Article 1.- Preliminary Registration.

Before enrolment begins on any postgraduate lifelong learning course offered by the UPV/EHU there will be a preliminary registration period­ in which students wishing to enrol must file their applications.

Applications must be submitted by the general deadline set, with any fees set for preliminary registration being paid at the outset. Applications may be submitted online or directly to the body responsible for managing the course, along with the documentation required in each case. That documentation must be handed in to the registrar's office of the department, institute or centre that offers the UPV/EHU-specific course in question.

If the number of places requested in the preliminary registration period is lower than the minimum number of students set in the proposal, the express authorisation of the relevant Vice Rector is required for the course to take place. A grounded request must be filed accordingly, accompanied by the new proposal, before enrolment takes place. In no case may enrolment commence if the necessary authorisation has not yet been obtained.

Article 2.- Admission Requirements.

1. Without prejudice to any further requirement set in the proposal for the provision of each course, students must meet the requirements indicated in the Regulations for UPV/EHU-specific Courses and in the points below.

2. Students with non-Spanish qualifications.

Students who hold non-Spanish qualifications­ may access the courses with no need first to have their qualifications officially recognised.

The admission procedure is as follows:

When completing preliminary registration, a request for admission must be submitted to the Academic Committee or Academic Director for the qualification for which the student wishes to study, accompanied by the following documents duly translated into Spanish (except for documents in French, English, Italian or Portuguese):

a) Official qualification certificate: a legalised photocopy (or a plain photocopy plus the original for comparison) of the official qualification certificate that entitles the holder to access the UPV/EHU-specific qualification, or the receipt proving that that certificate has been applied for.

b) A certificate listing the subjects taken, indicating names, duration and grades.

Translations may be provided:

a)  By any foreign consular or diplomatic office of the Spanish State.

b) By the consular or diplomatic office of Spain in the country of origin of the applicant, or of the country of origin of the document.

c)  By a sworn translator duly authorised or registered in Spain.

In the preliminary registration process the Academic Director for the UPV/EHU-specific qualification will send the file on the student to the Postgraduate Studies Committee, along with a report on the suitability of the qualification submitted. In view of these data, the Postgraduate Studies Committee will convey its decision to the Academic Committee for the qualification, expressly indicating whether or not admission can be authorised.

Applicants admitted who go on to complete their enrolment will be provided with an authorisation granted by the Rector of the UPV/EHU.

3. For courses provided at the request of businesses or institutions, measures may be set in place to facilitate the joint enrolment of students from those businesses or institutions whenever possible.

Article 3.- Admission.

1.  Once the preliminary registration period comes to an end, the Academic Committee for the qualification will select and admit applicants.

2. Once selection is completed, the Academic Director must proceed as follows:

a) Students must be notified of their status (accepted, on the waiting list or rejected). Applicants admitted must then confirm that they accept their admission.

b) Applicants rejected must be advised that they can file an appeal as relevant.

c) The enrolment dates for students admitted must be indicated.

d) The UPV/EHU-Specific Qualifications Unit must be informed of the enrolment date with at least 5 days' prior notice. This notification must indicate the commencement date if there has been any change in regard to the date indicated in the proposal. If the Academic Director has granted any aid under the subsidies available, the certificate granting that aid must be submitted.

3.  If the qualification is modular in structure and applicants apply to study one or more modules, the admission document must specify the modules on which they are admitted and, as relevant, the qualifications or diplomas to which they lead. That document will indicate that the provision of the rest of the modules will depend on whether the course is actually provided, as set out in the Regulations for UPV/EHU-specific Courses.

Article 4.- Enrolment.

1.  Those who have obtained a place must enrol for all the courses stipulated to obtain the relevant qualification.

After confirming their applications, students may formally register online within the periods set for each qualification.

2.  The documents that must be handed in on enrolling will be sent to the UPV/EHU-specific Qualifications Unit.

3.  Enrolments will be admitted provisionally, subject to confirmation that the requirements set out in the Regulations for UPV/EHU-specific Courses and those indicated in the proposal for the provision of the course have been met. If the relevant Vice Rector does not issue a resolution or a notification to the contrary within three months as from the date of submittal of the enrolment application, the application will be taken as accepted and firm for all intents and purposes.

If it is found that the enrolee has not met all the requirements set, he/she will be given ten days in which to make good the shortcomings detected. The enrolment form submitted will be shelved on grounds of nonfulfilment of part of the requirements for formal admission. Should this not be done, a resolution will be issued deeming him/her to have withdrawn his/her application for enrolment.

4. Students who owe money to the UPV/EHU under a firm ruling may not enrol on UPV/EHU-specific qualifications.

5. Any resolution rejecting enrolment must be grounded and will give rise to the refunding of the public fees paid by the applicant. Moreover, an appeal may be filed before the Rector of the UPV/EHU.

6. Once the enrolment period ends, the Academic Director for the UPV/EHU-specific qualification must check that the number of students formally enrolled reaches at least the minimum number set in the proposal for the provision of the course. If this is not the case, the procedure set out in Article 35 of these regulations must be followed. If the aforesaid conditions are not met, a request for authorisation must be submitted to the relevant Vice Rector, along with a new proposal. In no case may teaching begin before that authorisation is granted. The monitoring report on the qualification will record the relevant updates.

Article 5.- Enrolment Dates.

The Academic Director must set the enrolment period for each course. That period must be no more than 1 week. Reaching the minimum required number of students as per the proposal presented is a prerequisite for requesting the opening of the enrolment period.

At least 10 days must elapse between the end of the enrolment period and the commencement of classes.

Any change in these dates will require the authorisation of the Post-graduate Studies Committee.

