
XSLaren edukia

Biomarkagailu Zelularrak eta Molekularrak

Gaiari buruzko datu orokorrak


Irakasgaiaren azalpena eta testuingurua

Specialization in environmental toxicology with focus in cell/molecular biology. Global/updated view of environmental problems and the use of cell/molecular responses as early warning signals (biomarkers) of ecosystem health in pollution assessment.


IzenaErakundeaKategoriaDoktoreaIrakaskuntza-profilaArloaHelbide elektronikoa
BLANCO RAYON, ESTEREuskal Herriko UnibertsitateaLan Kontratudun Bitarteko IrakasleaDoktoreaElebidunaZelulen
CAJARAVILLE BERECIARTUA, MIREN PILAREEuskal Herriko UnibertsitateaUnibertsitateko KatedradunaDoktoreaElebidunaZelulen
ORBEA DEL REY, AMAIAEuskal Herriko UnibertsitateaIrakaslego AgregatuaDoktoreaElebidunaZelulen


Understand the mechanisms of cation incorporation into cells, as well as the cellular strategies to detoxify and/or sequester physiological metals at toxic concentrations and xenobiotic metals, depending on the characteristics and speciation of metals.15.0 %
Understand the cellular and molecular responses to pollution by organic xenobiotics, including their biotransformation, involvement in oxyradical generation, and mechanisms and strategies of cellular and molecular adaptation.20.0 %
Understand the cellular and molecular pathways that lead to toxicant-caused genotoxic and non-genotoxic DNA and chromosomal damage, including repair mechanisms, and further development of preneoplastic and neoplastic diseases.20.0 %
Understand the importance of pollutants effects on cell signalling and homeostasis of the endocrine system, with emphasis in ecologically relevant effects on reproduction.15.0 %
Understand the implications of the changes at cellular and molecular level in the general health condition of the individuals and the natural populations, with the aim of achieving a reasonable and sustainable exploitation of natural resources.15.0 %
Understand the rationale for the use of cellular and molecular responses to pollutants in environmental monitoring and in environmental risk assessment, including the limitations and challenges of the approach. Role of emerging toxico-genomics and proteomics in new biomarker discovery.15.0 %

Irakaskuntza motak

MotaIkasgelako orduakIkasgelaz kanpoko orduakOrduak guztira
Laborategiko p.131629
Ordenagailuko p.235
Tailer Ind.0.511.5

Irakaskuntza motak

IzenaOrduakIkasgelako orduen ehunekoa
Ebaluazio jarduerak5.020 %
Lan-erakusketa15.026 %
Praktikak eta mintegiak25.040 %
Teoria55.040 %


IzenaGutxieneko ponderazioaGehieneko ponderazioa
Bertaratzea eta Parte-hartzea15.0 % 15.0 %
Idatzizko azterketa30.0 % 30.0 %
Praktiken Memoria/Txostenak25.0 % 25.0 %
Txostenak eta azalpenak lantzea30.0 % 30.0 %

Irakasgaia ikastean lortuko diren emaitzak

Al finalizar el curso los y las estudiantes deberían comprender los efectos que causan los contaminantes metálicos y orgánicos, así como otras fuentes de estrés ambiental, a nivel celular y molecular.

Al finalizar el curso los y las estudiantes deberían comprender las ventajas y limitaciones que tiene la aproximación basada en biomarcadores para la evaluación del estado de salud de los ecosistemas.

Ohiko deialdia: orientazioak eta uko egitea

Las condiciones de renuncia a la convocatoria ordinaria se rigen por la Normativa de permanencia del alumnado de los másteres universitarios aprobada por el acuerdo de consejo social de la UPV/EHU el 22 de Julio de 2015. En todo caso habrá que comunicar por escrito al profesor(a) responsable de la asignatura la renuncia a la convocatoria, antes de la primera prueba de evaluación de la asignatura.

Ezohiko deialdia: orientazioak eta uko egitea

Condiciones de evaluación a discutir con el profesorado.

