intro master global

Master’s Degree in Philosophy for a Global World

Globalisation is characterised by an acceleration of worldwide connections in all areas of people’s current lives. Spatial organisation of relations and social transactions has changed radically, generating transnational flows and networks of activity, interaction and power wielding. However, education and civic values cannot be currently left at the mercy of the globalising market, where competitiveness rules.

Within this context, the Master’s Degree in Philosophy in a Global World is proposed as a research Master that responds to the need to reflect on globalisation from a philosophical viewpoint, and from the education system itself, to understand the conditions, the work and the sense of social transformation of the current so-called knowledge society.

The programme offers an interdisciplinary revision of the classic Kant theme of what we know, how we should act, what the human being is and what we can expect from global changes and transformations. These questions are approached in the various subjects covered in the Master from a philosophical-humanistic perspective that is critical, analytical and socially responsible.

This Master provides direct access to the doctorate programme Globalisation under Examination: Interdisciplinary Challenges and Responses, from the UPV/EHU.