Diferencia entre revisiones de «Ponencias en congresos»

De Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (GIC)
(No se muestran 18 ediciones intermedias del mismo usuario)
Línea 1: Línea 1:
== 2024 ==
#Goizalde Badiola, Manuel Graña, Wavelet coherence of COVID-19 pandemic variables in Japan, SCAI-2024 en IIAI-AAI 2024 [https://iaiai.org/conference/aai2024/conferences/scai-2024/] [[media:Presentation IIAI-AAI-2024 Takamatsu.pdf|slides]]
#Anna Kaminska-Chuchmała, Manuel C. Ribeiro, Geostatistical Models of Ground-Level PM2.5 and AOD from Satellite Sensors for Exposure Assessment of Myocardial Infarctions Events in Lisbon Region, GeoEnv2024, Chania, Greece, June 19-21
== 2023 ==
* Predicting innovative cities using spatio-temporal activity patterns, Ricardo Muñoz-Cancino, Sebastián A. Ríos, and Manuel Graña, HAIS 2023,  [[media:Presentation HAIS4884.pdf|slides]]
* Some macroscopic observations about COVID-19 mortality in Israel, Goizalde Badiola, Manuel Graña, IWANN 2023, [[media:ISRAEL-2023-06-19.pdf|slides]]
* Phenotype Discrimination Based on Pressure Signals by Transfer Learning Approaches, M Aguilar, M Graña, IWANN 2023
;Guillermo Cano-Escalera, Manuel Graña, Ariadna Besga
: EDA2022 ABS 09 ID 384 [[media:EDA2022 asbbook.pdf|book of abstracts]]
* On Machine Learning for Autism prediction from functional connectivity,  Moises Silva and Manuel Graña, CORES'21 [http://cores.pwr.wroc.pl/]
* Beatriz Garcia Markaida, Xabier Larrucea and Manuel Graña  Quantum and post-quantum cryptography and cybersecurity: A systematic mapping, JNIC 2021 (VI Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad):
* Fátima A. Saiz, Garazi Alfaro, Iñigo Barandiaran, Sara Garcia, M del Puy Carretero and Manuel Graña,  Synthetic data set generation for the evaluation of image acquisition strategies applied to deep learning based industrial component inspection systems
== 2020 ==
== 2020 ==

* Comparison of labeling methods for behavioral activity classification based on gaze ethograms, Javier de Lope and Manuel Graña, HAIS 2020
* Comparison of labeling methods for behavioral activity classification based on gaze ethograms, Javier de Lope and Manuel Graña, HAIS 2020, Gijon
* Marina Aguilar-Moreno and Manuel Graña, A comparison of registration methods for SLAM with the M8 Quanergy LiDAR, SOCO 2020, Burgos,
* Marcos Alonso, Alberto Izaguirre, Imanol Andonegui and Manuel Grana An application of laser measurement to on-line metal strip flatness measurement, SOCO 2020, Burgos

*Leyre Torre-Tojal and Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Machine learning techniques applied to biomass estimation using LiDAR data information on submissionSOCO 2020
*Asier Izquierdo and Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede Active Learning for Road Lane Landmark Inventory with Random Forest in Highly Uncontrolled LiDAR Intensity Based Image, SOCO 2020

*Julian Estevez, Gorka Garate, José Manuel López-Guede and Manuel Graña Expansion of an evidence-based workshop for teaching of Artificial Intelligence in schools ICEUTE 2020
* Oihana Aristondo, J. David Nuñez-Gonzalez and Manuel Grana Introducing active methodologies in Renewable Energy Engineering Bachelor in Mathematical and Numerical Analysis subject ICEUTE 2020


Revisión actual - 12:15 11 jul 2024


  1. Goizalde Badiola, Manuel Graña, Wavelet coherence of COVID-19 pandemic variables in Japan, SCAI-2024 en IIAI-AAI 2024 [1] slides
  2. Anna Kaminska-Chuchmała, Manuel C. Ribeiro, Geostatistical Models of Ground-Level PM2.5 and AOD from Satellite Sensors for Exposure Assessment of Myocardial Infarctions Events in Lisbon Region, GeoEnv2024, Chania, Greece, June 19-21


  • Predicting innovative cities using spatio-temporal activity patterns, Ricardo Muñoz-Cancino, Sebastián A. Ríos, and Manuel Graña, HAIS 2023, slides
  • Some macroscopic observations about COVID-19 mortality in Israel, Goizalde Badiola, Manuel Graña, IWANN 2023, slides
  • Phenotype Discrimination Based on Pressure Signals by Transfer Learning Approaches, M Aguilar, M Graña, IWANN 2023


Guillermo Cano-Escalera, Manuel Graña, Ariadna Besga
EDA2022 ABS 09 ID 384 book of abstracts


  • On Machine Learning for Autism prediction from functional connectivity, Moises Silva and Manuel Graña, CORES'21 [2]

  • Beatriz Garcia Markaida, Xabier Larrucea and Manuel Graña Quantum and post-quantum cryptography and cybersecurity: A systematic mapping, JNIC 2021 (VI Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad):
  • Fátima A. Saiz, Garazi Alfaro, Iñigo Barandiaran, Sara Garcia, M del Puy Carretero and Manuel Graña, Synthetic data set generation for the evaluation of image acquisition strategies applied to deep learning based industrial component inspection systems


  • Comparison of labeling methods for behavioral activity classification based on gaze ethograms, Javier de Lope and Manuel Graña, HAIS 2020, Gijon
  • Marina Aguilar-Moreno and Manuel Graña, A comparison of registration methods for SLAM with the M8 Quanergy LiDAR, SOCO 2020, Burgos,
  • Marcos Alonso, Alberto Izaguirre, Imanol Andonegui and Manuel Grana An application of laser measurement to on-line metal strip flatness measurement, SOCO 2020, Burgos
  • Leyre Torre-Tojal and Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Machine learning techniques applied to biomass estimation using LiDAR data information on submissionSOCO 2020
  • Asier Izquierdo and Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede Active Learning for Road Lane Landmark Inventory with Random Forest in Highly Uncontrolled LiDAR Intensity Based Image, SOCO 2020
  • Julian Estevez, Gorka Garate, José Manuel López-Guede and Manuel Graña Expansion of an evidence-based workshop for teaching of Artificial Intelligence in schools ICEUTE 2020
  • Oihana Aristondo, J. David Nuñez-Gonzalez and Manuel Grana Introducing active methodologies in Renewable Energy Engineering Bachelor in Mathematical and Numerical Analysis subject ICEUTE 2020