Las condiciones de renuncia a la convocatoria extraordinaria se rigen por la Normativa de permanencia del alumnado de los másteres universitarios aprobada por el acuerdo de consejo social de la UPV/EHU el 22 de Julio de 2015. En todo caso habrá que comunicar por escrito al profesor(a) responsable de la asignatura la renuncia a la convocatoria 7 días antes a la prueba de evaluación extraordinaria.



1.- Introducción a los biomarcadores celulares y moleculares de la polución: ejemplos y aplicaciones en los programas de control.

2.- Biomarcadores y bioensayos para agentes contaminantes ambientales de interferencia endocrina.

3.- Técnicas para medir los biomarcadores celulares y moleculares.

4.- Toxicidad de los agentes contaminantes metálicos en relación con la acumulación celular y los procesos de almacenamiento.

5.- Métodos alternativos in vitro en el desarrollo de biomarcadores: potencial de los cultivos primarios de células de mejillón para la comprobación de la toxicidad de los agentes contaminantes ambientales.

6.- Generación de oxirradicales y estrés oxidativo en los organismos marinos.

7.- Mecanismos de proliferación de peroxisomas inducida por agentes contaminantes y razón de uso como biomarcador en la evaluación de la polución ambiental.

8.- Biotransformación de xenobióticos orgánicos.

9.- Alteraciones lisosómicas como indicadores de daños celulares de origen tóxico.

10.- Biomarcadores para la evaluación de daños en el ADN de origen tóxico.

11.- Desafíos para el uso de biomarcadores en el control ambiental y la evaluación de riesgos.


1.- Biomarcadores de exposición a metales.

2.- Evaluación de la proliferación de peroxisomas.

3.- Biomarcadores lisosómicos.

4.- Evaluación de la genotoxicidad.


1.- Aplicación de biomarcadores a casos prácticos.


Adams SM, Shepard KL, Greeley MS, Ryon JMG, Jimenez BD, Shugart LR, McCarthy JF, Hinton DE (1989) The use of biondicators for assessing the effects of pollutant stress in fish. Mar. Environ. Res. 28: 459-464.

Aitio A, Apostoli P (1995) Quality assurance in biomarker measurement. Toxicol. Lett. 77: 195-204.

Allan IJ, Vrana B, Greenwood R, Mills GA, Roig B, González C (2006) A toolbox for biological and chemical monitoring requirements for the European Union`s Water Framework Directive. Talanta 69: 302-322

Allen JI, Moore MN (2004) Environmental prognostics: Is current use of biomarkers appropriate for environmental risk evaluation Mar. Environ. Res. 58: 227-232.

Au DWT (2004) The application of histo-cytopathological biomarkers in marine pollution monitoring: a review. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 817-834.

Braunbeck T, Hinton DE, Streit D (Eds.) (1998) Fish Ecotoxicology. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel.

Broeg K, Westernhagen Hv, Zander S, Korting W, Köhler A (2005) The "Bioeffect Assessment Index" (BAI) concept for the quantification of effects of marine pollution by an integrated biomarker approach. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 50: 495-503.

Cajaraville, M.P. (ed.) (1995) Cell Biology in Environmental Toxicology. University of the Basque Country Press Service, Bilbo.

Cajaraville MP, Bebianno MJ, Blasco J, Porte C, Sarasquete C, Viarengo A (2000) The use of biomarkers to assess the impact of pollution in coastal environments of the Iberian Peninsula: a practical approach. Sci. Tot. Environ. 247: 295-311.

Cajaraville MP, Cancio I, Ibabe A, Orbea A (2003) Peroxisome proliferation as a biomarker in environmental pollution assessment. Micros. Res. Tech. 61: 191-202.

Galloway TS, Brown RJ, Browne MA, Dissanayake A, Lowe D, Depledge MH (2004) A multibiomarker approach to environmental assessment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38: 1723-1731.

