143-1152. JCR(2005) 0.402.
ISBN 3-540-34075-0
C.Hernández, J. Gallego, Maite García-Sebastián, Manuel Graña Romay
On Clustering Performance Indices for Multispectral Image
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 10 International Conf. -- KES 2006, B. Gabrys, R. J. Howlett and L. C. Jain (Eds.) LNCS 4253, Springer Verlag, Berlin, KES 2006, Part III, pp. 277-283. JCR(2005) 0.402.
ISBN 978-3-540-46542-3

Libros editados

Proceedings of a workshop on Knowledge Engineering, Visualization and Interaction in Computer Aided Design and other Industrial Applications
Manuel Graña, Jorge Posada, Andoni Beristain
Servicio editorial UPV/EHU, 2009
ISBN pending
Actas de las II Jornadas de Inteligencia Computacional, JIC'08 pdf
Ramón Moreno Jimenez, Alexandre Manhaes Savio
Servicio editorial de la UPV/EHU
ISBN 978-84-296-2316-1
LBM 2008 (CLA 2008), Proceedings of the Lattice-Based Modeling Workshop pdf booklet CLA 2008 online proceedings
Vassilis Kaburlasos, Uta Priss, Manuel Graña (eds)
Palack ́y University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
ISBN 978–80–244–2112–4
Computational Intelligence for Remote Sensing
Manuel Graña, Richard Duro (eds)
Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 133
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 2008
ISBN 978-3-540-79352-6
e-ISBN 978-3-540-79353-3
ISSN 1860-949X
Computational and ambient intelligence
Francisco Sandoval, Alberto Prieto, Joan Cabestany, Manuel Graña (eds)
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): ISI JCR 2004, 2005: 0.513, 0.402
LNCS 4507
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Junio 2007
ISBN 3-540-73006-0
Actas de las I Jornadas de Inteligencia Computacional pdf (95.9 MB)
Ramón Moreno Jimenez, Miguel Angel Veganzones Bodón, Maria Teresa García Sebastián
Servicio de publicaciones UPV/EHU
ISBN 978­84­9860­019­3
INFORMATION SCIENCES 2007, Proceedings of the 10th Joint Conference
Paul Yingjun Cao, Hengda Cheng, Donald Hung, Cengiz Kahraman, Chung Wha Ngo, Yukio Ohsawa, Manuel Grana Romay, Mu Chun Su, Athanasios Vasilakos, Douglas Wang & Paul P. Wang (eds)
World Scientific Lugar de publicación: Singapore Julio 2007
ISBN eISBN 978-981-270-967-7

Números especiales en revistas

Special issue on JCIS 2007
Neurocomputing, 72 (2009) accepted papers
Manuel Graña (ed)

Ponencias invitadas en congresos


Emotion from facial expression recognition
Manuel Graña, Andoni Beristain
JCIS 2007, 18-24 Julio 2007, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
State of the art in Lattice Computing for Artificial Intelligence Applications
Manuel Graña
NCMCM 2007, 13-15 Diciembre 2007, Coimbatore, India

Sesiones especiales en congresos

Congresos internacionales

  • 6th International Conference on Photonics, Networking and Computing, incluida en el 11th JCIS JCIS tracks
  • CLA2008 Workshop on Lattice Based Modelling [[4]]
  • 9th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN'2007) - Computational and Ambient Intelligence [5]

Congresos nacionales y locales

Tesis dirigidas

Andoni Beristain
Skeleton based visual pattern recognition: aplications to tabletop interaction
Director: Manuel Graña Romay (UPV/EHU)
Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, sobresaliente cum laude por unanimidad, diciembre 2009
Ivan Villaverde
On Computational Intelligence tools for vision based navigation of mobile robots
Director: Manuel Graña Romay (UPV/EHU)
Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, sobresaliente cum laude por unanimidad, diciembre 2009
Zelmar Echegoyen
Contributions to visual servoing to legged and linked multicomponent robots
Directores: Manuel Graña Romay. Alicia d'Anjou d'Anjou (UPV/EHU)
Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, sobresaliente cum laude por unanimidad, diciembre 2009

María Teresa García Sebastián
Contributions to Brain MRI Processing and Analysis
Director: Manuel Graña Romay (UPV/EHU)
Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, sobresaliente cum laude por unanimidad, diciembre 2009
Maria de las Nieves Velez de Mendizabal Castillo
Modelado Computacional en Dinámica de Sistemas aplicado a Inmunología
Directores: Francisco Javier Torrealdea Folgado, Pablo Villoslada Diaz
Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, depositada
Carlos A. Toro
Semantic Enhancement of VirtualEngineering Applications
Directores: Manuel Graña Romay (UPV/EHU), Jorge Posada (Vicomtech)
Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, 26 Mayo 2009, CALIFICACION: Sobresaliente cum Laude por unanimidad
José Orlando Maldonado Bautista
Estudio de métodos de indexación y recuperación en bases de datos de imágenes
Director: Manuel Graña Romay
Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, 19 Septiembre 2008 CALIFICACION: Apto cum Laude por unanimidad
Imanol Echave Calvo
Algunas aportaciones a la segmentación de imagen digital basadas en el Mapa Autoorganizativo
Director: Manuel Graña Romay, F. Xabier Albizuri Irigoien
Facultad Informática UPV/EHU, Octubre 2006 CALIFICACION: Apto cum Laude por unanimidad

Estancias en centros extranjeros

Maite Garcia Sebastián
University of West Scotland, Paisley, Scotland, UK
supervisor: Prof. Colin Fyfe
duración: Agosto-Noviembre 2008
Ivan VIllaverde
Universidad técnológica de Kavala, Grecia
supervisor Vasilis Kaburlassos
duración: Septiembre-Diciembre 2007