  • Geospatial Modeling using LiDAR technology, Leyre Torre-Tojal, Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Manuel Graña, WordCist, La Toja, Spain, April 16-19 [3]
  • Neural model of a specific single proton exchange membrane PEM fuel cell , Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Manuel Graña, et al. SOCO 2019 Sevilla


  • Manuel Graña, slides presentacion en el Symposio organizado por H Wagatsuma en Kyutech, 23 de mayo de 2018


  • Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Jose Antonio Ramos-Hernanz, Julian Estevez, Asier Garmendia and Manuel Grana, Neuronal Modeling of Solar Panels, HAIS 2017, Logroño, junio 21-23 [4]
  • Leire Ozaeta, Manuel Graña, Finding communities in recomendation systems by multi-agent spatial dynamics, HAIS 2017
  • Automated segmentation of visceral adiposity in MRI in obese children, Manuel Graña, Oier Echaniz, Beatriz Rodriguez-Vig, Idoia Labayen slides CORES 2017
  • Juan Luis Jiménez Bascones and Manuel Grana., An ensemble of weak classifiers for pattern recognition in motion capture clouds of points, CORES 2017 slides


  • JL Gonzalez Bascones, Manuel Graña, "Preliminary results on an AdaBoost-Based strategy for pattern recognition in clouds of motion markers" ENIC 2016, sept. 2016, Wroclaw, Poland, proceedings ENIC 2016

  • Borja Ayerdi, Manuel Grana, "Anticipative Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forest", ICCS 2016, San Diego, Junio 2016 [5] slides proceedings
  • Manuel Graña, Oier Echaniz "Views on Electronic Health Record." InMed 2016, Tenerife, Junio 2016
  • Darya Chyzhyk, Manuel Graña, Gerhard Ritter, "Review of automatic segmentation methods of white matter lesions on MRI data" InMed 2016, Tenerife, Junio 2016

  • Naiara Muro, Eider Sanchez, Manuel Graña, Eduardo Carrasco, Fran Manzano, Jose María Susperregi, Jesús Gómez and Agustin Agirre, "Hygehos Ontology for Electronic Health Records" InMed 2016, Tenerife, Junio 2016


  • Boguslaw Cyganek, Manuel Grana, Andrzej Kasprzak, Krzysztof Walkowiak, and Michal Wozniak, "Selected Aspects of Electronic Health Record Analysis from the Big Data Perspective" (paper ID: SB203) BIBM'15 workshop on Electronic health record: implementation, data mining, security and user acceptance, Washington DC,
  • Manuel Grana and Konrad Jacowski, "Electronic Health Record: A review" BIBM'15 workshop on Electronic health record: implementation, data mining, security and user acceptance, Washington DC,
  • Darya Chyzhyk, Manuel Graña, ¿Cómo se puede discriminar los pacientes con esquizofrenia mediante imagenes de resonancia magnética funcional? Poster en Brain Awareness Week, Vitoria, Spain, 20-26 de Marzo, 2014
  • Darya Chyzhyk, Marina Graña-Lecuona and Manuel Graña, Late Onset Bipolar Disorder Versus Alzheimer Disease, InMed 2015, Kyoto, Japan, 11-12 September 2015
  • Eider Sanchez, Carlos Toro, Manuel Graña, Integrating Electronic Health Records in Clinical Decision Support Systems, InMed 2015
  • Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede and Manuel Graña, Knowledge modeling by ELM in RL for SRHT problem, CSCC 2015
  • Borja Ayerdi, Oier Echaniz, Alexandre Savio, Manuel Graña, Automated segmentation of subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues from MRI. InMed 2015, Kyoto, [6]
  • Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Aitor Moreno-Fernandez-de-Leceta, Manuel Graña, Behavior prediction in home telecare systems, AICT 2015
  • Pawel Ksieniewicz, Manuel Grana and Michal Wozniak, Blurred labeling segmentation algorithm for hyperspectral images, ICCCI 2015, [7]
  • Ion Marqués, Manuel Graña, Stephanie M. Sanchez, Mohammed Q. Alkhatib and Miguel Velez-Reyes. Skin segmentation by active learning for human detection in hyperspectral images, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XXI, [8], 21 april 2015, Baltimore,
  • Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Manuel Graña, Neural modeling of hose dynamics to speedup Reinforcement Learning experiments, IWINAC 2015
  • Manuel Graña, Ion Marques, Experiments of skin detection in hyperspectral images, IWINAC 2015
  • Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Julián Estévez, Manuel Graña, Reinforcement Learning in Single Robot Hose Transport Task: A Physical Proof of Concept, SOCO 2015,
  • Leire Ozaeta, Darya Chyzhyk, Manuel Graña, Some Results on Dynamic Causal Modeling of Auditory Hallucinations, IWINAC 2015, Elche, Junio 2015
  • Aitor Moreno-Fernandez-De-Leceta, Unai Arenal Gómez, Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede and Manuel Grana, Real implantation of an expert system for elderly home care, HAIS 2015, Bilbao