Garrigues P, Borth H, Walker CH, Narbonne JF (Eds.) (2001) Biomarkers in marine organisms: a practical approach, Elsevier. Science Amsterdam.

GESAMP (IMO/FAO/UNESCO-IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP) (2001) Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection and Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea. A Sea of troubles. Rep. Stud. GESAMP No. 70, pp 33.

Goksøyr A, Arukwe A, Larsson J, Cajaraville MP, Hauser L, Nilsen BM, Lowe D, Matthiessen P (2003) Chapter 3: Molecular/cellular processes and the impact on reproduction. In: Lawrence AJ, Hemingway KL (Eds.), Effects of pollution on fish. Blacwell Science Ltd., Oxford, pp. 179-220.

Goldberg ED, Bertine KK (2000) Beyond the Mussel Watch new directions for monitoring marine pollution. Sci. Tot. Environ. 247: 165-174.

Graumann, W. & Drukker, J. (eds.). (1991) Histo- and cytochemistry as a tool in environmental toxicology. Gustav Fisher Verlag, Stuttgart.

Handy R, Galloway TS, Depledge MH (2003) A proposal for the use of biomarkers for the assessment of chronic pollution and in regulatory toxicology. Ecotoxicology 12: 331-343.

ICES (2004) Biological monitoring: General guidelines for quality assurance. In: Rees H (Ed.). ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences, No. 32. pp 44.

ICES (2005) Report of the Working Group on Biological Effects of Contaminants (WGBEC), 18-22 April 2005, Reykjavik, Iceland. ICES CM 2005/E: 08. pp 94.

ICES (2006) Report of the Second ICES/OSPAR Workshop on Integrated Monitoring of Contaminants and their Effects in Coastal and Open-sea Areas (WKIMON II), 17-19 January 2006, ICES Headquarters. ICES CM 2006/ACME:02. pp 157.

JAMP (2003) JAMP guidelines for contaminant-specific biological effects monitoring. OSPAR Commission, Ref. No: 2003-10. pp 38.

Köhler A, Wahl E, Soffker K (2002) Functional and morphological changes of lysosomes as prognostic biomarkers of toxic liver injury in marine flatfish (Platichthys flesus (L)). Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 21: 2434-2444.

Lam PKS, Gray J (2003) The use of biomarkers in environmental pollution monitoring programmes. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 46: 182-186.

Lawrence AJ, Hemingway KL (Eds.) (2003) Effects of pollution on fish. Molecular effects and population responses. Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford, UK.

Lippmann, M. (ed) (1992) Environmental toxicants: Human exposures and their health effects. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.

Marigómez I, Soto M, Cajaraville MP, Angulo E, Giamberini L (2002) Cellular and subcellular distribution of metals in molluscs. Micros. Res. Technol. 56: 358-392.

Marigómez I, Soto M, Orbea A, Cancio I, Cajaraville MP (2004) Chapter 14: Biomonitoring of environmental pollution along the Basque coast, using molecular, cellular and tissue-level biomarkers: an integrative approach. In: Oceanography and Marine Environment of the Basque Country, Borja A, Collins M (Eds.). Elsevier Oceanography series nº 70, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 335-364.

McCarthy LS, Munkittrick KR (1996) Environmental biomarkers in aquatic ecology: fiction, fantasy or functional Human Ecol. Risk Assess. 2: 268-274.

McCarthy JF, Shugart LR, (Eds.) (1990) Biomarkers of environmental contamination. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers.

Merrick BA, Tomer KB (2003) Toxicoproteomics: a parallel approach to identifying biomarkers. Environ. Health Persp. 111: A578-A579.

Mi J, Orbea A, Syme N, Ahmed M, Cajaraville MP, Cristobal S (2005) Peroxisome proteomics, a new tool for risk assessment of peroxisome proliferating pollutants in the marine environment. Proteomics 5: 3954-3965.

Moore MN, Allen JI, McVeigh A (2006) Environmental prognostics: an integrated model supporting lysosomal stress responses as predictive biomarkers of animal health status. Mar. Environ. Res. 61: 278-304.

