Faculty of Engineering data sheet

Faculty of Engineering data sheet

The Faculty of Engineering Vitoria-Gasteiz is located at the Campus of Araba and has trained engineers for the last 60 years. Currently, the Faculty offers a total of five Bachelor´s Degrees, two double Bachelor`s Degrees, two Master´s Degrees and four supplementary courses. We have a team of 110 faculty members, 23 administration and service staff and fully-equipped laboratories. We are a quality Faculty working closely with both students and companies and research institutions the quality of training our students receive and for our research.

Our mission is to train profesional engineeers, people who know how to do their job successfully in the society we live in, where a globalised economy and job market  Mobility  require profiles  capable of developing their job in other countries with different languages and customs.

We also have Exchange agreements with a large number of European and American universities and participate in several international  networks.

We are signatories to the Green Pact of the Vitoria-Gasteiz municipality and  belong to the European network of Cooperative and Work Integrated Higher Education (CWIHE), DUAL Education.