  • Ion Marques and Manuel Graña "Sparse unmixing via WM algorithm for hyperspectral images", WHISPERS 2014, 24-27 junio, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Maite Termenon, Manuel Graña, Alexandre Savio, Anton Akusok, Yoan Miche and Amaury Lendasse, "Brain MRI Morphological Patterns Extraction Tool based on Extreme Learning Machine and Majority Vote Classification" ELM 2014, Singapore, December 2014, [9]
  • Borja Ayerdi, Manuel Graña "Hyperspectral Image Nonlinear Unmixing by Ensemble ELM Regression" ELM 2014, Singapore, December 2014, [10]
  • Manuel Graña, J. David Nuñez-Gonzalez "An instance of social intelligence in the internet of things: bread making recipe recommendation by ELM Regression", ELM 2014, Singapore, December 2014, [11]
  • J David Nuñez-Gonzalez, Manuel Graña, "On the effect of high order reputation information on Trust Prediction in Wikipedia’s Vote Network," ENIC 2014, [12], september, 29-30, Wroclaw, Poland
  • Borja Fernandez-Gauna, Manuel Graña, "Recipe tuning by Reinforcement Learning in the SandS ecosystem", CASON 2014, Porto, Portugal, 31 julio, 2014, slides
  • Manuel Graña and Darya Chyzhyk, "One side lattice memory reduced ordering function allows discrimination in resting state fMRI", : IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), Special Session: Lattice Computing, July 6-11 2014, Beijinn, China
  • Darya Chyzhyk and Manuel Graña "Findings in resting-state fMRI by differences from K-means clustering", InMed, 9-11 July, 2014, San-Sebastian, Spain
  • J. Maiora, G.A. Papakostas, B. Ayerdi, V.G. Kaburlasos, M. Grana, Active Learning with Texture Features for Computed Tomography Image Segmentation, InMed, 9-11 July, 2014, San-Sebastian, Spain
  • Ariadna Besga, Manuel Graña, Ana Gonzalez-Pinto, Itxaso Gonzalez-Ortega & Alexandre Savio "Observation of Genotype-Phenotype interaction effects on White Matter in Alzheimer Disease and Bipolar Disorder: a randomized controlled trial", NeuroGune the second meeting of the Basque research community in Neuroscience, 9 July, 2014, San Sebastian, Spain. Ponencia: poster
  • Alexandre Savio & Manuel Graña "Brain Cloud Computing: Brain image pre-processing made easy and boring", NeuroGune the second meeting of the Basque research community in Neuroscience, 9 July, 2014, San Sebastian, Spain. Ponencia: poster
  • Darya Chyzhyk, Manuel Graña, Ann Shinn & Dost Ongur "Discrimination of auditory hallucination sensitive Schizophrenia patients from resting state functional MRI", NeuroGune the second meeting of the Basque research community in Neuroscience, 9 July, 2014, San Sebastian, Spain. Ponencia: poster
  • Rosalia Dacosta, Manuel Graña & María Mataro "Functional, structural and metabolic remodeling related to cognitive recovery in ischemic stroke patients", NeuroGune the second meeting of the Basque research community in Neuroscience, 9 July, 2014, San Sebastian, Spain. Ponencia: poster
  • Alexandre Savio, Darya Chyzhyk, Manuel Graña "Computer Aided Diagnosis of Schizophrenia based on local-activity measures of resting-state fMRI", HAIS 2014, Salamanca, 11-13 Junio
  • Ion Marques, Manuel Graña, "Hybrid Sparse Linear and Lattice Method for Hyperspectral Image Unmixing", HAIS 2014, Salamanca, 11-13 Junio, slides
  • Dacosta-Aguayo R, Graña M, Iturria-Medina Y, Fernández-Andújar M, López-Cancio E, Cáceres C, Bargalló N, Barrios M, Clemente IC, Millán M, Dávalos A, Maria M
Impairment of Functional Integration of the Default Mode Network related to Cognitive Outcome in Stroke Patients at three months
European Stroke Conference (ESC). Nice, Mayo, 6-9, 2014. Comunicación aceptada pendiente de realización.
  • Dacosta-Aguayo R, Graña M, Falcón C, Fernández-Andújar M, López-Cancio E, Cáceres C, Bargalló N, Barrios M, Clemente IC, Toran Pere, Fores-Raurell Rosa, Dávalos A, Mataró M
Metabolic Imbalance, Default Mode Network Activity and White Matter Integrity in the healthy contralesional hemisphere related to Cognitive Outcome in Stroke Patients
The 8th Annual Canadian Neuroscience Meeting (CAN). Montreal, Mayo 24-28, 2014
  • Dacosta-Aguayo R, Graña M, Savio A, Iturria-Medina Y, Fernández-Andújar M, López-Cancio E, Cáceres C, Bargalló N, Barrios M, Clemente IC, Millán M, Dávalos A, Mataró M
Cognitive/Clinical States in Stroke Patients are Associated to Different Anatomical Connectivity Patterns
Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM). Hamburg, June, 8-12, 2014
  • Effect of Initial Conditioning of Reinforcement Learning Agents on Feedback Control tasks over Continuous State and Action Spaces, Borja Fernandez-Gauna, Juan Luis Osa and Manuel Graña, SOCO 2014, Salamanca, Spain
  • Experiments on Trust Prediction based on reputation features, J. David Nuñez-Gonzalez and Manuel Grana, CISIS 2014 slides


