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Poesía en Lengua Inglesa25323

Facultad de Letras
Grado en Estudios Ingleses
Curso académico
Nº Créditos

DocenciaAlternar navegación

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P. de Aula2030

Guía docenteAlternar navegación

Descripción y Contextualización de la AsignaturaAlternar navegación

This course central aim is to learn how to read, interpret and analyze a particular literary movement within its historical and social context.

Competencias/ Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignaturaAlternar navegación

This subject belongs to the Fundamentos de Literatura Inglesa Module. Specifically it contributes to the achievement of module competences

M04CM01- To understand the English language and to use it properly through the reading of different literary texts.

M04CM02- To analyze literature written in English, exploring the interaction of the literary texts with the cultural and historical context in English- speaking countries.

M04CM03- To understand, analyze and interpret critically literature in English, using adequate text analysis techniques and to transmit and discuss it in groups and individually.

M04CM04- To understand the role of literature in the creation of personal and collective ideas related to fields of general interest, such as history, social relations or gender.

Final achievement of the module competences above entails the fulfilment of the degree competences

- G001 To be able to produce and understand any type of oral and written text in English.

- G002 To know the history, civilization and culture of the English-speaking countries.

- G004 To understand, analyse and interpret English literature and to be able to evaluate critically texts and documents in English.

- G006 To be able to understand the main ideas of complex texts in a second language and to express oneself with fluency both orally and in writing in that language.

- G007 To be able to relate the specific knowledge of the degree with other areas and disciplines and to transmit that knowledge in further studies in order to favour conciliatory and tolerant attitudes towards multilingual and multicultural diversity

- G008 To be able to work autonomously and in teams, making use of the techniques and tools acquired.

- G009 To be able to transmit the knowledge acquired in different academic contexts to be used in diverse professional contexts.

Contenidos teórico-prácticosAlternar navegación

The Romantic period

This course attempts to give a general overview of the most important critical concepts we use when analyzing poetry, and a survey of the most important poets of one of the most influential artistic movements ever. The Romantic period was in many ways a rebellion against the rigorous standards of the preceding Enlightenment period, and redefined art and literature. However, its influence laster throughout the nineteenth century, and we shall also study how the tenets of Romanticism persisted in a number of later poets.




4.-The Romantic period

5.-Echoes of Romanticism in the Victorian Period.

MetodologíaAlternar navegación

In this course students will learn to identify, explain and apply the terms related to literary analysis of poetry, for a better understanding of the formal aspects of poetry written in England in the 19th century. They will also be taughts how to identify the context of the Romantic period and the connections between poetry and other arts of the period, as well as the particular contexts of the specific poets under study. The first three units are devoted to formal analysis, while units four and five are devoted to studying specific poets and works of the period. Theoretical content will be practised extensively throughout the course.

Sistemas de evaluaciónAlternar navegación

  • Sistema de Evaluación Continua
  • Sistema de Evaluación Final
  • Herramientas y porcentajes de calificación:
    • Prueba escrita a desarrollar (%): 45
    • Trabajos individuales (%): 15
    • Trabajos en equipo (resolución de problemas, diseño de proyectos) (%): 20
    • Exposición de trabajos, lecturas… (%): 20

Convocatoria Ordinaria: Orientaciones y RenunciaAlternar navegación

Students who fail to accumulate a passing mark (50%) will fail the course and take the exam in the second sitting.

Withdrawal from Continuous or Mixed Assessment: All students have the right to be evaluated according to the final evaluation procedure independently of whether or not they have participated in the continuous or mixed assessment module. In order to do so, they must write the instructor responsible for the course expressing their desire to withdraw from the continuous/mixed assessment. For quadmestral courses students can do so within the first 9 weeks of the course, according to the academic calendar of their centre.

Withdrawal from an exam call: Withdrawal from a call will be assessed as “no grade reported” [no presentado/a].

1. In the case of continuous or mixed assessment, all students can withdraw from a call until at least one month before the date of the end of the teaching schedule of the corresponding course. This withdrawal must be submitted in writing to the instructor responsible for the course.

2. In the case of final assessment, not sitting the exam on the official date of the exam qualifies as an automatic withdrawal from the corresponding call.

In the case of online classes, the percentages of assessment will remain, but the written tests in the classroom will be replaced by written assignments covering the same topics, to be submitted by email on the corresponding day of the test.

Convocatoria Extraordinaria: Orientaciones y RenunciaAlternar navegación

The mark will be based on an exam (100%).

The new regulation about assessment can be found at the following link:

Materiales de uso obligatorioAlternar navegación

The teacher will provide all the necessary course material and references for the theoretical part. For the practical part, the title listed in "Bibliografía Básica" contains almost all poems under study.

BibliografíaAlternar navegación

Bibliografía básica

Simonson. M & Raúl Montero (eds.). English Poetry 1783-1916. PortalEditions, 2014.

Bibliografía de profundización

Burwick, Frederick. Romanticism: Keywords. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.

Butler, Marilyn. Romantics, Rebels and Reactionaries 1760-1830. Oxford UP, 1981.

Curran, Stuart (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to British Romanticism. Cambridge UP, 2010

Ferber, Michael. Romanticism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford UP, 2010

Jarvis, Robin. The Romantic Period: The Intellectual and Cultural Context of English Literature 1789-1830. Harlow: Longman, 2004.

McCalman, Iain, ed. An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age: British Culture 1776- 1826. Oxford UP, 1999.

Roe, Nicholas, ed. Romanticism: An Oxford Guide. Oxford UP, 2005.

Ruston, Sharon. Romanticism. London: Continuum, 2007.

Sanders, Andrew. The Short Oxford History of Literature in English. Second edition.
Clarendon: Oxford, 2001.

Wu, Duncan. 30 Great Myths About the Romantics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.


Romanticism (Edinburgh University Press): British literature 1750-1850:

Direcciones web

Romanticism Unbound (resources, links, texts, chronologies, etc.):

GruposAlternar navegación

66 Teórico (Inglés - Tarde)Mostrar/ocultar subpáginas


13:00-15:00 (1)

13:00-13:30 (2)


Aula(s) impartición


66 P. de Aula-1 (Inglés - Tarde)Mostrar/ocultar subpáginas


13:30-15:00 (1)


Aula(s) impartición