Moore MN, Depledge MH, Readman JW, Leonard DRP (2004) An integrated biomarker-based strategy for ecotoxocological evaluation of risk in environmental management. Mutat. Res. 552: 247-268.

Neumann NF, Galvez F (2002) DNA microarrays and toxicogenomics: applications for ecotoxicology? Biotechnol. Advances 20: 391-419.

Oehlmann J, Schulte-Oehlmann U (2003) Endocrine disruption in invertebrates. Pure. Appl. Chem. 75: 2207-2218.

Peakall, D. (ed) (1992) Animal biomarkers as pollution indicators. Chapman & Hall, London.

Porte C, Janer G, Lorusso LC, Ortiz-Zarragoitia M, Cajaraville MP, Fossi MC, Canesi L (2006) Endocrine Disruptors in marine organisms: approaches and perspectives. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 143: 303-315.

UNEP/MAP (2005) Facts sheets on marine pollution indicators. UNEP(DEC)/MED/WG.264/Inf.14, Athens, pp. 249.

UNEP/RAMOGE (1999) Manual on the biomarkers recommended for the MED POL biomonitoring programme. UNEP, Athens. pp. 39.

Vernberg, J.; Calabrese, A.; Thurberg, FP & Vernberg, WB (eds) (1981) Biological monitoring of marine pollutants. Acad. Press, New York.

Viarengo A, Burlando B, Giordana A, Bolognesi C, Gabrielides GP (2000) Networking and expert-system analysis: next frontier in biomonitoring. Mar. Environ. Res. 49: 483-486.

Viarengo A, Canesi L (1991) Mussels as biological indicators of pollution. Aquaculture 94: 225-243.

Viarengo A, Nott JA (1993) Mechanism of heavy metal cation homeostasis in marine invertebrates. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 104: 355-372.


Oinarrizko bibliografia

Adams SM, Shepard KL, Greeley MS, Ryon JMG, Jimenez BD, Shugart LR, McCarthy JF, Hinton DE (1989) The use of biondicators for assessing the effects of pollutant stress in fish. Mar. Environ. Res. 28: 459-464.

Aitio A, Apostoli P (1995) Quality assurance in biomarker measurement. Toxicol. Lett. 77: 195-204.

Allan IJ, Vrana B, Greenwood R, Mills GA, Roig B, González C (2006) A toolbox for biological and chemical monitoring requirements for the European Union`s Water Framework Directive. Talanta 69: 302-322

Allen JI, Moore MN (2004) Environmental prognostics: Is current use of biomarkers appropriate for environmental risk evaluation Mar. Environ. Res. 58: 227-232.

Au DWT (2004) The application of histo-cytopathological biomarkers in marine pollution monitoring: a review. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 817-834.

Braunbeck T, Hinton DE, Streit D (Eds.) (1998) Fish Ecotoxicology. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel.

Broeg K, Westernhagen Hv, Zander S, Korting W, Köhler A (2005) The "Bioeffect Assessment Index" (BAI) concept for the quantification of effects of marine pollution by an integrated biomarker approach. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 50: 495-503.

Cajaraville, M.P. (ed.) (1995) Cell Biology in Environmental Toxicology. University of the Basque Country Press Service, Bilbo.

Cajaraville MP, Bebianno MJ, Blasco J, Porte C, Sarasquete C, Viarengo A (2000) The use of biomarkers to assess the impact of pollution in coastal environments of the Iberian Peninsula: a practical approach. Sci. Tot. Environ. 247: 295-311.

Cajaraville MP, Cancio I, Ibabe A, Orbea A (2003) Peroxisome proliferation as a biomarker in environmental pollution assessment. Micros. Res. Tech. 61: 191-202.

Galloway TS, Brown RJ, Browne MA, Dissanayake A, Lowe D, Depledge MH (2004) A multibiomarker approach to environmental assessment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38: 1723-1731.