  • Low-cost platforms used in Control Education: An educational case study. Eloy Irigoyen, Ekaitz Larzabal, Rafael Priego, ACE 2013, Sheffield, England, 28-30 August slides
  • Microcontroller Implementation of a Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm for Real-Time Intelligent Control. Martin Dendaluce, Juan José Valera, Vicente Gómez-Garay, Eloy Irigoyen, Ekaitz Larzabal, SOCO 2013, Salamanca, 11-13 September slides
  • A domestic application of Intelligent Social Computing: the SandS project Manuel Graña, Ion Marqués, Alexandre Savio, Bruno Apolloni, SOCO 2013, Salamanca, 11-13 September slides
  • Structural integrity of the contralesional hemisphere in chronic stroke patients: useful biomarkers of cognitive impairment Dacosta-Aguayo R, Graña M, Fernández-Andújar M, López-Cancio E, Cáceres C, Bargalló N, Barrios M, Clemente IC, Dávalos A, Tibor A, Mataró M, ICVD 2013, Athens, Greece 17-21 October
  • Structural Damage to the Posterior Limb of Internal Capsule in stroke patients and its association with cognitive functions Dacosta-Aguayo R, Graña M, Tibor A, Fernández-Andújar M, Millán M, López-Cancio E, Cáceres C, Bargalló N, Barrios M, Clemente IC, Garolera M, Hernández M, Munuera J, Dávalos A, Mataró M, FESN 2013, Berlin, Germany 12-14 September
  • Remote thalamic microstructural abnormalities related to cognitive function in ischemic stroke patients Marina Fernández-Andújar, Fleur Doornink, Rosalia Dacosta-Aguayo, Júlia Miralbell, Juan José Soriano-Raya, Natalia Pérez de la Ossa, Maite Barrios, Cynthia Cáceres, Imma Clemente, Antoni Dávalos, Maria Mataró, ICVD 2013, Athens, Greece 17-21 October
  • Changes in resting-state functional connectivity predict cognitive recovery after stroke Dacosta-Aguayo R, Graña M, Tibor A, Fernández-Andújar M, Millán M, López-Cancio E, Cáceres C, Bargalló N, Barrios M, Clemente IC, Dávalos A, Mataró M, Sesión Inter-Hospitalaria Expertos en Patología Vascular de Cataluña 2013, Mataro, Barcelona 3 May
  • Clustering of anonymized users in an enterprise intranet social network Israel Rebollo-Ruiz , Manuel Graña SOCO 2013, Salamanca, 11-13 September. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 239, 2014, pp 229-236 slides
  • Artificial Neural Network modeling of a photovoltaic module Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Jose Antonio Ramos-Hernanz , Manuel Graña SOCO 2013, Salamanca, 11-13 September slides
  • Enhancing Active Learning Computed Tomography Image Segmentation with Domain Knowledge Borja Ayerdi, Josu Maiora, Manuel Graña, HAIS 2013, Salamanca, 11-13 September slides
  • A discussion on trust requirements for a social network of eahoukers Manuel Graña, J. David Nuñez-Gonzalez, Bruno Apolloni, HAIS 2013, Salamanca, Spain, 11-13 September slides_pptx slides_pdf
  • Empirical study of the sensitivity of CACLA to sub-optimal parameter setting in learning feedback controllers Borja Fernandez-Gauna, Igor Ansoategui, Ismael Etxeberria-Agiriano, Manuel Graña, SOCO 2013, Salamanca, Spain, 11-3 September slides
  • Convergence results on the stable states of a Gravitational Swarm solving the Graph Coloring Problem Manuel Graña, Israel Rebollo, CASON 2013, Fargo, ND, 13 julio 2013
  • Subconscious Social Computational Intelligence M. Graña, ICCC 2013, Coimbatore, India
  • Convergence results on the stable states of a Gravitational Swarm solving the Graph Coloring Problem, Manuel Graña, Israel Rebollo, NABIC 2013, Fargo, ND, 13 julio 2013, slides
  • ELM for Retinal Vessel Classification Iñigo Barandiaran, Odei Maiz, Ion Marques, Jurgui Ugarte, and Manuel Grana, ELM 2013, Beijing, CHina. [13]
  • Spectral-spatial semi-supervised hyperspectral image segmentation using Ensembles of Extreme Learning Machines Borja Ayerdi, Ion Marqués, Manuel Graña, ELM 2013, Beijing, CHina.
  • Predicting Trust From Reputation in a Social Network of Reviewers by ELM J. David Nuñez-Gonzalez, Manuel Graña, ELM 2013, Beijing, CHina.
  • ELM approximations of L-MCRS dynamics for Reinforcement Learning experiments Jose Manuel Lopez-Guedea, Manuel Graña, Beijing, CHina. [14]
  • "Discrimination of Resting-State fMRI for Schizophrenia Patients with Lattice Computing Based Features", Darya Chyzhyk, Manuel Graña, HAIS 2013, Salamanca, Spain, 11-13 September, 2013. Slides
  • GoCardio: A novel approach for mobility in cardiac monitoring, Iker Mesa, Eider Sanchez, Javier Diaz, Carlos Toro, Arkaitz Artetxe, Manuel Graña, Frank Guijarro, César Martínez, Jose Manuel Jiménez, Jose, Antonio Alarcon & Alessandro De Mauro, InMed 2013, Pireus, Greece, 18-19 julio
  • Active Learning enhanced with Expert Knowledge for Computed Tomography Image Segmentation, Josu Maiora, Guillermo García, Borja Ayerdi, Manuel Graña & Mariano De Blas, InMed 2013, Pireus, Greece, 18-19 julio
  • Development of a System for Endovacular Planning of AAA Interventions, Ivan Macia et al., MICCAI 2013, Workshop on Computer Assisted Stenting
  • On Spatial Regularization for Semisupervised Hyperspectral Image Segmentation Using Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forest, Borja Ayerdi and Manuel Graña, Whispers 2013, Gainesville, Fl, June 2013 slides
  • Active Learning enhanced with Expert Knowledge for Computed Tomography Image Segmentation, J. Maiora, G. García, B. Ayerdi, M. Graña, M. De Blas, INMED 2013.
  • A domestic application of Intelligent Social Computing: the SandS project., M. Graña, I. Marqués, A. Savio, B. Apolloni, SOCO 2013.
  • A Neural Network approximation of L-MCRS dynamics for Reinforcement Learning experiments., Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Manuel Graña, Jose Antonio Ramos-Hernanz, Fernando Oterino, IWINAC 2013, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 10-14 June 2013
  • Greedy sparsification WM algorithm for endmember induction in hyperspectral images., I. Marqués, M. Graña, IWINAC 2013
  • Cocaine Dependent Classification on MRI Data Extracting Features from Voxel Based Morphometry, M. Termenon, D. Chyzhyk, M. Graña, A. Barros-Loscertales, and C. Avila, IWINAC 2013
  • Results on a Lattice Computing Based Group Analysis of Schizophrenic Patients on Resting State fMRI, Darya Chyzhyk and Manuel Graña, IWINAC 2013
  • Clustering of anonymized users in an enterprise intranet social network I. Rebollo Ruiz and M. Grana Romay, 8th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO),11-13 September, Salamanca [15]
  • User assistance tool for a WebService ERP I. Rebollo Ruiz and M. Grana Romay, 11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS),22-24 May, Salamanca [16]
  • Social Things - The SandS instantiation B. Apolloni, M. Fiasche, G. Galliani, C. Zizzo, G. Caridakis, G. Siolas, S. Kollias, M. Grana Romay, F. Barriento, S. San Jose [17]
  • Social networks of people and things: the boundary of unconscious computing Manuel Graña, in Social Things, FIRE pre-FIA workshops, may 7th 2013, Dublin, [18]
  • Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder based on Principal Component Analysis and Support Vector Machines over the MRI deformation Jacobian M. Termenon, M. Graña, A. Besga, J. Echeveste, J. M. Pérez, A. Gonzalez-Pinto, CORES 2013 [19] slides
  • "A New Evaluation Framework and Image Dataset for Key Point Extraction and Feature Descriptor Matching" Iñigo Barandiaran, Camilo Cortes, Marcos Nieto, Manuel Graña2 and Oscar Ruiz, VISAPP 2013
  • "DITEC: Experimental analysis of an image characterization method based on the trace transform" Igor G. Olaizola, Iñigo Barandiaran, Basilio Sierra and Manuel Graña, VISAPP 2013