Article 6.- Place of Enrolment & Documentation.

Students admitted must enrol online via the app provided for that purpose.

The following accompanying documentation for enrolment must be mailed to the UPV/EHU-Specific Qualifications Unit:

a.  Photocopy of national ID card (for Spanish nationals), official identity document (citizens of other EU countries) or photocopy of passport or residence card (non EU citizens).

a.  A legalised photocopy (or a plain photocopy plus the original for comparison) of the official degree certificate that entitles the holder to access the UPV/EHU-specific qualification, or the receipt proving that it has been applied for. Holders of UPV/EHU qualifications dated 1998 or later need not submit these documents.

c.  1 photo with full name on the reverse side.

d.  Proof of payment in one of the forms indicated as per the following article.

e.  Documentary proof of entitlement, if any, to discounts on or exemption from fees.

Article 7.- Payment of Enrolment Fees.

1.- Amount

The enrolment fee to be paid by each student is calculated automatically when the application for enrolment is made. It includes the fixed enrolment expenses envisaged in the order from the Basque Govt. Ministry for Education setting the amounts payable for public services in higher education at the University of the Basque Country and the conditions for entitlement to exemptions from and reductions on same for the academic year in question.

Persons who are simultaneously taking other courses at the University pay this fee with the first enrolment that they formalise.

If the course is designed to last more than one academic year, a separate fee applies for each year, and the amount payable corresponds to the credits obtainable in the relevant year.

The fees per credit recognised will be as set by the Social Council and published by the office of the relevant Vice Rector.

2.- Form of payment

Payment may be made as follows:

a.  By a personalised promissory note issues when the enrolment is formalised. This promissory note is payable into the account indicated in the following subsection. The bank will stamp and validate payments made via promissory notes. The original promissory note must be sent to the UPV/EHU-Specific Qualifications Unit. Students must keep a duplicate, which serves as proof of payment.

b.  Payment gateway

c.  Bank transfer. Once payment has been made, proof of payment must be sent to the UPV/EHU-Specific Qualifications Unit.

3.- Account for payment provided.

4.- Dates of payment

The fees set must be paid in a single amount at the time of formal enrolment, or in two equal instalments, with the first being paid at the time of enrolment and the second on the date indicated below.

The payment dates for second instalments will be set for each academic year by the office of the Vice Rector responsible for the course.

Article 8.- Reduced Fees & Exemptions.

1.- Cases in which exemptions & reduced fees are applicable:

a.  When the organisation providing the UPV/EHU-specific qualification so determines, if the subsidies available for the qualification include financing for fees. The "EHU alumni" discount, among others.

b.  Full exemption for members of "special category" large families, and a 50% discount on enrolment fees for members of "general category" large families. Large family membership must be accredited via a legalised photocopy (or a plain photocopy and the original for comparison) of the official certificate issued by the relevant provincial council or public body, which certificate must not have expired. Holders of large-family membership certificates which have expired may still obtain these benefits if they can prove that they have applied for a renewal.

c.  Full exemption for victims of terrorism, their spouses and children. "Victim of terrorism" status must be accredited by means of a certificate issued by the Subdirectorate General for Citizens' Care and Assistance for Victims of Terrorism at the Ministry of the Interior, or a resolution attesting to acceptance on the Programme of Aid for Victims of Terrorism.

d.  Full exemption for students with a degree of disability assessed by the competent body at 33% or more. This status must be accredited by means of a certificate issued by the relevant provincial council or public body.

e. Full exemption for victims of gender violence classed as such under Decree 29/2011 of 1 March on mechanisms for coordination of care for victims of gender violence at the general administration of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country and for their children aged below 25 in their care and living with them. These exemptions and reductions will be applicable as regulated by this article.

f.   Other exemptions established by the Social Council.

Each individual is entitled to only one exemption for any UPV/EHU-specific Qualification, and the relevant documentation must be submitted at the time of enrolment.

Article 9.- Cancellation of Enrolment.

1.- Enrolments may be cancelled as indicated in the Regulations for UPV/EHU-specific Courses.

2.– If the course is cancelled after enrolment has been completed, the following procedure will apply:

  • Should the organiser of the course decide to cancel it, the Academic Director for the UPV/EHU-specific qualification must inform students accordingly within 5 days as from the deadline set for enrolment. The said notification must indicate the steps to be taken to secure a refund of the fees paid, to wit a written request addressed to the UPV/EHU-Specific Qualifications Unit containing the following data: identity of the student, bank account number (20 digits) and the name and ID card number of the account holder if it is not the person enrolled.
  • Should the Post-graduate Studies Committee or the Academic Director decide to cancel the UPV/EHU-specific qualification­ course, students must be notified accordingly within 5 days as from the day following the receipt of the notification of the decision, indicating what steps they must take to secure a refund of the public fees paid, as per the foregoing subsection.


Article 10.- Preliminary Registration & Enrolment.

Arrangements for preliminary registration and enrolment on university extension studies courses will be as set out by the proponent of the relevant course.

Students must enrol at the registrar's office of the body responsible for the course.

Enrolment fees must be paid in a single amount, into the account of the Organic Unit specified. The relevant committee may authorise payment of enrolment fees by instalments.

Requests for the cancellation of enrolment will not entail any entitlement to the refunding of fees paid unless the course has not yet begun.

Article 11.- Management of Expenditure.

Once the enrolment process has been completed, the person responsible for the course will take the following steps:

The department or area responsible will enter and enrol the student on the course. Students admitted must pay the fees into the account indicated and must also pay the insurance fee (though this €4 fee is payable only by those who cannot provide proof of enrolment on other courses at the UPV/EHU).