Garrigues P, Borth H, Walker CH, Narbonne JF (Eds.) (2001) Biomarkers in marine organisms: a practical approach, Elsevier. Science Amsterdam.

GESAMP (IMO/FAO/UNESCO-IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP) (2001) Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection and Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea. A Sea of troubles. Rep. Stud. GESAMP No. 70, pp 33.

Goksøyr A, Arukwe A, Larsson J, Cajaraville MP, Hauser L, Nilsen BM, Lowe D, Matthiessen P (2003) Chapter 3: Molecular/cellular processes and the impact on reproduction. In: Lawrence AJ, Hemingway KL (Eds.), Effects of pollution on fish. Blacwell Science Ltd., Oxford, pp. 179-220.

Goldberg ED, Bertine KK (2000) Beyond the Mussel Watch new directions for monitoring marine pollution. Sci. Tot. Environ. 247: 165-174.

Graumann, W. & Drukker, J. (eds.). (1991) Histo- and cytochemistry as a tool in environmental toxicology. Gustav Fisher Verlag, Stuttgart.

Handy R, Galloway TS, Depledge MH (2003) A proposal for the use of biomarkers for the assessment of chronic pollution and in regulatory toxicology. Ecotoxicology 12: 331-343.

ICES (2004) Biological monitoring: General guidelines for quality assurance. In: Rees H (Ed.). ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences, No. 32. pp 44.

ICES (2005) Report of the Working Group on Biological Effects of Contaminants (WGBEC), 18-22 April 2005, Reykjavik, Iceland. ICES CM 2005/E: 08. pp 94.

ICES (2006) Report of the Second ICES/OSPAR Workshop on Integrated Monitoring of Contaminants and their Effects in Coastal and Open-sea Areas (WKIMON II), 17-19 January 2006, ICES Headquarters. ICES CM 2006/ACME:02. pp 157.

JAMP (2003) JAMP guidelines for contaminant-spec

Gehiago sakontzeko bibliografia

Selected articles of the CBET group (cont)

Marigómez I, Soto M, Orbea A, Cancio I, Cajaraville MP (2004) Chapter 14: Biomonitoring of environmental pollution along the Basque coast, using molecular, cellular and tissue-level biomarkers: an integrative approach. In: Oceanography and Marine Environment of the Basque Country, Borja A, Collins M (Eds.). Elsevier Oceanography series nº 70, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 335-364.

Marigómez I, Zorita I, Izagirre U, Ortiz-Zarragoitia M, Navarro P, Etxebarria N, Orbea A, Soto M, Cajaraville MP (2013) Combined use of native and caged mussels to assess biological effects of pollution through the integrative biomarker approach. Aquat Toxicol. 136-137: 32-48.

Orbea A, Cajaraville MP (2006) Peroxisome proliferation and antioxidant enzymes in transplanted mussels of four basque estuaries with different levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and polychlorinated biphenyl pollution. Environ Toxicol Chem. 25: 1616-1626.

Porte C, Janer G, Lorusso LC, Ortiz-Zarragoitia M, Cajaraville MP, Fossi MC, Canesi L (2006) Endocrine Disruptors in marine organisms: approaches and perspectives. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 143: 303-315.

Puy-Azurmendi E, Ortiz-Zarragoitia M, Villagrasa M, Kuster M, Aragón P, Atienza J, Puchades R, Maquieira A, Domínguez C, López de Alda M, Fernandes D, Porte C, Bayona JM, Barceló D, Cajaraville MP (2013) Endocrine disruption in thicklip grey mullet (Chelon labrosus) from the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve (Bay of Biscay, Southwestern Europe). Sci Total Environ. 443: 233-244.

Ruiz P, Díaz S, Orbea A, Carballal MJ, Villalba A, Cajaraville MP (2013) Biomarkers and transcription levels of cancer-related genes in cockles Cerastoderma edule from Galicia (NW Spain) with disseminated neoplasia. Aquat Toxicol.136-137: 101-111.

XSLaren edukia

Iradokizunak eta eskaerak