  • Lattice Computing in Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Manuel Graña, HIS 2012, Pune India, 4-7 december 2012 slides
  • Hybrid multivariate morphology using lattice auto-associative memories for resting-state fMRI network discovery Manuel Graña, Darya Chyzhyk, HIS 2012, Pune India, 4-7 december 2012 slides, Published in: Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS), 2012 12th International Conference on, 537-542, 2012. DOI: 10.1109/HIS.2012.6421391. Print ISBN: 978-1-4673-5114-0
  • Active Learning of Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forests for CTA Image Segmentation, Borja Ayerdi, Josu Maiora, Manuel Graña, HIS 2012, Pune India, 4-7 december 2012
  • Whole brain resting-state analysis in patients with first ever stroke: a functional mri study with independent component analysis (ICA), Dacosta-Aguayo R, Fernández-Andújar M, Millán M, Reverté S, Gomis M, López-Cancio, E, Pérez de la Osa N, Cáceres C, Bargalló N, Barrios M, Clemente IC, Dávalos A, Mataró M, INS 2012, Oslo Noruega, 27-30 june 2012
  • Lesion volume effects on spontaneous whole brain bold activity fluctuations in patients with first ever stroke, Dacosta-Aguayo R, Fernández-Andújar M, Millán M, Reverté S, Gomis M, López-Cancio, E, Pérez de la Osa N, Cáceres C, Bargalló N, Barrios M, Clemente IC, Dávalos A, Mataró M, ISON 2012, Valencia España, 18-19 October
  • Thalamic anisotropy indexes and cognitive function in stroke patients, Fernández-Andújar M, Dacosta-Aguayo R, Millán M, Reverté S, Gomis M, López-Cancio, E, Pérez de la Osa N, Cáceres C, Bargalló N, Barrios M, Clemente IC, Dávalos A, Mataró M, INS 2012, Oslo Noruega, 18-19 October
  • Effects of Intracranial Pulsatility Index on cognition and white matter integrity., Jorge López-Olóriz, Elena López-Cancio, Juan Francisco Arenillas, Maite Barrios, Juan José Soriano-Raya, Júlia Miralbell, Rosalía Dacosta-Aguayo, Núria Bargalló, Cynthia Cáceres, Pere Torán, Maite Alzamora, Guillem Pera, Antoni Dávalos, Maria Mataró, INS 2012, Oslo Noruega, 18-19 October
  • Relationship between thalamic diffusion asymmetries and cognitive function in healthy people, Fernández-Andújar M, Dacosta-Aguayo R, Clemente I, Gomis M, López-Cancio E, Millán M, Pérez de la Ossa, Reverté S, Cáceres C, Bargalló N, Barrios M, Dávalos A, Mataró M, SEPNECA 2012, Barcelona España, 3-6 July
  • Relevance feedback by dissimilarity spaces for hyperspectral CBIR Miguel A Veganzones, Mihai Datcu, Manuel Graña, ESA-EUSC-JCR-IIM 2012 Image Information Mining Conference [20], German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 24-26 October 2012
  • "Bootstrapped Dendritic Classifiers for Alzheimer’s Disease classification on MRI features", Darya Chyzhyk, 16th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2012), San Sebastian, Spain. September 10-12th. 2012
  • "Evolutionary ELM Wrapper Feature Selection for Alzheimer's Disease CAD on Anatomical Brain MRI", Darya Chyzhyk, Alexandre Savio, and Manuel Graña, ELM 2012, Singapore, 11-13 December 2012
  • "Extreme Learning Machines for Soybean classification in remote sensing Hyperspectral Images" Ramon Moreno, Francesco Corona,et al., ELM 2012 Slides
  • "Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forest" Borja Ayerdi and Manuel Grana, ELM 2012
  • "State-action value modeled by ELM in Reinforcement Learning for Hose Control Problems" Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Borja Fernandez-Gauna and Manuel Grana, ELM 2012
  • "Extreme Learning Machines for feature selection and classification of cocaine dependent patients on structural " Maite Termenon, Manuel Grana, Barros-Loscertales Alfonso and Cesar Avila, ELM 2012, dec 11-13, Sinagapore. slides
  • "Dynamic Tabu Search for Non Stationary Social Network identification based on Graph Coloring", Israel Rebollo and Manuel Graña. SOCO 2012 . OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC, September 5-7, 2012. Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 188, 2013, pp 495-503 Slides
  • Fast Segmentation of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms for Endovascular Repair Planning and Follow-up, AUTHORS: Ivan Macia, Maria Arenas, Jon Haitz Legarreta, Isabelle Robin, Manuel Graña and Sabarinath Rajasekharan, MICCAI-STENT'12
  • Extreme Learning Machine for Dimensionality Reduction and Classification on Hyperspectral Images. Ramón Moreno, Manuel Graña and Alicia D’Anjou. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, ICNNAI'2012, 2012, 231-234
  • Hyperspectral Image Segmentation by t-Watershed and Hyperspherical Coordinates. Ramón Moreno and Alicia d'Anjou. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications Volume 243, 2012 pp.2114 -2121 Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems Edited by Manuel Graña et al. KES'12
  • "Image Security and Biometrics: A Review" Doi. Ion Marqués, Manuel Graña. HAIS 2012: Special Session on Hybrid Computational Intelligence and Lattice computing for image and signal processing, Salamanca, Spain. March 28-30, 2012. Slides
  • "A Hybrid Segmentation of Abdominal CT Images" Josu Maiora, Manuel Graña. 7th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems. Special session on Hybrid Computational Intelligence and Lattice Computing for Image and Signal Processing. Salamanca, Spain. March 28-30, 2012. slides
  • "A Novel Lattice Associative Memory Based on Dendritic Computing" draft. Gerhard X. Ritter, Darya Chyzhyk, Gonzalo Urcid, Manuel Graña. Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems (HAIS 2012): Special Session on Hybrid Computational Intelligence and Lattice computing for image and signal processing, Salamanca, Spain. March 28-30, 2012. Slides
  • "An empirical comparison of some approximate methods for Graph Coloring", Israel Rebollo and Manuel Graña, HAIS2012. Salamanca, Spain. March 28-30, 2012.slides
  • "Abdominal CTA Image Analisys Through Active Learning and Decision Random Forests: Aplication to AAA Segmentation", Josu Maiora and Manuel Graña, IJCNN 2012, Brisbane, Australia
  • "Hybrid computational methods for hyperspectral image analysis." Miguel A. Veganzones, Manuel Graña. 7th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems. Special session on Hybrid Computational Intelligence and Lattice Computing for Image and Signal Processing. Salamanca, Spain. March 28-30, 2012. slides
  • "Cocaine Dependent Classification using Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging". M. Termenon, M. Graña, A. Barrós-Loscertales, J. C. Bustamante, C. Ávila. 7th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems. Special session on Hybrid Computational Intelligence and Lattice Computing for Image and Signal Processing. Salamanca, Spain. March 28-30, 2012. (Accepted)
  • A Hybrid Gradient for n-Dimensional Images through Hyperspherical Coordinates Ramón Moreno, Manuel Graña. HAIS 2012 , Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012, Volume 7209/2012, 404-415, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28931-6_39 Slides Slides
  • ABOUT GRADIENT OPERATORS ON HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGES Ramón Moreno, Manuel Graña. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 433-437 DOI: 10.5220/0003863904330437 Slides
  • "Dictionary based hyperspectral image retrieval." Miguel A. Veganzones, Mihai Datcu, Manuel Graña. 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods. Special session on Pattern Recognition Applications in Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Image Analysis. Algarve, Portugal. February 6-8, 2012. slides


  • On Current Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease detected by Machine Learning techniques A. Savio, A. Bourisly, M. Graña PDF version Prezi version, ISMRM Workshop, Montabaur, Oct. 2011, [21]
  • Towards Relevant Dendritic Computing Manuel Graña, Ana I. Gonzalez-Acuña, NaBIC 2011 NaBIC2011, slides
  • Further results of Gravitational Swarm Intelligence for Graph Coloring I. Rebollo, M. Graña, NaBIC 2011 NaBIC2011, Slides.
  • Classification of patients after Endovascular Repair based on image registration quality measures Josu Maiora, Gillermo García, Manuel Graña, Mariano De Blas, Javier Sanchez. MICCAI-CVII 2011, Toronto, Canada, 18-22 Sept 2011 [22] [23] Slides.
  • Face recognition with Lattice Independent Component Analysis and Extreme Learning Machines Ion Marqués, Manuel Graña, ELM'2011, Hangzhou, China slides
  • Fuzzy Watershed for Image Segmentation Ramón Moreno, Manuel Graña, CBIC'2011
  • Gravitational Swarm approach for Graph Coloring I. Rebollo, M. Graña, NICSO 2011 NICSO2011 Slides.
  • On the validation of a Spectral-Spatial CBIR system for hyperspectrtal images Miguel Angel Veganzones, Manuel Graña, WHISPERS 2011, Lisbon, June 7th. slides
  • Topos 2: Spiking Neural Networks for bipedal walking in humanoid robots Pablo Gonzalez Nalda, Blanca Cases, HAIS 2011, Wroclaw 23-May-2011 slides
  • Alzheimer Disease Classification on Diffusion Weighted Imaging features . Maite Termenon, Ariadna Besga, Jon Echeveste, Ana Gonzalez-Pinto and Manuel Graña. 4th. International Work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation (IWINAC 2011), La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. 30 May - 3 June, 2011. Jose Mira student best paper award in Bioinspired Application. slides
  • High Resolution Segmentation of CSF on Phase Contrast MRI. . Elsa Fernández, Manuel Graña and Jorge Villanua. 4th. International work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation (IWINAC 2011), La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. 30 May - 3 June, 2011.
  • Exploration of LICA Detections in Resting State fMRI. draft . Darya Chyzhyk, Ann K. Shinn, and Manuel Graña. 4th. International work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation (IWINAC 2011), La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. 30 May - 3 June, 2011. slides
  • A Knowledge-based Clinical Decision Support System for the diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease. Eider Sanchez, Carlos Toro, Eduardo Carrasco, Patricia Bonachela, Carlos Parra, Gloria Bueno, Frank Guijarro. 13th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services (Healthcom 2011), Columbia, Missouri, USA. 13 June, 2011.
  • An Architecture for the Semantic Enhancement of Clinical Decision Support Systems. Eider Sanchez, Carlos Toro, Eduardo Carrasco, Gloria Bueno, Carlos Parra, Patricia Bonachela, Manuel Graña, Frank Guijarro. 15th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2011), Kaiserslautern, Germany. 12 September, 2011.
  • Experiments on Lattice Independent Components Analisys for Face Recognition. Ion Marqués, Manuel Graña. 4th. International work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation (IWINAC 2011), La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. May 30 - June 3, 2011.slides
  • A novel data compression technique for remote sensing data mining. Avid Román-González, Miguel A. Veganzones, Manuel Graña, Mihai Datcu. ESA-EUSC-JRC 2011 - Image Information Mining: Geospatial Intelligence from Earth Observation. JRC - Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, Ispra - Varese (Italy). March 30 - April 1, 2011. poster
  • Validation of remote sensing content-based information retrieval (RS-CBIR) systems upon scarce data. Miguel A. Veganzones, Manuel Graña. ESA-EUSC-JRC 2011 - Image Information Mining: Geospatial Intelligence from Earth Observation. JRC - Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, Ispra - Varese (Italy). March 30 - April 1, 2011. poster
  • Validation of a Hyperspectral Content-Based Information Retrieval (RS-CBIR) System upon scarce data. Miguel A. Veganzones, Manuel Graña. International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2011), Salamanca, Spain. 6-8th April, 2011. slides
  • Further results on Alzheimer Disease Detection on structural MRI features. Maite Termenon, Manuel Graña. International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2011), Salamanca, Spain. 6-8th April, 2011. slides
  • Optimal Hyperbox shrinking in Dendritic Computing applied to Alzheimer’s Disease detection in MRI. Darya Chyzhyk, Manuel Graña. Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2011), Salamanca, Spain. 6-8th April, 2011. draft. slides.
  • Wildland Fires’ Outlines Extraction a Spherical Coordinates Framed RGB Color Space Dichromatic Reflection Model Based Image Segmentation Approach Véronique Amarger, Dominik M. Ramík, Ramon Moreno, Lucile Rossi, Kurosh Madani, Manuel Graña. Minks, Belarus, 18-20 May 2011 PRIP'11
  • Image Segmentation by Spherical Coordinates Ramón Moreno, Manuel Graña, Dominik M. Ramík, Kurosh Madani. Minks, Belarus, 18-20 May 2011 PRIP'11 Slides
  • A Hybrid Color Distance for Image Segmentation Ramón Moreno, Manuel Graña, Alicia d'Anjou. Wroclaw, Poland, 23-25 May 2011 HAIS'11 Slides
  • A geometrical method of diffuse and specular image components separation Ramón Moreno, Manuel Graña, Alicia d'Anjou. Torremolinos, Spain, 8-10 June 2011. IWANN'11 Slides Poster
  • Concurrent Modular Q-Learning with Local Rewards on Linked Multi-Component Robotic Systems Borja Fernandez-Gauna, Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Manuel Graña. IWINAC 2011, La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. 30 May - 3 June, 2011. slides
  • Towards concurrent Q-Learning on Linked Multi-Component Robotic Systems Borja Fernandez-Gauna, Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Manuel Graña. Wroclaw, Poland, 23-25 May 2011 HAIS'11 Slides
  • Empirical Study of Q-Learning Based Elemental Hose Transport Control Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Borja Fernandez-Gauna, Manuel Graña, Ekaitz Zulueta. HAIS 2011, Wroclaw, Poland, 23-25 May 2011 HAIS'11 Slides
  • Deformation based features for Alzheimer's disease detection with linear SVM. Alexandre Savio, Manuel Graña, Jorge Villanúa. Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 6th International Conference (HAIS 2011) - HAIS 2011, Part II, LNAI 6679 proceedings, p.336-343. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
  • A hybrid system for survival analysis after EVAR treatment of AAA Josu Maiora, Manuel Graña.Wroclaw, Poland, 23-25 May 2011 HAIS'11 Slides


  • Face Processing for Security: a Short Review , Ion Marques and Manuel Graña ,CISIS'10, Leon, Spain pdf, slides
  • LAI estimation combining field data and remote sensing: A case study in a forest area of northern Portugal, Carmen Hernández, Leonia Nunes, Miguel Angel Veganzones, Manuel Graña, Domingos Lopes, Mixed and Pure Forests in a changing word, Vila Real, Portugal, Octubre 2010,
  • Thrombus Volume Change Visualization after Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair, Josu Maiora, Guillermo García, Iván Macía, Jon Haitz Legarreta, Fernando Boto, Céline Paloc, Manuel Graña and Javier Sanchez Abuín, HAIS 2010, San Sebastian
  • Hybrid Decision Support System for Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair Follow-up, Jon Haitz Legarreta, Fernando Boto, Iván Macía, Josu Maiora, Guillermo García, Céline Paloc, Manuel Graña and Mariano de Blas, HAIS 2010, San Sebastian
  • A Comparison of VBM results by SPM, ICA and LICA, Darya Chyzhyk, Maite Termenón, Alexandre Savio , HAIS 2010, San Sebastián, Spain
  • On the use of a hybrid approach to contrast Endemember Induction Algorithms. Miguel A. Veganzones, Carmen Hernández. HAIS 2010, San Sebastián, Spain. slides
  • Hybrid Color Space Transformation to Visualize Color Constancy. Ramón Moreno, Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Alicia d'Anjou . HAIS 2010, 23-25 junio, San Sebastián, Spain draft slides
  • A image color Gradient Preserving Color constancy. Ramón Moreno, Manuel Graña, Alicia d'Anjou . FUZZ-IEEE 2010, IEEE catalog Number: CFP10FUZ-DVD pp.710-714 ISBN 978-1-4244-6920-8 draft
  • A color transformation for robust detection of color landmarks in robotic contexts, Ramón Moreno, Manuel Graña, Alicia d'Anjou. SMC Workshop IEEE Spanish Chapter PAAMS 2010. Salamanca, Spain draft Slides
  • Percolating Swarm Dynamics, Manuel Graña, Carmen Hernández, Alicia D’Anjou, and Blanca Cases, IEA/AIE 2010, Córdoba, Spain, Junio 2010 pdf draft slides [24]
  • Thrombus change detection after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, J. Maiora, G. Garcia, M. Grana, I. Macia, J.H. Legarreta, C. Paloc, M. De Blas, CARS 2010 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery June 23 - 26, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland Joint Congress of CAR / ISCAS / CMI / CAD / EuroPACS
  • Further results on swarms solving Graph Coloring, Manuel Graña, Blanca Cases, Carmen Hernandez, and Alicia D’Anjou, ICCSA 2010, Japon, slides
  • An stable skeletonization for tabletop gesture recognition, Andoni Beristain, Manuel Graña, ICCSA 2010, Japón slides
  • A color transformation for robust detection of color landmarks in robotic contexts, Ramon Moreno, Manuel Graña, Alicia d'Anjou, PAAMS 2010, workshop IEEE SMC spanish chapter draft
  • A Computer-Aided Decision Support system for Shoulder Pain Pathology, K. López de Ipiña, M. Hernández, M. Graña, E. Martínez, C. Vaquero, PAAMS 2010
  • Experiments on Robotic Multi-Agent System for Hose Deployment and Transportation Ivan Villaverde, Zelmar Echegoyen, Ramón Moreno, and Manuel Graña, PAMMS 2010 draft
  • Interactive Multimedia Tabletops (IMT) for Casual Users, Andoni Beristain, Manuel Graña, PAAMS 2010, workshop IEEE SMC spanish chapter
  • Energy cost reduction in the synchronization of a pair of nonidentical coupled Hindmarsh-Rose neurons , Abdelmalik Moujahid, Alicia d'Anjou, F.Javier Torrealdea, Cecilia Sarasola, PAAMS 2010, workshop IEEE SMC spanish chapt
  • Energetic considerations on the dynamics of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons , Abdelmalik Moujahid, Alicia d'Anjou, F. Torrealdea, F.Javier Torrealdea, ICNC’10 and FSKD’10 International Conference Proceedings in (ICNC’10 IEEE Catalog Number: CFP10CNC-PRT, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5960-5;FSKD’10 IEEE Catalog Number: CFP10FSK-PRT, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5932-2), 2010
  • Linked Multicomponent Robotic Systems: Basic Assessment of Linking Element Dynamical Effect , Borja Fdez. Gauna, Jose M. Lopez-Guede, Ekaitz Zulueta, HAIS 2010, San Sebastian pdf slides


  • CiraÇao de uma interface amigavel para Forest-BGC. Miguel Angel Veganzones. Communication on the workshop "Pensar (e investigar) os povamentos mistos em Portugal" in Oeiras (Portugal) no ambito do PTDC/AGR-CFL/68186/2006. September 25th, 2009.
  • Segmentation of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in CT Images using a Radial Model Approach, slides Iván Macía Oliver, Jon Haitz Legarreta, Céline Paloc, Manuel Graña, Josu Maiora, Guillermo García, IDEAL 2009, 24 sept. 2009, Burgos
  • Stent Graft Change Detection after Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair. slides Josu Maiora, Guillermo García, Arantxa Tapia, Ivan Macía, Jon Haitz Legarreta, Manuel, Graña, IDEAL 2009, 24 sept. 2009, Burgos
  • An automatic segmentation and reconstruction of mandibular structures from CT-data , Iñigo Barandiaran, Iván Macía, Eva Berckmann, Diana Wald, Michael Pierre Dupillier, Celine Paloc, and Manuel Graña, IDEAL 2009, 24 sept. 2009, Burgos
  • Classification Results of Artificial Neural Networks for Alzheimer's Disease Detection slides, Alexandre, Manhaes Savio, Maite, García-Sebastián, Carmen, Hernández, Manuel, Graña, Jorge, Villanúa, IDEAL 2009, 24 sept. 2009, Burgos
  • Watermarking Authentication Based on the Orthogonality of Pseudo-Random Binary Sequences, Manuel Grana, IPCV'09 inside WORLDCOMP'09, Las Vegas, 16 july 2009 slides
  • Domain modeling based on Engineering Standards, Carlos Toro, Manuel Graña, Jorge Posada, Javier Vaquero, Cesar Sanín, Edward Szczerbicki, KES 2009, Santiago de Chile
  • Bayesian Reflectance Component Separation, Ramón Moreno, Manuel Graña, Alicia d'Anjou, Carmen Hernandez, KES 2009
  • Ivan Villaverde, Manuel Graña, An Improved Evolutionary Approach for Egomotion Estimation with a 3D TOF Camera, IWINAC 2009, Santiago de Compostela, June 2009
  • Manuel Graña, Zelmar Echegoyen, Alicia d'Anjou, On the control of a multi-robot system for the manipulation of an elastic hose, IWINAC 2009, Santiago de Compostela, June 2009
  • Alexandre Savio, Maite García-Sebastián, Manuel Graña, Jorge Villanúa, Results of an Adaboost approach on Alzheimer's Disease detection on MRI, Methods and Models in Artificial and Natural Computation, IWINAC 2009, ISBN 3-642-02266-9, p. 114-123, Santiago de Compostela, June 2009
  • Maite García-Sebastián, Alexandre Savio, Manuel Graña, Jorge Villanúa, On the use of Morphometry based features for Alzheimer's Disease detection on MRI, IWANN2009, Salamanca, June 2009
  • Manuel Graña, Iván Villaverde, Jose Manuel López Guede, Borja Fernández, Review of Hybridizations of Kalman Filters with Fuzzy and Neural Computing for Mobile Robot Navigation, HAIS09, Salamanca, June 2009
  • Miguel Angel Veganzones. Comunicación en la segunda reunión de la Red Temática en Codificación y Transmisión de Contenidos Multimedia en Barcelona, 27 febrero 2009. https://gici.uab.es/wiki_red_tematica.


  • Ivan Villaverde, Zelmar Echegoyen, and Manuel Grana, Neuro-Evolutive system for ego-motion estimation with a 3D camera, slides ICONIP 2008, [25] Auckland, New Zealand, Nov. 25-28, 2008
  • Zelmar Echegoyen, Alicia d'Anjou, and Manuel Grana, Towards the adaptive control of a multirobot system for an elastic hose, slides ICONIP 2008, [26] Auckland, New Zealand, Nov. 25-28, 2008
  • Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Manuel Graña, Ekaitz Zulueta, and Oscar Barambones, Economical Implementation of Control Loops for Multi-Robot Systems, slides ICONIP 2008, [27] Auckland, New Zealand, Nov. 25-28, 2008
  • Ivan Villaverde and Manuel Graña, A Hybrid Intelligent System for Robot Ego Motion Estimation with a 3D Camera. Third International Workshop, HAIS 2008, Burgos, Spain, September 24-26, 2008
  • Ramón Moreno, Alicia d’Anjou and Manuel Graña, Evolutive Parametric Approach for Specular Correction in the Dichromatic Reflection Model, Third International Workshop, HAIS 2008, Burgos, Spain, September 24-26, 2008,
  • José Manuel López-Guede, Manuel Graña and Ekaitz Zulueta, On Distributed Cooperative Control for the Manipulation of a Hose by a Multirobot System, Third International Workshop, HAIS 2008, Burgos, Spain, September 24-26, 2008,
  • R.J. Duro, M. Graña and J. de Lope, On the need of Hybrid Intelligent Systems in Modular and Multi Robotics, Third International Workshop, HAIS 2008, Burgos, Spain, September 24-26, 2008,
  • "Endmember extraction methods: a short review"; Miguel Angel Veganzones, Manuel Graña; Communication on the "12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems - KES 2008" invited session on "Hyperspectral Imagery for Remote Sensing: Intelligent Analysis and Applications" in Zagreb (Croatia). September 3-5th, 2008. [28]. draft
  • An approach from Lattice Computing to fMRI analysis slides pdf Manuel Graña, Maite García-Sebastián, Ivan Villaverde, Elsa Fernandez, LBM 2008 (workshop dell CLA 2008), Omouluc, Chequia, 21-23 Octubre 2008 pdf-proceedings
  • "Diferencias de género en una tarea acuática virtual de Morris: el papelde cerca-lejos" (Gender differences in a virtual Morris water task: the role of near-far), A.A. Artigas, J. Sansa, F. Banterla, M. Graña y V.D. Chamizo. SEPC 2008, BIlbao
  • Ramón Moreno, Manuel Graña and Alicia d'Anjou. Evolutive Parametric Approach for Specular Correction in the Dichromatic Reflection ModelHybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS'08). accepted
  • Ivan Villaverde and Manuel Graña. A Hybrid Intelligent System for Robot Ego-Motion Estimation with a 3D Camera. The 3rd International Workshop on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS'08). accepted
  • A ROBUST INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FOR INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE WITH COGNICTIVE DISABILITIES E. Irigoyen, K. L. de Ipiña, N. Garay, I. Fajardo, A. Goicoechea, A. Ezeiza, M. Peñagarikano, G. Bordel, A. Conde, M. Larrañaga, A. Arruti, L.J. Rodríguez, J.M. López, E. Zulueta1, M. Graña, J. Rubio INTED2008. International Technology, Education and Development Conference L. Gómez Chova, D. Martí Belenguer, I. Candel Torres (eds) ISBN: 978-84-612-0190-7
  • M. Graña. A Brief Review of Lattice Computing WCCI 2008, Hong-Kong, 1-6 Junio 2008
  • Maite García-Sebastián, A. M. Savio, M. Graña. Comments on an Evolutionary Intensity Inhomogeneity Correction Algorithm WCCI 2008 Hong-Kong, 1-6 Junio 2008
  • M. Graña: Lattice Computing: Lattice Theory based Computational Intelligence , pdf MTE 2008, 15-18 Febrero 2008, Ibaraki National College of Technology, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki, Japan [29] MTE 2008 Proceedings, T. Matsuhisa, H. Koibuchi (eds), Dept. natural Sciences, Irabaki National College of Technology, pp.:19-27
  • Barandiaran,I.; Cottez,Ch., Paloc,C., Graña,M.: "Random Forest Classifiers for Real-Time Optical Markerless Tracking" In Proc. of 3rd Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications VISAPP 2008, Funchal, Madeira. Vol 2, pp. 559-561.
  • Barandiaran,I.; Cottez,Ch., Paloc,C., Graña,M.: "Comparative Evaluation of Random Forest and Ferns Classifiers for Real-Time Feature Matching" WSCG 2008 University of West Bohemia, Campus Bory, Plzen (Pilsen), Czech Republic February 4 - 7, 2008
  • Moujahid,A.; D'Anjou,A., Torrealdea,F.J.., Sarasola,C.: "Energy and correlation analysis of identical coupled chaotic systems" In Proc. of the Workshop Net-Works 2008, Pamplona (accepted).